Obsidian Fallout


First time out of the vault
Considering that Bethesda has been having more financial trouble recently, especially with their more recent titles flopping. If Bethesda were to completely go under, what do you think the chances are for Obsidian to gain control over Fallout's IP in a world with a completely defunct Bethesda? Because like it or not, Bethesda has technically made the IP more valuable. Also accounting for inflation, as well, the IP is definitely going to cost more than what Interplay sold it for.
Considering it is Microsoft who owns them now I'd assume that before they go under they would be restructured first as it would be a massive L to shut down Bethesda out of all studios.

However even if the IP's continuation passed over to Obsidian it isn't the same Obsidian as back in the day so I wouldn't expect miracle work from them. Better writing, middling gameplay.
14 years, it's been 14 years from today since Fallout New Vegas was released! And yes, many of those who worked on it at the time are no longer at Obsidian. Even with that in mind, for me IMO I'm still interested in seeing a new Obsidian Fallout in the future. I don't know, I just think that they've still got something in the tank. I'm willing to give them another shot!

Also, as Mr. Fish pointed out, it's really Microsoft/Xbox that owns the IP now, not Bethesda. So Obsidian or any other Game Studio of their choosing can work on a new Fallout game.

14 years have passed since Obsidian held the lore, just barely, from Bethesda onslaught.

Bethesda did not retreat. Across the country, it gathers strength. Franchises burn, RPG elements are dumbed down.

Through it all, No Mutants Allowed has stayed open for business under its mysterious overseer, Kilus, and his army of rehabilitated Bethestards and Orderite admins.