New to Fallout 2 where do I find this " Burst Shot &quo


First time out of the vault
Just beat Fallout 1 and well.. not seen an option for burst shot.. perhaps Im either blind or stupid but I heard burst shot helps make guns do more damage... anyway can someone tell me where to locate it on Fallout 2 because none of my Small guns are doing any damage and I hear its cause its on single shot... can anyone help me?
Equip a weapon that's capable of burst firing (SMGs, shotguns etc.), then right-click on the weapon on the main screen to change the firing mode. It should be in the manual.
SMG, and Combat shotguns are an example of burst capable weapons, right click on the weapon portrait on your HuD.
By right clicking you can also select reload options and aimed shots. (unless you have fast shot)

The reason you may be doing no damage might have to do with the gun//ammo you are trying to use against a certain enemy. (High damage reduction enemies)

How did you reload your weapons easily before?