No Fall in Q1


Carbon Dated and Proud
Our buds over at VDHP is reporting that The Fall won't be released in the first quarter this year. Here's what Carsten Strehse wrote on Silver Style forum:<blockquote>Q1 isn't possible anymore. We put together so much new interesting features in the last couple of months and we want to put them into the game. I think you will be very pleased with the new ideas.

We will let you know about the new features and the new release date shortly.</blockquote>Guess Puuk and Huggies are to blame...
me to, i'm hoping this game will have a lot of depth to it.
The extra time they are taking is actualy promising as they seem to be putting together quite an interesting game here.
What!? A game company is delaying a release date!?!?

Ah well, if they add some content on the actual roleplaying side it's all good I guess...
Carsten has said that a Q3 release date is realistic on the SSE forums. Just FYI. Also, he says movies and more game info will be released shortly...hopefully he is right, I'm interested in seeing some of the new things. :)