Nintendo Wii-nformations


Still Mildly Glowing
Yo check this out:

Europe realease date: 8. December 2006
Price: 249 Euro

American realease date: 19. November 2006
Price: 250 Dollar

Japanese realease date: :wtf: Any Japanese here? Edit: 2. December 2006
Price: Cheapest -.- (just like the asian girls)

Games avaible on the start(some examples):
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, RED STEEL by Ubisoft, Need for Speed: Carbon by EA, Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam by Activision, Disney/Pixar's Cars by THQ and Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz by Sega.

Every Wii will include Wii Sports, a little complication of sport games to learn how to control this stick.

I think the Zelda game is very intresting, maybe i will buy it with the Wii, not sure about it. But hey, its cheap :D

Gameprice i think: 50-60 Dollar/Euro

Will you buy it?
Already decided on a yes vote months ago, seeing as I've been following Twilight Princess for the last few years.

Oh, and the Wii is retailing for 25,000 yen.
Aye, I plan on buying one at launch. Twilight princess is beautiful and Wii Sports looks like one of the best games ever for me to bond with my younger sister. Not to mention the raving comments Metroid Prime 3 Corruption has received.

Here's a good source of the information on it: They have all announced games with a release before March 07, as well as pricing and games listed for the virtual console.
Just out of curiosity, how powerful is Wii supposed to be compared to xbox or xbox 360?
maximaz said:
Just out of curiosity, how powerful is Wii supposed to be compared to xbox or xbox 360?
Honestly, it's very difficult to compare the Wii to the 360. It's not meant to compete with it in raw horsepower, Nintendo definitely was not lying about that. But compared to the previous generation?

So, I'll do a cross-comparison between the Gamecube, XBox, Wii and XBox 360 to put things in context.

The Gamecube used a 485MHz IBM Gekko CPU (development of the PowerPC G3).
The XBox used a Mobile Celeron 733MHz CPU (Stripped down Pentium III).
The Wii uses a 729MHz speedbumped IBM Gekko, with some new instructions and limited parallel processing ability.
The X360 uses a 3.2GHz IBM PowerPC G5 CPU with three cores.

The Gamecube had 40MB of memory.
The XBox had 64MB.
The Wii has 88MB.
The 360 has 512MB.

480p is the max resolution supported on Wii, same with the Cube. The XBox could support 720p and 1080i (1080i=molasses on XBox). The 360 supports up to 1080i.

The Cube has a modified Radeon 8500 running at 162MHz with 2MB of built-in memory. Shader Model 1.1 (with Pixel Shader 1.4).
The XBox used a GeForce 3/4 hybrid that ran at 233Mhz and pulled from the system memory. Shader Model 1.1.
The Wii uses a modified ATI Radeon X1800 clocked at 243MHz with 3MB of built-in memory. Shader Model 3.0.
The 360 uses a Radeon X1800 clocked at 500MHz with 10MB of built-in memory. Shader Model 3.0.

The Wii equates to a +50-100% speedbump of the Gamecube, but equipped with a modern GPU. It's better than the XBox on paper, but it's not a gigantic leap. It'll still be a good deal faster than the XBox in real world performance though, as the Wii's architecture is far more efficient. Not to mention the shininess potential added with the X1800.

But, well, the 360 blows everything away in terms of raw power. Though that'll change when Sony stops bumbling long enough to start swinging its dick around a bit... and once Intel and AMD put out their Quad Cores.

Simpleminded said:
How much you think it would go for on Ebay?
Simple answer? A hell of a lot, considering the hype. Remember how much PS2s were going for back in 2000? Christ, that was such a stupid time. That was what finally sent me over the edge into an inescapable "faith in humanity" deficit.

But this time... this time, there's actual promise lurking behind a hype campaign!
Damn, what a marvelous concept, huh? Actually delivering on your promises. I think I feel my shriveled heart growing one size bigger, and it's not even Christmas.
I admit, the system sounds good. But, try to think back to some of the previous launches of "sounds good" consoles. The 3d0, the first truly super-hyped, uber priced gaming console, was a total bomb. Not only did the system suck, it came out at a whopping 500 american dollars, which no machine since has gotten within spitting distance of. Then there was the Sega CD, which bombed also, largely from lack of good software support, but also partly because of price issues and quality that was no where near to the promises that were made by the marketing people. Next we had the Atari Jaguar, which had (at the time) beautiful graphics- but sucked otherwise. The next few system releases- N64 & Playstation- were good, but then Sega followed up one steaming pile with another when they dropped the Dreamcast. While it wasn't a bad machine, being that it boasted the first internet gaming that didn't require a pc to play, it never got the cool hardware toys outside of Japan, and the only truly good game they put out was Phantasy Star Online. Because of it's release date, which was way too long after the PS and N64, Sega was pretty well out of the running when it came to getting hold of any major gaming licenses. They tried falling back on Sonic, but apparently he didn't have Mario's ability to maintain mass-market appeal. Of course, this system's failure marked the end of Sega as a console maker.

