NPC Armor in Fallout 1 using FIXT


First time out of the vault
Is there ANY way I can get Ian to wear armor? I am using the full FIXT package. If not, how do I make his AC go up?
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3..if you have FIXT installed on the Fo1 engine then only way to give him armor is through "change armor" option
( please be noted that Ian is already wearing leather jacket when you meet him [and no it's not visible via inventory or armor slot in control party members mode] and the only way for him to change armor is to give him some different armor [other than leather jacket] just by giving him leather jacket from vault 15 into his inventory is not going to cause the option to show up. You need at least leather armor for that and the closest one to have is by killing off raiders after rescuing tandi next give it to him by starting conversation trading the armor to him and going back to conversation a "change armor" or "change your armor" etc. option should show up somwhere in the indepth dialog. if you click it finish the conversation and ian should change his armor (that is if You've picked the option to change armor during FIXT installation)
hey gustarballs. I put "leather armor" into his inventory but I don't see the option thus far.
do not look for the "change armor" option in the root tree of conversation it's hidden under one of the FIXT new phrases. I don't remember exactly how it is called but in FIXT npc's have two lines regarding their combat customization in the root of the conversation tree one is the basic one that came with vanilla game and the other is added by FIXT [just a hint other lines in the dialog tree you are looking for are "prefer ranged combat over melle" and prefer "melle combat over ranged" they both do shit in terms of gameplay but if You can't find them then i suggest you instal FIXT agin with custom picked options and make sure you pick npc's level up and npc's can wear armor.
Oh yeah almost forgot be sure You've launched FIXT executable of the game not the standard one. eighther form shortcut or falloutdirectory\Fallout Fixt\FalloutW.exe and not the falloutdirectory\FalloutW.exe