This is my character.
Name : Vortex
Age : around 21
Faction : unknown
Eye color : brown
hair color: black
Items : water flask, stimpacks, and rations
Equipment : Leather Armor, 2 Desert Eagles .44, and 5 clips
Bio : ST 7, PE 7, EN 7, CH 7, IN 6, AG 8; LK 5
Skills : Small, and Big guns, unarmed
Traits : Gifted and Finesse
Perk : Comprehension
History : Since Vortex has amnesia its more like the present. Vortex awokes near Navarro with a major headache, and only remebers a vast knowledge of survival and combat skills (Vortex isn't an unstopable char. he just has that knowledge to be a good shot with a varity of weapons, and hold his own in HTH combat). His only companion is a strange dog named K-9 that keeps calling him Master Vortex. When Vortex asked K-9 about how they meet K-9 said that Vortex saved him from a pack of death claws (non intelligent), but one was only knocked out, so as Vortex told K-9 his name it got up and swipped him with its claw sending him into large rock. Luckly K-9 was able to finish off the Death claw himself. So now Vortex wanders the wastland in search of his past with his fateful copanion K-9. Vortex rarely backs down from a fight, so he knows a little first aide to patch minor bullet wounds. Vortex and K-9 are also good at recon, because K-9 can survey and map an area then download that data to a computer I'm on the lookout for guards.
Well thats my story, so if anyone thinks they can use an extra gun in their story let me know.
Thanks in advance
Name : Vortex
Age : around 21
Faction : unknown
Eye color : brown
hair color: black
Items : water flask, stimpacks, and rations
Equipment : Leather Armor, 2 Desert Eagles .44, and 5 clips
Bio : ST 7, PE 7, EN 7, CH 7, IN 6, AG 8; LK 5
Skills : Small, and Big guns, unarmed
Traits : Gifted and Finesse
Perk : Comprehension
History : Since Vortex has amnesia its more like the present. Vortex awokes near Navarro with a major headache, and only remebers a vast knowledge of survival and combat skills (Vortex isn't an unstopable char. he just has that knowledge to be a good shot with a varity of weapons, and hold his own in HTH combat). His only companion is a strange dog named K-9 that keeps calling him Master Vortex. When Vortex asked K-9 about how they meet K-9 said that Vortex saved him from a pack of death claws (non intelligent), but one was only knocked out, so as Vortex told K-9 his name it got up and swipped him with its claw sending him into large rock. Luckly K-9 was able to finish off the Death claw himself. So now Vortex wanders the wastland in search of his past with his fateful copanion K-9. Vortex rarely backs down from a fight, so he knows a little first aide to patch minor bullet wounds. Vortex and K-9 are also good at recon, because K-9 can survey and map an area then download that data to a computer I'm on the lookout for guards.
Well thats my story, so if anyone thinks they can use an extra gun in their story let me know.
Thanks in advance