NPC problems in FO2 killap unofficial update 1.02.25


First time out of the vault
Hi there
Very new to the board. Really enjoying Fallout 2 after installing Killap's 1.02.25 update. But there are a couple of annoying problems which I hope are easy to fix.

I've spent quite a few hours hunting through websites and these forums trying to find anything referring to these problems, with no joy.
This may be the cause: when I installed the update (manually) I forgot to copy over the ddate.dll and ddate.ini into the program directory. I didn't initially notice, I was able to complete missions I couldn't do before all seemed well. Until I found Cassidy, and then later Skynet brain bot. I'm well into a game and loath to start over, but as soon as I realised the ddraw.* files were missing, I copied them in, however the problem continues.

Cassidy's custom combat settings reset everytime I start the game up, even though I set them and save the game before quitting.
So I have to change it everytime I fire up FO2... irritating.

And Skynet brain bot level ups are not working properly, noticably he'll announce he's levelled up and his hitpoints are increased to the appropriate amount for the new level - but once out of that location, or saved and reloaded his hitpoints reduce to the initial amount which limits his usefulness, especially come time to visit the enclave. Annoying!

I only discovered Fallout computer games last year, and really pleased there's such a great community with some really committed guys finishing the job propery. :)

-- G.
You didn't look quite hard enough :P

Cassidy - Read the whole thread.

Skynet - Read what B-2Admirer says.

Note that both of these have been fixed in the upcoming patch/Restoration Project.
Thank you.
I must say I was overwhelmed by my search results,
far too many- very useful to have specific links.
Much appreciated.

The Skynet level up fix looks very simple, I'll try it out.
Good to know it can happen with other NPCs,
and how to deal with it.

But I remain clueless after reading both pages of the Cassidy
discussion - I still don't understand how to fix him forgetting
his custom combat settings.

There is a post saying proto files can be extracted by changing the extention to .zip or sending it to winzip or 7zip - but winzip (v9) fails to recognise it as a zip file, and 7zip only shows a "file" called [content] which I have no idea what to do with.
Are extracted proto files simply ASCII or do they need to be edited with a hexeditor?

Thanks again,
-- G.
I haven't tried with 7zip myself but it's been said to work.
Winrar and gzip (command prompt) works but Winzip doesn't.
Don't know about the "content" file, the one I've extracted is simply called 00000089 (with no extension), but maybe that's just the way of 7zip?

Anyway, the extracted file needs to be edited with a hex editor.

Also do note that fixing the proto inside the master.dat file will not fix him until you start a new game.
To fix your game in progress, you need to edit the proto in the save slot (I think you already got that since you are trying to unzip the proto, but just wanted to make sure).
Hi Again
Skynet is behaving itself, very easy fix.

To fix Cassidy's custom settings I've used 7zip to extract
[content] from 00...089.PRO
Used XVI32.exe to change 27h from 43h to 48h
successfully put [content] back into
But when I loaded the save Cassidy's custom settings were FUBAR.
Eg. "Not Applicable" for burst fire and set to an abject coward.
I could change them in the custom menu and then exit out of
discussion. But as soon as I talked to him again they all reverted
to the weird settings again.

I've tried to extract files from MASTER.DAT but winzip, 7zip and
gzip will not recognise it as a compressed file.
doesn't exist in the DATA/PROTO/CRITTERS/ folder off the
program's directory.

I'd really like to figure out how to get Cassidy on track.
Where can I find a fixed MASTER.DAT that works with FO2
killap's unofficial update 1.02.25? If it exists then I
understand I could start a new game and use the fixed
proto file it produces in my other saved games.
Any help would be great.
Thanks for your time.
-- G.
GfromHarpOn said:
I've tried to extract files from MASTER.DAT but winzip, 7zip and
gzip will not recognise it as a compressed file.
doesn't exist in the DATA/PROTO/CRITTERS/ folder off the
program's directory.
Master.dat can only be extracted with specific .dat programs.
There are a few available in NMA's download section. The easiest to use is datexplorer (but it's only good for extracting files), for adding files dat2 is the best program to use.
The files you get from master.dat is not compressed with gzip, so you can edit them straight away.

GfromHarpOn said:
I'd really like to figure out how to get Cassidy on track.
Where can I find a fixed MASTER.DAT that works with FO2
killap's unofficial update 1.02.25? If it exists then I
understand I could start a new game and use the fixed
proto file it produces in my other saved games.
You can't find a fixed master.dat as I'm pretty sure that would be classified as warez.

So get the proto from master.dat, edit it.
Remove the bad proto from master.dat with dat2.
Add the fixed proto into master.dat with dat2.

Or you can PM me your Email and I'll send you some files that will do it automatically for you.

As for fixing your current game, I haven't tried doing that myself so I can't really help you. I would suggest you read what crazycc wrote in the Cassidy thread.