NMA Plays New Vegas

Should I do this boiiii

  • Yea do it boiii

  • Nah, dont do it boiii

  • I dont care if you do it boiii

  • As long as it's not Fallout 3 boii

  • kys boi

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It Wandered In From the Wastes
I don't know if this has been done before but I kinda wanna do this, it's like for every major decision you guys can decide what I will do. I'll put a poll for you guys to decide whether this is worth doing or not.
If you want to go for it.

I am replaying new vegas myself currently so I am not that interested.

However, the way I see it is not going to gather much attention. This game came out years ago and majority of Fallout fans know it and have already played.

Shitout 4 though is going to get lots of view if you name it "fallout 4 minecraft mod!" Or something

Either way do whatever you want