NPC Enhancement - Miria mod


Carbon Dated and Proud
Stone-D posted this little thread in our forums about a new mod he had done and this one is a good one, here's what the man said:<blockquote>I've always felt that the two 'nuisance' NPCs in Modoc, Davin and Miria, were a wasted opportunity. I've played through Fallout 2 four times now, thrice when the game initially came out and post-patch, and again very recently. I intend to do so again this evening.

This time, however, I want to go through the game roleplaying a married couple. To this end, I've beefed up Miria's character by A) giving her the ability to level up and B) giving her a huge amount of floating-text style speech possibilities.</blockquote>Good Work Stone-D!
Link: Miria mod
Considering how Davin isn't much different from Miria, I think I could do it easily - but only once Miria is sorted. Besides, gotta come up with a large chunk'o'text. I won't change the readme about Davin tho. :P