Hello there, this is my first post here..
I have finished Fallout2 a couple of times so i decided to find som patches and do a replay of the game, so i downloaded several patches from this site and installed them..
But now i`m stuck in the Temple of Trials, there have been made several changes to the game it seems, because i can`t find the explosives needed to blast open the door in the Hallway, i only found 3 cans of canned food, a stone block and a fork
I have the US version and i have dowloaded and installed some patches; unofficialFO2patch_final-A, F2_MIB88_MegaMod, f2nv11eng and abbeymod..
Any hints or tips?
Sorry for the lack of information, but i consider myself a real noob at such things as modding etc..

I have finished Fallout2 a couple of times so i decided to find som patches and do a replay of the game, so i downloaded several patches from this site and installed them..
But now i`m stuck in the Temple of Trials, there have been made several changes to the game it seems, because i can`t find the explosives needed to blast open the door in the Hallway, i only found 3 cans of canned food, a stone block and a fork

I have the US version and i have dowloaded and installed some patches; unofficialFO2patch_final-A, F2_MIB88_MegaMod, f2nv11eng and abbeymod..
Any hints or tips?
Sorry for the lack of information, but i consider myself a real noob at such things as modding etc..