NPC (Sulik, Vic, etc.) Help With Combat Dialog Issue


Still Mildly Glowing
OK, I originally posted something about this on the RP thread, but now I'm not even sure if it's related to it or not and so far no one else seems to have mentioned anything about this. For some bizarre reason Sulik has Lenny's combat dialog and Vic has Myron's. I have the latest version of RP and the only mods I added were the new Miria mod and Unlimited Party mod, which I assume would have anything to do with dialogs at all, I guess. By process of elimination I reinstalled RP and omitted the Miria mod, but still had the issue. Then I tried an old version of Unlimited Party (which I never had an issue with in the past) and it's still doing this. I also tried an old version of COMBATAI.MSG (which I found the actual dialog written) in case that was twisted around and still the same.

My question is what file, or whatever you call it is responsible for the combat dialog in relation to the NPC? Is it some script file, or something I'm overlooking? It's really bizarre that this is happening, I'll tell you this. It's not preventing me from playing the game, at least. Should I just rewrite the dialog in COMBATAI.MSG and switch it around in relation to each NPC, or is there something else I could do?

Thanks for any help on this.
I don't have this problem so i think it must be something on your end. Check that the dialog numbers in AI.txt correspond with those in combatai.msg.
I have this issue. I use the same mods you did. Was in the rat caves and Vic is talking about getting his clit pierced.
Oh, OK. AI.TXT the one thing I didn't change back to an original version and there was a file for it that came with the Miria Mod. I didn't even think of that file at all. I suspect that is the culprit and if it is I'll mention it on the Miria Mod thread, in case it hasn't already. Thanks for your help.

I will admit I still find Sulik saying "I'll give you such a pinch!" highly amusing, if you imagine how his character usually is.
Somehow your AI packet numbers got twisted around based on your description of the problem, but the AI.TXT, AIGENMSG.TXT, and AIBODYMSG.TXT from my Miria mod should all be working fine. They work fine for me, at least. I'd be interested in hearing if anyone else had this problem, but perhaps your AI/AIGENMSG/AIBODYMSG got changed somehow else (if you use the mapper, you could do this quite unintentionally).
Yeah, those files seemed to look the same as other ones, as far as I can tell. I went ahead and swapped out all of those files at first to see if it changed, but didn't. The only thing I didn't was the VAULT13.GAM file, but when I did that, I no longer could load my save games. So I just re-installed RP without any of that and I'll see if it still does anything. I'm going to have to wait and see since I have to start a new game until later when I'll play it.
One thing about the particular files (AI.TXT, AIGENMSG.TXT, AIBDYMSG.TXT) we're considering here-- you can't change them on the fly during gameplay. Any time any change is made to these files, a new game must be started-- or else you'll have all kinds of crazy stuff (for example, the sorts of problems you've mentioned) happening. Changing them and then changing them a second time to something else will get even crazier, as your savegames begin to have no idea what to do with themselves.
Yeah, I actually thought about that last night. I did use the save games up to the point I switched out the VAULT13.GAM file, which prevented me from doing so. I went ahead and installed everything in the original version before the mod and the combat dialog is working normally. I should have tried new games for each .TXT file I swapped out to see if it changed anything, although they look identical to the ones in the mod. I don't see how they could have changed anything, because they do look identical. The only thing I don't know about is the VAULT13.GAM file and if that somehow had to do with any of this. I don't even know how to open it, or ever even messed with that.

I could never get the mapper to work on my PC (just a black screen and crash,) and the extent I've ever tinkered with anything was with Cubik's editor (changing some items around like weapons) and tweaked the WORLDMAP.TXT and some dialog (the NPC .msg dialog, not anything else) and pro_scen.msg files to add my personal touch to my game I'm playing. So, I've never done anything major, modding wise, but I always back up everything in case of issues with game play, which there haven't been so far.
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Vault13.gam is just a text file (you can open it with Windows Notepad). It stores the initial state of all the game's global variables. Since a savegame also stores (the current state of) all the game's global variables, if you change vault13.gam then your savegames aren't compatible with your current installation anymore. In other words, you have a different set of global variables now (could be more or less, doesn't matter) supposedly active for the game than are stored in your savegame, so rather than try to figure out what the differences are Fallout 2 just gives up in confusion and refuses to load your savegame (probably for the best).
OK, now I know for sure what that's for. That's interesting, and makes sense because those are loaded on vad's Savegame Editor, too. So basically, not to sound like Captain Obvious, all of this information has to do with whatever decisions you make in game play and interactions there are is what's stored there. Well I learn something new everyday. Now if I actually get some patience (which sometimes I sadly lack, or maybe I'm just being lazy) I could even figure out how the whole scripting thing. I know what it's for, but when I see the whole laundry list of "if so and so the so and so" formula stretched out, I'm like "hmm, do I want to mess with that?" Then again, if I can spend a couple hours screwing around tweaking other files in the game, I should be able to attempt that. I think that's part of the fun of the whole game and see why people spend so much time modding it. To see what you can do with it, and how far you can take it. If you played it vanilla already, then why not?