New part time project in the works


First time out of the vault
Hey guys!

I've started work on a part time project. I haven't really got a story yet, but I'll be working on that when I'm about halfway through the mapping as I know most of the locations I'd like to create. As I create new dialouge and scripts I can start to mould the story a little better than what I have at the moment. It's not a bad start to the story, its just not going anywhere at the moment, so I'll leave that for now... :P The mod is set around the same time as Fallout 2. Humanity as we know it is rebuilding and adapting, but theres still plenty of work to be done.

In the meantime a bit about the rest of the project. It will be the usual new locations and NPC's, with a huge number of quests and a 'real world' feeling. Some of the bigger cities are hustling bustling New Reno type affairs, with shedloads of NPC's whereas others may be total ghost towns with sinister going ons afoot. I'm hoping for 30 or more large locations, or at least 20-25 large with 5-10 smaller locations.

I'm hoping to cram in a whole crapload of refrences to popular culture, scfi-fi films, jokes and other games without making them seem out of place in the world. [King Arthur and the HHOA anyone? How about the Crashed Shuttle?] I'm doing my best to make them subtle. Some of them so subtle, you may see them a few times without noticing.

Some locations already being built to tempt you are...

Darkwoods Mental Institute:
Before the fall this uninviting compound housed many inmates from plain straight out brain damaged, to criminally and psychotically insane. Nowdays its the haven of an intelligent, though prone to raving, lunatic professor who stands out among the immense pack of damaged goods still living within the walls. He experiments down in the basement on his 'subjects' almost round the clock. He wont tell you what he's working on though. There will be a few quests available from him, mostly scavenging work, but the experience available may well be worth it.

New Haven:
A safe well policed town. Similar to NCR but without the bigotry. Here you'll meet James W. Gacy the head of Police, Bert the manager and owner of Fargo Traders who will have all sorts of goodies for sale, Miss Nidia who owns the Cat's Paw book shop and you can even help out Lauren who runs the Desperado Casino if you want. A nasty mob member called Ivan is trying to run a protection racket on her and has threatened her with violence to ensure she doesn't go to the cops. Will you help out Lauren or give the mob a hand?

Boondock Piers
A quaint little town on the coast. Everyone seems nice enough, but no one wants to talk about the old beach house a short walk out of town. Here you can meet Pete who lives in the abandoned tanker, Brett the salvager and Alexandra the town whore. All of them will be happy to point you in the direction of the beach house, but all leave you with dire warnings. Travel there if you just may not enjoy what you find...

Thats it so far. New Haven is about 60% completed on the mapping side of things. Heres some screenies to see:
The police station.
Prisoner exercise yard.
Laurens Casino

So far its shaping up pretty well. There is a load of scripting and mapping ahead but its all going to be well worth it. Tell me what you think of it so far. :D

Ataraxia said:
I've started work on a part time project.

I'm hoping for 30 or more large locations,

Yeah, RIGHT. How about creating a single working minor location to begin with? Or else you'll not be taken seriously, and your announcement will go the way of countless other announcements.

I'm editing your pics to links as they're more than 300 kB each. Please use thumbnails, or else post them as jpgs instead of bmp.
Hi Ataraxia. A non requested piece of advice from someone who started to make a three maps mod, and now is trying to squeeze everything in two towns (18 months later): start small. Or at least try to enlist some help soon. Have a happy modding :D
Per said:
Ataraxia said:
I've started work on a part time project.

I'm hoping for 30 or more large locations,

Yeah, RIGHT. How about creating a single working minor location to begin with? Or else you'll not be taken seriously, and your announcement will go the way of countless other announcements.

I'm editing your pics to links as they're more than 300 kB each. Please use thumbnails, or else post them as jpgs instead of bmp.

