[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-01 AT 09:35AM (GMT)[p]But..seriously now, I've thought over creating a character, and I'd like to ask for instructions on how to use it.
Name: Bhepin(pronouced and often spelled as Bpen)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Strength: 4
Perception: 7
Agility: 7
Luck: 7
Small frame
Weight: 175 pounds
Height: 5 feet, 11 inches
Eyes: brown
Hair: wavy
Well, Bhepin was one of the children raised in the Den. He used to be under the care of Flick, which explains the smarmy name.
Anyways, he was a Child Thief, and a very good one at that, too.
He once picked the pack of someone in this big shiny suit..an almost impossible task since the thing had no apparent pockets.
He got praised for this.
But he wasn't just another kid in the Den, no. He was called "B-pen, B-pen, crawling in the dust, looking for something to bite his butt." It wasn't really his fault that he was curious. ACtually, he was looking for mechanical things of a by-gone era. Little curios that he kept on a shelf over his cot.
One day, a BIG man in Power Armor came to the Den. Following him were a lot of men in Green Suits, and some in glinting metal armor. They walked over to a corner of the town, right beside the Old Junkyard, and covered it away with big, billowing, white barrier. He tried going through the cloth wall, but he found that it was surprisingly strong. He tried everything, short of burst weapons to get through.
There was a lot of funny noises coming from the other side. Machines, mostly, and Bpen was dying to get a glimpse of them.
On a sweltering hot midsummer day, Bpen stood near the white wall, under the shade of a rusted old automobile, and stared at it until the light hurt his eyes.
Someone sat beside him.
It was an old man, his face lined and smiling. He wore a strange purple robe.
"I see that you are interested of the Brotherhood.."
"Brotherhood?", he asked.
"The Brotherhood of Steel..", the man answered, and waved towards the wall. It fell down to the dusty ground, and Bpen gasped at what they had built in a space of only a week and a half. It was a huge metal building, shining in the sun, and embossed on its massive door was a strange insignia, a winged sword, piercing three toothed gears.
The doors opened with a *wrrriiiihhhhhh*, and men dressed in Power Armor came out, and lined up. They lifted strange wepons up into the air and fired bright bursts of energy to salute.
"This...is the Brotherhood of Steel..", the man said. "Would you like to learn more?"
Bpen nodded so hard he got dizzy.
And so, with a farewell hug from Becky, he was taken away from the Den, the harsh home he had known for several years, and into the Brotherhood.
He quickly found that he had an affinity for tools, and all things mechanical danced to his strings.
Then came the Enclave.
(show Bhepin in a shouting match with Vree over the impact of the Gatling Laser)
The Chosen One.
(show Bpen typing into a computer console)
The Vertibirds.
(show a really cool explosion)
It is unknown as to what Bpen's actual involvement in the Brotherhood was. Suffice it to say..he was out of it...for good.
Actually, the Brotherhood thought him dead, which was just fine with him. The militaristic and almost religious obsessiveness towards technology no longer held any luster for him.
And so, with his loose-fitting Brotherhood Suit, he leaves out into the Wastes, utterly inexperienced in anything but repair and war, and seeks out his own destiny.
Energy Weapons
Additional traits:
Wanderer(Why the hell is my PipBoy giving me a 'shareware' error)
Prefers to stay up late nights & wakes up at near-noon(Coffee good! Even better when mixed with tequila!)
Animal friend(Nice radscorpion...*runs away*)
Tries to use the diplomatic approach out of a confrontation(i.e. Coward! Of course, when a shy wolf is cornered, it fights like a demon.))
Weapon Handling(Let's see...if I adjust this strut here...)
Better criticals (he tweaks the weapons he uses)
Appealing to the opposite sex (so shy around women, it's just cute)
Fast Learner(give him a 50-50 chance of either learning..or to fail spectacularly.)
Bartender Training(he used to hang around Becky alla time)
Argh. I forgot to add the OOC tag.
