Actually, it's overrated. The media focused only in the violent incidents, which were controlled in only an hour or so by the way, and payed no attention at all to the summit itself. Actually, the CNN had to explain what the summit was about while covering the violent incidents because they had said nothing about it before.
And even the incidents in Mar del Plata were not that bad at all, there were extremely little wounded (two I think), the fire that got a lot of coverage was quickly controlled by fire fighters right after the police cleared the way for them and the only real damage was done to buildings and stores, damage that the national government will pay for anyways.
I think important issues were covered in the summit, in which the free trade topic was not intended to be touched, in contrast with what the international media said, and the violent incidents were nothing but a distraction from what was really important. And of course the CNN helped giving full live coverage.
But, who cares, after all no one cares if there is a lot of poor people in South America, some of them dying of hunger or curable diseases, because of economic policies that need fixing and improvement. All that cares is to see someone set a building or a car in fire. Right?