New Vertibird Launched - 1.4


Night Watchman
Staff member
I Must Be Crazy 2 sent us an update to the famed Vertibird Mod<blockquote>Fly to almost any town in the Fallout 2 universe! Explore the wastes with the greatest of ease!

With this newest version of the Vertibird MOD, it is now possible to fly to the Ghost Farm, the Raiders' Cave, the Sierra Army Depot, the New Reno Stables, Golgotha, and Vault 15!

Also, you can now take flight, and take your car too! That's right! No more flying from Town A to Town B, walking all the way back to Town A, then driving from Town A back to Town B just to get the Vertibird and your car in the same town. You can now actually put a car in the Vertibird's spacious cargo hold and transport it almost anywhere in the vast Wasteland in record time!

So buckle up, and prepare for an incredible ride! </blockquote>Link: Vertibird Mod 1.4 at our downloads section
how does the car fit into the cargo hold?

Wouldnt it be easier just to slingload it?

[/crew chief mode]
Elissar said:
how does the car fit into the cargo hold?

Wouldnt it be easier just to slingload it?

[/crew chief mode]

To laod the car you have to first equip the Ring, then use level 3 shrink and hopefully you have enough AP to push the car into the cargo hold. :lol:
Ugh, all of that 'equip the ring' shit gets old fast.

By the way, forddieselguy, if you want your posts to show up as new, try not to double post. Instead, delete the old post and post a new one with the old and the new content in it. It works, and it isn't as annoying as double posts.
I read the read-me and it says you need modrunner to install it.

I cannot find modrunner anywhere. Does someone have a link?

Never mind I found it

So modmaker is the same as modrunner?

"sadly bows head"----Sorry forgot to scroll down, won't happen again. :oops:
Car in the cargo hold is another one illogical and redundant feature. Looks like version 1.3 is as far as I go with this mod.
What is so inlogical in having your can in vertbird ? When compared pics of car and that flayer it seems like it would be able to hold it.

Plus if you'd want to go futher with being logical you'd have to abandon car at all because of it's "trunk of holding" for example.
