New Vegas features in the Official XBox Magazine in February

Oh OXM. You may be too busy playing Team Deathmatch on CoD: MW2 to fact check something, but we (well, maybe only me) still love you.
generalissimofurioso said:
Well, it's OXM.

Their readers see Fallout and immediately think Bethesda.

The problem is the writers also read the magazine.
Well, Bethesda is the company that marketed Fallout 3 so well Brink can't go one day without being mistaken for a BethSoft developed game. Seriously. When it was revealed, the dudes at the E3 sneak peek were all like, "Bethesda, Bethesda, Bethesda."
To be fair, Bethesda is still the publisher of the game so they're not completely wrong. Between OE and Bethesda, I think it's pretty clear what name will speak more to people who buy this magazine.
So in about a month this will turn into news of something other than OMX's attribution of NV to Bethesda.
Wonder why they said "news soon" in before.... one month is not "soon" for me. A few days is soon, one week is soon, but one month? Meh.
Bowyerte said:
To be fair, Bethesda is still the publisher of the game so they're not completely wrong. Between OE and Bethesda, I think it's pretty clear what name will speak more to people who buy this magazine.
Yeah, it's not abnormal or even technically incorrect to refer to it as Bethesda's game (as long as they don't specifically reference BGS). It's like referring to Metroid Prime as Nintendo's game.

Lexx said:
Wonder why they said "news soon" in before.... one month is not "soon" for me. A few days is soon, one week is soon, but one month? Meh.
That's why people don't bother with print media anymore. But it's soon to them.
Yeah, it's not abnormal or even technically incorrect to refer to it as Bethesda's game (as long as they don't specifically reference BGS). It's like referring to Metroid Prime as Nintendo's game.

It's also like referring to Dragon Age as EA's game, which I'm pretty sure none of them did. We all know it's because the deadshits who read OXM will see the word Fallout and wonder why some company they've never heard of rather than Bethesda is making the 'next' Fallout.
It's also like referring to Dragon Age as EA's game, which I'm pretty sure none of them did.

Actually, calling DA an EA game is even more appropriate given that BioWare is owned by EA.
Lingwei said:
Yeah, it's not abnormal or even technically incorrect to refer to it as Bethesda's game (as long as they don't specifically reference BGS). It's like referring to Metroid Prime as Nintendo's game.

It's also like referring to Dragon Age as EA's game, which I'm pretty sure none of them did. We all know it's because the deadshits who read OXM will see the word Fallout and wonder why some company they've never heard of rather than Bethesda is making the 'next' Fallout.
Man, you came off as a bit elitist. "Ha ha, only retards read OXM! I'm so special because I don't!" They're an alright magazine. Not great, but not horrible. I prefered EGM until it was canceled.
Lingwei said:
It's also like referring to Dragon Age as EA's game, which I'm pretty sure none of them did. We all know it's because the deadshits who read OXM will see the word Fallout and wonder why some company they've never heard of rather than Bethesda is making the 'next' Fallout.
Certainly, name recognition is part of the reason that they'd do it, which is why I brought up the Metroid Prime example. Obsidian has had one Xbox game (5 years ago) that received a somewhat disappointing critical response. For the 360 crowd, Bethesda is a pretty big name. It's probably the best way to introduce the game. Now, if they say that Beth is developing it in the article, then I can understand why someone would get upset. But as it is, I think you people are crying over nothing.