First of all: What´s a chump?
Ahhh… but that was only the beginning. For months the forums were full of questions about the “Alien Spaceship”, everyone wanted, no, NEEDED to find/see it. Some said it was a super special encounter, others that it was a quest, others that you needed to have X stats to get/see it, etc. Hundreds of conspiration stories containing only misinformation were created and everyone was excited about it. Oh, and for the less informed ones (the ones that believed in the “Alien Spaceship”) it was a hard time because not even the admins admitted at the beginning that it was all false, they even helped to generate more confusion, just for fun of course. Well, some part of that was due to the REAL special encounter where you found the alien blaster, that lead lot of people to believe that it was connected in some way to the false story.
Maybe there wasn’t so much confusion, maybe it’s just me spicing up things so I can have a good laugh of the far away past, but it’s how I remember it…
And what´s about the "Alien Whore Trait"?. Never heard it before...