New SFX help


Vault Senior Citizen
Ok guys, i need a little help implementing new SFX.

First off, i've read the few SFX tutorials there are, and read through the various threads on the subject usually by Dude_obj or Corpse. They helped alot, but i still have some unanswered questions:

1) Most ACM's are in this format:


WA for attack sound
WH for impact sound
WR for reload sound
WO for fire attempt sound when the weapon is empty (click sound)
1 = sound for the first fire mode
And the last 1 is for alternate sound

But some look like this: WH$1LXX1. Does anyone know what the L (or whatever letter) means?

2) Does anyone know how to create new weapon sets? In the Mapper, when you create a new item proto, it lists all the regular weapon sets (H for pistol, F for hammer etc). But i want to assign completely new FRM sets (for the sniper (S) and wakizashi (w) animations) Has anyone done this before?

3) I also want to assign new sounds for A (idle) C (draw) and D (holster) for these new weapons. I figured out how implement new WA (weapon attack) SFX, but don't know how to proceed with these. From the ACM files in Master.dat i can see they are named in the standard HMXXXXDC convention (Hero/Male/XXXX/Knife/Holster. Again, anyone done this and can help me out?

It looks like all the unusually-named ACM files start with WH, so they're impact sounds. I'm guessing that these are used for hitting different materials - a ricocheting bullet has a different sound than one that hits a person. I only see the letters 'f', 'm', 's', 'w' used, which probably correspond to flesh, metal, stone, and wood.
Kanhef said:
It looks like all the unusually-named ACM files start with WH, so they're impact sounds. I'm guessing that these are used for hitting different materials - a ricocheting bullet has a different sound than one that hits a person. I only see the letters 'f', 'm', 's', 'w' used, which probably correspond to flesh, metal, stone, and wood.

That sounds about right. Great stuff Kanhef, thanks. I'll test it and post here to confirm.

Now, any idea about my other question? Can anyone tell me how to make the mapper recognise new weapon sets? I have all the new FRM's 100% done and named (S for sniper, W for wakizashi). Do i just put them into critter.dat, update the .lst and that's it? I suspect there may be more involved: has anyone done this already?

EDIT: to answer my own questions:

1) Kanhef is correct about the SFX suffixes:

F= flesh
M= metal (i think)
S= stone (unable to confirm)
W= wood

2) See this thread:

for Timeslips timely solution to adding new animations. But, there are a limited number (6 i think)