New power armor


First time out of the vault
I was looking around the FIFE site and found this screenshot

The advanced power armor in it resembles alot more of the one seen in fallout2 videos than the original one. Any place where I could download this new version of it? And how would I replace the original one with it?
Ummm, in Fallout 2.
This looks to me like the original armour.

(If its just a case of you having not found it yet - look harder - you can get a set from a certain quartermaster if you ask nicely.)

As to replacing it (as a purely hypothecical excercise) you'd need to get all of the .FRMs Then replace their name with the name of the critter (leather jacket hero is HMMAXX) plus the weapon animation suffix e.g. AA and replace the files.
Armour looks little different (especially head) because on the screenshot visible is not first, but third frame from big guns idle animation ;)
Yeah. On the screen, they all are sleeping while standing. Damn weak soldiers. :>