~cause anything less than total and utter overkill is a complete waste of time~
-it's the freakin' bluepencil!
Name: Bhepin(pronouced and often spelled as Bpen)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Strength: 4
Perception: 7
Agility: 7
Luck: 7
Small frame
Weight: 175 pounds
Height: 5 feet, 11 inches
Eyes: brown
Hair: wavy
Well, Bhepin was one of the children raised in the Den. He used to be under the care of Flick, which explains the smarmy name.
Anyways, he was a Child Thief, and a very good one at that, too.
He once picked the pack of someone in this big shiny suit..an almost impossible task since the thing had no apparent pockets.
He got praised for this.
But he wasn't just another kid in the Den, no. He was called "B-pen, B-pen, crawling in the dust, looking for something to bite his butt." It wasn't really his fault that he was curious. ACtually, he was looking for mechanical things of a by-gone era. Little curios that he kept on a shelf over his cot.
One day, a BIG man in Power Armor came to the Den. Following him were a lot of men in Green Suits, and some in glinting metal armor. They walked over to a corner of the town, right beside the Old Junkyard, and covered it away with big, billowing, white barrier. He tried going through the cloth wall, but he found that it was surprisingly strong. He tried everything, short of burst weapons to get through.
There was a lot of funny noises coming from the other side. Machines, mostly, and Bpen was dying to get a glimpse of them.
On a sweltering hot midsummer day, Bpen stood near the white wall, under the shade of a rusted old automobile, and stared at it until the light hurt his eyes.
Someone sat beside him.
It was an old man, his face lined and smiling. He wore a strange purple robe.
"I see that you are interested of the Brotherhood.."
"Brotherhood?", he asked.
"The Brotherhood of Steel..", the man answered, and waved towards the wall. It fell down to the dusty ground, and Bpen gasped at what they had built in a space of only a week and a half. It was a huge metal building, shining in the sun, and embossed on its massive door was a strange insignia, a winged sword, piercing three toothed gears.
The doors opened with a *wrrriiiihhhhhh*, and men dressed in Power Armor came out, and lined up. They lifted strange wepons up into the air and fired bright bursts of energy to salute.
"This...is the Brotherhood of Steel..", the man said. "Would you like to learn more?"
Bpen nodded so hard he got dizzy.
And so, with a farewell hug from Becky, he was taken away from the Den, the harsh home he had known for several years, and into the Brotherhood.
He quickly found that he had an affinity for tools, and all things mechanical danced to his strings.
Then came the Enclave.
(show Bhepin in a shouting match with Vree over the impact of the Gatling Laser)
The Chosen One.
(show Bpen typing into a computer console)
The Vertibirds.
(show a really cool explosion)
It is unknown as to what Bpen's actual involvement in the Brotherhood was. Suffice it to say..he was out of it...for good.
Actually, the Brotherhood thought him dead, which was just fine with him. The militaristic and almost religious obsessiveness towards technology no longer held any luster for him.
And so, with his loose-fitting Brotherhood Suit, he leaves out into the Wastes, utterly inexperienced in anything but repair and war, and seeks out his own destiny.
Energy Weapons
Additional traits:
Wanderer(Why the hell is my PipBoy giving me a 'shareware' error)
Prefers to stay up late nights & wakes up at near-noon(Coffee good! Even better when mixed with tequila!)
Animal friend(Nice radscorpion...*runs away*)
Tries to use the diplomatic approach out of a confrontation(i.e. Coward! Of course, when a shy wolf is cornered, it fights like a demon.))
Weapon Handling(Let's see...if I adjust this strut here...)
Better criticals (he tweaks the weapons he uses)
Appealing to the opposite sex (so shy around women, it's just cute)
Fast Learner(give him a 50-50 chance of either learning..or to fail spectacularly.)
Bartender Training(he used to hang around Becky alla time)
Argh. I forgot to add the OOC tag.
~cause anything less than total and utter overkill is a complete waste of time~

-it's the freakin' bluepencil!