"Notify me when a reply is posted."


Antediluvian as Feck
Until this is announced to be fixed, please do NOT check the box, as it will result in an error to those who are posting in the same thread. If you have already selected to watch some really active topics, please edit and remove the option. It's a kindness to those involved.
Yeah, I didn't check it and all-of-the-sudden, I'm getting emails saying


You are receiving this email because you are watching the topic, "You know..." at No Mutants Allowed. This topic has received a reply since your last visit. You can use the following link to view the replies made, no more notifications will be sent until you visit the topic.

What the hell? I didn't even click notify when a reply is posted box? Didn't happen before, but now it is getting bothersome. Anyhow, just thought I'd inform you on the situation, since I keep clicking turn off even though that doesn't seem to be working either.
What I think happened, was Odin removed the "always notify" option from everyone's profiles, and then after he re-added them, they all defaulted to "yes". You should just be able to unselect it in your profile, and then "unwatch" any of the topics that you posted in since he re added the option.
Should be fixed now, actually I dunno why it started sending out those emails because I set the default to "no"....But, eh.mah, meh... screw it...works now..