Nvidia Quatro 140M


A Smooth-Skin
I just purchased a second-hand ThinkPad T61 with this graphical chipset. I got it mainly because I always liked ThinkPads (yes, I know it's not IBM anymore but still) and it's for work, but I'm interested in how it performs in games, just in case *wink wink nudge nudge*. I've only got Debian Lenny on it and Compiz works just fine, planning to install Win 7 Beta next as a dual boot option.

Any thoughts?
Well I have got an R61i since last october (2Ghz Core2duo, 2gb RAM, and the same chipset).

Although the 140 is suposed to be a card for workstations it performs quite well!

I was really suprised that I was able to run most modern games wihtout any problems or with a littlebit of tweaking. I bought my notebook as a trusty office workhorse but it performs quite well in games, too!

The 140 is basically a Nvidia 8400 Chipset that is tweaked to be more stable.

Witch native resolution does your screen have? Mine is running in 1650x1050, you should try to maintain this resolution whenever it is possible in games.

I had no Problems running Stalker with all the options maxed out in this resolution.

Right know I am running The Witcher smoothly with it (had to tweak it a bit).

Fallout 3 wasn't a problem to run either (it has been banned from my R61 since the first playthrough :mrgreen: )

What games do you want to play?
Great news dude, thank you! I'm not thinking of any games in particular right now, just wondering if I'll be able to play once something does catch my fancy. I've got almost the same config as you, 7300 Core2Duo @ 2GHz, only pumped up to 4GBs of ram. My screen is running at 1440x900, which means even less workload for my GPU than on your configuration.

Good stuff, good stuff.
You are welcome.

The 140 is a weak chip compared to new ones and wasn't designed to perform well in games. But in the and it is doing its job better than one would expect.

You won't get perfect results but you should be fine if you don't expect it to run the newest games in the highest resolution (GTA4 won't run smoothly on it thats for shure ;) )

Expect to turn down the resolution in games like Fallout3, The Wither, FEAR and so on... but for fraks sake, I have been running (old) games on my desktop (Athlon XP 2600+, Ati9600 Pro, 516mb RAM) until last year... :mrgreen: hence the 140M is a step forward in gaming for me (which sucks since I have to write my master thesis).