Now we come to the last generation of machines. Over 1 million of the first production run of PS2's that were shipped had significant mechanical issues. This was followed immediately by the DVD makers changing formats and using the gold colored DVD's, which the PS2 couldn't read. These problems were fixed, but it took almost a year and a half. Then there was the X-Box. Microsoft did their homework, and had the money to back their entry into the console market. However, they lacked software support for a long time, due to the fact that Sony and Nintendo had bought up nearly exclusive rights to the truly good games from most of the big guns in the industry, like Squaresoft (now SquareEnix).

Now, don't get me wrong. I love gaming of all kinds, and have quite a few systems, several of which are ones I listed above. I'm not knocking consoles. I'm saying you shouldn't be too eager to have the first machine off of the assembly line. Anymore, the companies that are making these machines seem to be putting immediate sales as their first priority, and not giving a damn about the consumer when it comes to launching a new console. They fix the problems eventually, but really, shouldn't they get it right BEFORE they ship it to the stores?

I probably will buy the Wii, and I probably will love it. But you won't see me among the throngs of rabid people waiting outside Gamestop (or whatever store you happen to shop at) to get their grubby little hands on one the first day of release. Or the second, or the third. Or the hundred and third. I'll probably wait six or seven months before I even THINK about buying one. You'll see me in the store then, as you bring back your machine to trade it in for a new one- since you just got that recall slip in the mail, telling you they discovered a defect of some kind. You know the one- the one you've been bitching about since the novelty wore off, and it went from a quirky bad habit of your new toy to being annoying as all bloody hell.

But that's just my opinion. I'm sure that many of you will disagree. Some of you will probably flame me for this post. It's all good. Everyone can have their say. After all, that's what we're here for, right? Oh, and yes, I know I'm a cynical asshole. Don't be offended, it's nothing personal. It's just the way I am.
Talisien said:
I admit, the system sounds good. But, try to think back to some of the previous launches of "sounds good" consoles. The 3d0, the first truly super-hyped, uber priced gaming console, was a total bomb. Not only did the system suck, it came out at a whopping 500 american dollars, which no machine since has gotten within spitting distance of.
Ehm, the PS2 did. And the XBOX360 got pretty close.
Talisien said:
Then there was the Sega CD, which bombed also, largely from lack of good software support, but also partly because of price issues and quality that was no where near to the promises that were made by the marketing people. Next we had the Atari Jaguar, which had (at the time) beautiful graphics- but sucked otherwise. The next few system releases- N64 & Playstation- were good, but then Sega followed up one steaming pile with another when they dropped the Dreamcast. While it wasn't a bad machine, being that it boasted the first internet gaming that didn't require a pc to play, it never got the cool hardware toys outside of Japan, and the only truly good game they put out was Phantasy Star Online. Because of it's release date, which was way too long after the PS and N64, Sega was pretty well out of the running when it came to getting hold of any major gaming licenses. They tried falling back on Sonic, but apparently he didn't have Mario's ability to maintain mass-market appeal. Of course, this system's failure marked the end of Sega as a console maker.
Bullshit. The Dreamcast did quite decently and had a lot of good games. It never catched on in Europe, though, but it was quite succesful elsewhere.

Talisien said:
Now we come to the last generation of machines. Over 1 million of the first production run of PS2's that were shipped had significant mechanical issues. This was followed immediately by the DVD makers changing formats and using the gold colored DVD's, which the PS2 couldn't read. These problems were fixed, but it took almost a year and a half. Then there was the X-Box. Microsoft did their homework, and had the money to back their entry into the console market. However, they lacked software support for a long time, due to the fact that Sony and Nintendo had bought up nearly exclusive rights to the truly good games from most of the big guns in the industry, like Squaresoft (now SquareEnix).
Again bullshit. The X-Box had most fewer unique games, true, but it still boasted most of the other games and a few very succesful unique games (HALO, anyone?).
Talisien said:
Now, don't get me wrong. I love gaming of all kinds, and have quite a few systems, several of which are ones I listed above. I'm not knocking consoles. I'm saying you shouldn't be too eager to have the first machine off of the assembly line. Anymore, the companies that are making these machines seem to be putting immediate sales as their first priority, and not giving a damn about the consumer when it comes to launching a new console. They fix the problems eventually, but really, shouldn't they get it right BEFORE they ship it to the stores?

