New stories/old places


This kind of owes itself to Grom's message about old location.

Would it be possible for interplay to go back to the old locations of Fallout 1 and 2 and basically use the old locations for new stories?

There are a number of things that a lot of players would like to have seen done. For instance quite a few people would like to have seen more gang fights in New Reno, or to participate in the mutant war in F01. For instance the battle around the Hub could have been a lot of fun, as would have been the invasion by the mutants of necropolis. It seems that both FO1 and FO2 left out opportunities, some which might have been planned and never were implemented.

How difficult would it be to develop these games? Would it be worth it?
New Reno?

New Reno should be destroyed in a freak accident. It shouldn't have been created, in the first place.
Hey, Welsh!

Anyway, what you are suggesting sounds like a add-on/expansion pack. But, with things left as it is, I don't think anything less than a FO3 can appease the fans. But, there were a lot of stuff in FO2 that didn't get finished and were disabled. If you read Per's walkthrough, you will find a unfinished section on it. Stuff like Gecko's good ending, putting all the Den kids in the orphanage with Mom being the caretaker, the EPA(would've been nice), the ending with Hubologists's space shuttle's crash, the stupid holy hand *&^% of *%$#, to convince Shadow who walks to abondon the raiders, and the lists goes on and on. So, it's not they left out a lot of stuff hanging in the air. It's just that they didn't have the stinking time to finish it(which would make it a better game).

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-02 AT 01:23PM (GMT)[p]>So, it's not they left out a lot of stuff hanging in the air. It's just that they didn't have the stinking time to finish it(which would make it a better game).

Because, to mention it again, they dicked around doing too many easter eggs, pop culture references and other nonsense that didn't fit. As opposed to the same which DID fit into Fallout.
Hey Starseeker!

It would be sad if the designers decided to delay a Fallout 3 for "finishing" or returning to the earlier Fallouts. I guess that there is still a lot of opportunity left in the old games that I think players would like to see realized. Instead, I think a lot of people are saying, "if only they had done....." A happy ending for Gecko would have been real nice.

I also agree with Rosh on this. They should spend less time dicking around with Easter Eggs and more time on the game itself.

The stupid part is that they even have the map and the characters done on most of them. The orphanage and the space shuttle are there in the game, but they just didn't wrap it up! I mean, I could really care less about the crushed whale, the guardian of forever, tin man, or the cafe' of broken dreams, if they finish the main parts of the story first.

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."