NPC armor script question


First time out of the vault
I'm doing a little mod based on the smokin film (an npc, a kind of secret agent that is also an expert in martial arts wears it ). Basically what i need is to change the appearance of a party npc. I made an armor that uses the graphics of Mrs. Kitty in Cat's paw and it forks fine for the main character, but no for npc. Then i looked a bit into the script of enhanced miria mod and added this to mcmiria.ssl

else if ((ArmourVal==542) ) then begin
floater( random(6035, 6036) );

542 is the id for my armor.... anyways it doesn't seem to work and the value in metarule3 should be changed to the one i want. Perhaps i modified the wrong file? Could somebody point me into the right direction?

(sorry for my english, I will try to explain things better if someone is interested)
Simple way to change critter appearance is to use art_change_fid_num(WHO, NUM) macro from define.h(it uses metarule3 just like you)

who i pointer to your npc (Self_obj)
num is critter fid (look in critterfid.h for this)

BTW this piece of script should work ok.
jargo said:
Simple way to change critter appearance is to use art_change_fid_num(WHO, NUM)

Hey jargo, did you ever experience bugs with this command, where after art_change_fid the critter starts to "slide" off the map? This has happened to me quite a few times, but it's intermittent, doesn't always happen. What it looks like is the critter just moving slowly towards the bottom of the screen, then off the screen!
Yes i saw something like you say recently, but it was in mapper and on map that has nothing to do with this command.
I was just creating some walking critters using reg_anim_animate and they start to.. well just walk up(slide) of the map.
then i checked that something was wrong witch map XY coord (3-4 tiles have the same tile number).
After reloading this map, scripts started working normal.