Novac sign spotted at possible season 2 filming location

I wonder if Boone is still in the Mojave. All but certain the Legion lost the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam, and in any of the other main endings,
completing his quest the good way results in his reenlisting with 1st Recon (NCR victory), or staying in New Vegas (Independent or House), emphasis on "good" because of all companion quests, it has the most dichotomous choices in terms of their wellbeing at the end of it, which for Boone come down to either helping him overcome internal strife or letting him succumb to it, with Veronica's coming in 2nd
If they touch on what became of the Courier's companions, which they likely will, Boone should be the easiest because I'm sure his good ending is popular with the vast majority of fans, and it'd be such a heartfelt moment even if they make a passing reference to it. I won't be surprised if they cast Jason Marsden or Felicia Day to reprise their roles on screen
Another image from the novac set.