Nuclear Blasts & Fallout Shelters FAQ


Stumbled upon this rather interesting site today-

<blockquote>Q: What is the Purpose of This FAQ?
A: Hi, my name is Shane Connor and the author of the Potassium Iodide Anti-Radiation Pill FAQ at and the Civil Defense Radiation Detection Survey Meters, Geiger Counters & Dosimeters FAQ at (History of KI4U, Inc. here.)

Since the launching of the KI4U FAQ in 1999 and now also with the RadMeters4U FAQ site launched early in 2001, we've had a steady stream of inquiries and requests for info on nuclear blast and fallout shelters. We've always linked to numerous shelter resources, amongst them Bruce Beach's extensive Ark II site, and also host at our sites the entire 280 page Nuclear War Survival Skills book and some FEMA books free on-line here, too.

The next logical step, with this growing public interest, is this FAQ web site where we've brought together under one roof all of these resources, and many more, while answering the most Frequently Asked Questions about nuclear sheltering.

As with researching potassium iodide and its use in nuclear emergencies for the FAQ and then later the radiation meters for the FAQ site, we found much fiction, misinformation, and critical omissions overwhelming the few solid facts. What we've discovered, and share below, from the pioneers, engineers and todays leaders of nuclear shelter building, will both dispell the myths and show the practical steps you can take to protect your family.

It is not an overstatement that what has been distilled down and presented here will actually save the lives of many families who study the realities of nuclear explosions, accidents and radiation and then take from it the appropriate measures readily available to protect themselves from it. Nuclear war, accidents, terrorism and radioactive fallout are all much more survivable when you know exactly what you are up against and how to properly defend yourself and your family from its effects. It not only can be done, but even with very limited resources you can raise your families odds of surviving 100 fold simply by reading, learning and applying what's presented here below. And, for most, that's all the edge they'll need!</blockquote>

What's covered?

<blockquote>Who Needs a Nuclear Shelter Strategy?
What are the Nuclear Blast and Thermal Pulse Effects?
What are the Nuclear Radiation and Fallout Effects?
What's the Difference Between Alpha, Beta and Gamma Radiation?
What's the Difference Between Roentgen, Rad and Rem Radiation Measurements?
How Much Radiation Is Too Much?
What Areas are Likely Targets?
What's Required for Nuclear Sheltering?
What Plans or Ready-Made Shelters are Available?
NEW NukAlert™ 24/7 Key-Chain Radiation Monitor, Detector and Meter
Potassium Iodide Anti-Radiation Pill FAQ
Civil Defense Radiation Detection Survey Meters, Geiger Counters & Dosimeters FAQ!
Using CD Meters in Fallout Shelters (FEMA - 120 pg book)
'Nuclear War Survival Skills' (280 pg book) FREE On-Line Here!
Nuclear War Unthinkable? (Russian & Chinese Update!)
FEMA Nuclear Weapon Target Maps For Each State!
Trans-Pacific Fallout (Don't be caught off-guard by these ill winds!)
'You Will Survive Doomsday' (A myth-busting eye-opener!)
'11 Steps to Nuclear War Survival' (Canada Emergency Measures Organization)
Sabotage and Terrorism of Nuclear Power Plants
Lost and Stolen Nuclear Materials in the United States
Who Is KI4U, Inc. & What's Their History?


A nice reference for those of us thinking about nuclear apocalypso.

Link: Nuclear Blast & Fallout Shelters FAQ
i think ripping off other sites & copypasting a lot of stuff is quite common in that nuclear survival ring, because i'm 100% sure i've already read about 90% of that on another site.