Not much but... #ObsidianFallout


First time out of the vault
I know NMA view on NV is mixed, but I liked it and certainly think it is way better than Fallout 4 & 3. If Obsidian had more time I think it would have been great... I know Chris Abalone left Obsidian, but Tim Cain joined.

This almost has 1k -

These are pointless, but still
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From my impressions, NMA has nearly or just about as much respect for New Vegas as they do for 1 and 2.

It would have been great to see the Legion-controlled settlements they had planned but didn't have time to do, as well as more expansive locations rather than tiny shacks that count as marked locations, and refinements to mechanics such as Karma, which was broken considering killing Fiends gives you 100 per kill.

I think from the Kellogg memory sequence, it felt to me that with the references to the NCR, Shady Sands, the Hub, San Francisco, and the Shi, Bethesda was implying that the story of the wedt coast isn't done being told. It wasn't plot essential that Kellogg be from the Core region, but Bethesda chose so, and it felt like a little homage for the past of the series and a teaser for a future game set in the west.