Ack! Its 3:30am and I'm tired. Sorry bout that. Also 30 was more of a dreamer number. I'm going to push to get 10 world map locations finished and maybe add some in afterwards. Either way I'm surprised New Haven has been coming along as quick as it has. I lost the first incarnation due to me doing silly things in the mapper and corrupting my .map files. This version is a lot better anyway in my eyes as the map is a lot more detailed than before, and makes a lot more sense.

Wish me luck! Updates soon... :)
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but Laurens Casino has a huge DESPERADO in the front...
Ha, it's funny I live in New Haven, Connecticut and it's the opposite of what you describe. Half the population is black teenagers burning cars and schools, the other half is cracked out older black folks. And it's nearly lawless. Over the weekend I had to replace a bunch of windows the neighborhood niggers keep breaking. Police are on edge. I live out on the fringe where some of the whites try to keep things nice.
fbarone said:
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but Laurens Casino has a huge DESPERADO in the front...

Ataraxia said:
you can even help out Lauren who RUNS the DESPERADO CASINO if you want
Nuff said.

Mad Max RW:

Ha! I just pulled New Haven out of my behind cause it sounded good! :D Well theres a sort of reference to the real world. In the game, New Haven is the complete opposite of the real world neighbourhood! :)

So what do you guys think of the idea?
Isn't that opinions? :D

As for 'idea' I meant the mod! :p Going to try and finish off Haven tommorow with basic scripting in place, then start writing the scripts [HA HA] for the map. I suck at scripting, so this will be a huge learning curve [read: learning cliff].
Darkwoods Mental Institute: it sounds interesting... A sane man amongst many insane ones... Is he helping, or just thinking about his OWN interests? HOW much is he sane? Is he working upon something which has a value in the wasteland, or is he working about something which could have made it notorious in the pre-war world only? There's room for a lot of plot twists and a thick (interesting) setting.

Boondock Piers: it catched my eye. It sounds promising... But it's something requiring you to make something really unexpected.

New Haven: uhm, wild west situation. You didn't tell a lot about this one, though... So I'm not really giving you an opinion here.

As a side note, I added the most interesting plot twists AFTER I kinda closed my hand written document. I think that NO brainstorming is the main shortcoming you face when working alone... I got the feeling that you can devise some interesting stuff. Just keep in mind that interesting stuff must be well told, or it is wasted. Keep it up. :D
Whoah, 30 locations. Well, uh, good luck. You'll probably need that, and some more to make it all the way. Nonetheless, I do hope you'll make it.
Ataraxia said:
you can even help out Lauren who RUNS the DESPERADO CASINO if you want
Nuff said.

Sorry, my bad. Hope you can do this, but I don't believe in you. Nothing personal, but there's at least 3 announcements per week, and all of them die in a few months...
as a self proclaimed crappy mod planner, I declare that this mod is crappily planned for all reasons mentioned above.

Your mapping isnt that bad, but everything else...blech.
fbarone said:
Ataraxia said:
you can even help out Lauren who RUNS the DESPERADO CASINO if you want
Nuff said.

Sorry, my bad. Hope you can do this, but I don't believe in you. Nothing personal, but there's at least 3 announcements per week, and all of them die in a few months...

Sorry, that actually came out harsher than I meant! :D Well I'm doing my best as is. As it says its a 'part time' project. I'm just hoping to make a one-man-mod so to speak. Its easily possible, its just people wont believe in it until they see the end all, final stage, bug free product. It can be and it will be done... :)

Thanks for the comments guys, I'll keep you posted.

Side note: You wont know what the Doc was working on until the end of the game. ;)
Doesn't sound half bad, but please try to plan more modestly. Create one town and place it in the original game, and see if you've still got steam then.
Ataraxia said:
As it says its a 'part time' project. I'm just hoping to make a one-man-mod so to speak.

it doesnt look like you have that much faith in yourself either.

I fail to see the point to anouncing it this early besides "Mommy look what I did"
The point was to try and generate a bit of 'Hey look at that'. Its sort of a preview or an 'up and coming'. Just to try and generate some excitement and get a feel of what people like and what they dont like. I'll update when I have something more I suppose.