Newbie questions of script and sfall editor


First time out of the vault
I'm a newbie to fallout modding. I'm trying to play with some scripting with sfall script editor.
While I'm surprised to find out that I have problem with most basic things?

1. #include "scripts.h" doesn't compile.
It seems that include doesn't work as expected. Only current/absolute path can work.
Then what's "scripts.h path" for?

2. On opening any .ssl file, an error prompts.

Failed to open or create associated message file; directory data\text\english\dialog does not exist

I don't get it:
A. Settings dialog doesn't have a data path to set, where is it looking for?
B. Since it's "open or create", why does it fail to create?
What's the impact of this error?

Thanks for your help.