New Vegas Radio problem - *NO songs*


First time out of the vault
Like it says, I've played a whopping 60 hours on this game already (work's been slow) and haven't heard a single song on New Vegas Radio. Occasionally Wayne Newton will do the news, but after that I get nothing but dead air. Any ideas what could cause this?

For awhile I had horrendous audio skipping but it seems to have subsided, I'd imagine it could be related.

PC version for the record. I've already removed ffdshow and I think the stuttering stopped after that, but still not a single goddamn song except when I occasionally pass by a box tuned to Mojave Music. It's a very quiet and dreary wasteland.
No, just double-checked to be sure. No songs. Mr. New Vegas's news comes in just fine, and he'll say something like "Up next, Johnny Guitar!" and it'll just cut to silence.
I think that you got the famous sing-a-long version of Fallout New Vegas: you're supposed to sing the songs yourself.

If you're playing on PC, maybe your music files got deleted? You could try a reinstall, too. If not on PC, you could always try exchanging the disk. I've gotten disks at Gamestop, for example, that have weird problems-- they were very nice about letting me get a new disk and the problems went away.
This folder:

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\Sound\songs\radionv

Is filled with 256 MB worth of mp3's, and I'm pretty sure I haven't heard a single one of them in game. And I just broke 80 hours.

Could something be screwy in my .cfg file? I downloaded and installed the game off Steam using a Gamestop-purchased code (DVD drive apparently failed that day), so I don't know why anything would be out of order...
zkylon said:
Tried revalidating the download on Steam yet?

Yep. No such luck. I'm actually a little taken back that of all the bugs reported, I haven't found anyone else with this problem.
I have the same problem

I just put them into media player and shuffle, however I would love to resolve these issues. I have read that it can be an EAX issue with Legacy Sound Drivers on newer soundcards in Vista and 7. I have not attempted to change this, as scavving and blowing heads off is most of what I do and shuffle works. I will keep trying to figure it out.


Ok, forget about that. I found my problem... explaining now...

My Realtek drivers were set for 5.1 sound properly, except that there was a "speaker fill" setting that was unckecked and this little setting apparently turns stereo-only signal into 5.1 signal.
So yeah, everything (ambient sound, footsteps, dialogue, radio announcer) was working fine except the radio music.
So, if you have a Realtek you might want to check that setting and even if you don't.... there might be a similar setting for your sound card too.

Turns out it's not really a bug.
Garrison, I have the same issue, and i see no way to solve it. Have you finally found a solution?
Well not sure about the "no sound" but know my radio music was so quite I had to turn my speakers up to full just to hear the music with the speaker against my ear.

I still have a ringing from when the DJ came back on and blew my eardrum out.

Anyway looked into a cause, Alt-Tab was revealing enough to show FDDShow in the task bar.. so I promptly went and unistalled K-Lite Codec packs. Ran NV again and violla! music at the right volume (you probly didnt notice it before either but theres music on the splash page and in game menu too that was so quite you could barely hear it). So if your on the PC uninstall the codec packs, you shouldnt need them in most cases anyway.

It might even resolve some "no sound" issues assuming your speakers could not get high enough volume to hear it.. trust me you could probly hear the DJ 2 blocks from where I live.

Otherwise try re-installing the game, another person stated they had missing files and that corrected it.
Just an update.. possibly your no sound issue is speaker related.

For example I have 7.1 sound speakers.. after testing them in control panel I found 2 of them werent working so set it to 5.1.

Additionally I plugged in my Headphones leaving it as 5.1 and couldnt hear walking or speech, unplug them and speech was fine. Had to set speaker config in control panel to stereo so I could play wearing headphones.
Here's a fix that works for me, download and install

then open up the ac3filter config in your program files, there's settings to mess with, but go to the 'system' tab and either change "filter merit" to prefer other decoder, or if that doesn't work, change the output from direct sound to wave out