NPC leveling up: where the bloody hell is it?


First time out of the vault
I've been looking through Vic's script (just chose him randomly) trying to find where his leveling up is coded, and I can't find it. I've searched for logical words for it ("level" "experience" "gain" "prototype"), searched for what would seem to be the procedure/node/whatever number according to his dialogue msg file, searched for the numbers for his levelup lines from MISC.msg, did everything short of reading the code line by line, and I've found nothing that appears to be the leveling up thingymabob. To repeat my topic title: Where the bloody hell is it?
It is not scripted, you can edit leveling in party.txt :


last line show prototypes for this character in all levels:
1 16777541
2 16777542
Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately now I'm overwhelmed with the desire to play around with Fallout 2 again instead of do my very important homework. :/
New question. I was looking through the Friendly Flint (something like that) mod that makes Flint into a CNPC. Looking through the changes it did to party.txt and AI.txt, I was wondering how a companion NPC (any companion NPC) knows which AI to use. I looked through Sulik's official script and the bit that normally assigns AI for non-companions is commented out with the message that companion AI is never set there. So where is it set?
I also have a question but just a bit off topic.
I remember that once I had a leveled up and some npc leveled up, then I reloaded and I noticed that only one npc leveled up, then again another one or both...
So is this leveling upis a bit random? Or it's just Miria mod is freaking out? :lol:
NPC leveling up is random, although the chances increase the longer an NPC goes without leveling.
It's Friendly KLINT (not Flint) :D I wrote that mod a long time ago :o

All critters have their AI packed saved in their proto file.
You can edit it simply using mapper.