I probably will buy the Wii, and I probably will love it. But you won't see me among the throngs of rabid people waiting outside Gamestop (or whatever store you happen to shop at) to get their grubby little hands on one the first day of release. Or the second, or the third. Or the hundred and third. I'll probably wait six or seven months before I even THINK about buying one. You'll see me in the store then, as you bring back your machine to trade it in for a new one- since you just got that recall slip in the mail, telling you they discovered a defect of some kind. You know the one- the one you've been bitching about since the novelty wore off, and it went from a quirky bad habit of your new toy to being annoying as all bloody hell.

But that's just my opinion. I'm sure that many of you will disagree. Some of you will probably flame me for this post. It's all good. Everyone can have their say. After all, that's what we're here for, right? Oh, and yes, I know I'm a cynical asshole. Don't be offended, it's nothing personal. It's just the way I am.
This is being a cynical asshole?
First, the release prices of the PS2 and X-Box, at least in the US, didn't break $300. The prices you're thinking of must have been from people selling the ones they pre-ordered to amke a quick buck. Costing only 60% of that, six years later, doesn't come within the same range.

Second, in it's first yaer the Dreamcast did something like a quarter of the sales that the Playstaion did. That's not only not competitive, but a bad sign to developers, which makes them want to work on ganes for the console less. Most of the games that came out for it were from Sega's own development teams and third-party games that were turned down by Sony and Nintendo. Yes, there were some good titles, but they pushed themselves so much on the online gaming issue, and yet PSO was their only success. (BTW, if anyone's interested, even though Sega dropped it's site, PSO is now being hosted by a fan-based server, and games are still being played.)

Thirdly, I guess I didn't make it apparent, but I was talking about at and shortly after launch. X-Box has gotten good games(Tony Hawk, anyone?), but at aunch, and for a little while lafter, they didn't.

And yes, it is being a cynical asshole, in terms of my views of major companies. Also politics; but please, don't get me started on THAT, lol. Oh, and sorry about the typos, I've had a lot of beer tonight. Or today, or whatever.
i prefer to pay more money than to hear those stupid little kids who are talking about their new wii when i walk by them on the streets, those bastard little kids, where is my hammer? DUSCH DONK BANG.. :look: need to punch them all down

@ simpleminded: good link

and there i read that funny thing, that zelda: twilight princess will be also FOR GAMECUBE, which made me kinda laugh, but now i totally understand the buizness tactic of nintendo, they will make games for wii and gamecube parallel, so they get more money and providing gamecube-users, too. So if you dont need that stick, you are smarter when you buy an gamecube and play on it, but i think wii games and gamecube games arent compatible.

ehh by the way, can i play with the wii online (but for free, not like x-box live) ?

edit: another problem that i have with the wii and my home :oops:

there were my TV stands, every neighbor can see me through that window, so its totally stupid when i play with that stick and they see that, so i must roll down the window protection shield (dont know the english word). i think i must buy me a new flat and a wii which will cost me about 45.250 € , gaming is a very expansive sport :(
Talisien said:
First, the release prices of the PS2 and X-Box, at least in the US, didn't break $300. The prices you're thinking of must have been from people selling the ones they pre-ordered to amke a quick buck. Costing only 60% of that, six years later, doesn't come within the same range.
No, both systems cost 300 GBP on release, which is some $500.

Talisien said:
Second, in it's first yaer the Dreamcast did something like a quarter of the sales that the Playstaion did. That's not only not competitive, but a bad sign to developers, which makes them want to work on ganes for the console less. Most of the games that came out for it were from Sega's own development teams and third-party games that were turned down by Sony and Nintendo. Yes, there were some good titles, but they pushed themselves so much on the online gaming issue, and yet PSO was their only success. (BTW, if anyone's interested, even though Sega dropped it's site, PSO is now being hosted by a fan-based server, and games are still being played.)
The fact that another system did better does not mean the Dreamcast did poorly. The XBOX never came close to the PS2's sales either, but it didn't do poorly.
The Dreamcast performed very well in certain markets but extremely poorly in others. It never caught on in Europe, but its sales were quite decent in the US and Asia.

Talisien said:
Thirdly, I guess I didn't make it apparent, but I was talking about at and shortly after launch. X-Box has gotten good games(Tony Hawk, anyone?), but at aunch, and for a little while lafter, they didn't.
Halo, Dead or Alive 3 and Oddworld were some of its launch titles. all quite respectable and very well selling games (except for maybe Oddworld).

Talisien said:
And yes, it is being a cynical asshole, in terms of my views of major companies. Also politics; but please, don't get me started on THAT, lol. Oh, and sorry about the typos, I've had a lot of beer tonight. Or today, or whatever.
You haven't lurked much here, have you?
Yay for the next gen of consoles! 2 shits and 1 console named after piss.

I think I'll go with the Wii,
I've had a preorder for the Gamecube version of Twilight Princess for one actual year this month.
I need to get it exchanged for the Wii version.