No Fallout 3 in 2005


Carbon Dated and Proud
Mr.Teatime emailed Pete 'dodge' Hines (PR Bethesda) regarding the ActionTrip statement that Fallout 3 would, hopefully, appear in 2005. Here's what the man said:<blockquote>Not a chance in hell that happens (that it comes out in '05).</blockquote>Duh..
Spotted at Dac
PsychoSniper said:
ActionTrip has officaly had their ass's handed to them.

Not exactly, they did say that they believed or at least hoped. But then again, the whole premise for the story was that it "was" coming out in 2005 (which is hilarious to believe in the first place).

Had it been Van Buren, ok...
Well at least we know they arent going to do a rush job :)

If they were going to rape the fallout license into a another BOS, then it would be a rush job, so at least they are going to take there time and try to do the fallout name justice.

I take this as a positive thing :)