The Group of characters are currently at the T-Bone Garage and Café truck stop. The truck stop is not much. A few gas pumps, a few garages, spaces for trucks to stop for the night, a bathroom and shower for men and women, a number of telephones to call loved ones, a convenience store. The T-Bone café serves basic diner fare. Nothing special but it is hearty cooking and filling.
Behind the T-Bone is a junkyard of vehicles left stranded along the highway. Next door is Mr. and Mrs. Foo’s Motel 8 with nearly 40 rooms, of which no more than 10 are ever fully occupied.
Neither the truck stop nor the motel get much attention. Both are on the side of the highway, on an off ramp that leads to a road that leads only to two places- the compound of the Prairie Militia Society (a small compound of a skin head neo-Nazi group) some ranches and that’s about it. There are also the old missile bases, but the nearest one is quite a distance away. Most folks pass it by on the way to Kimball. It lies between Brownson and Potter two small towns between Sidney and Kimball.
The most recent excitement was the helicopter that came down near the truck stop. The helicopter suddenly lost fuel in mid-air and had to land to do repairs. Otherwise most of the guests are people who spent the night in the Motel 8 and are coming in for breakfast, or those who slept out and are stopping by for gas or food. They have been watching the news which suggests something very strange is happening across the planet.
Does this have anything to do with that meteor shower last night?
Staff at the Truck Stop-
Boss Hammond- Owner Café Tyrant
Played by Keeper
Str 10 Con 9 Siz 11 Int 16 Pow 14 Dec 14 App 8 Edu 12 San 65 Hp 14
Know 60, Idea 80 Luck 70
Skills- Accounting 45%, Bargain 60%, Conceal 45% Debate 25%, Dodge 40% Law 35%, Credit Rating 70%, Fast Talk 65% Listen 70%, Chemistry 70%, Cooking 50% Psychology 55% Sneak 30%, Spot Hidden 50%
Boss Hammond runs the Truck stop. He’s a money grubbing tyrant who doesn’t pay well and who squeezes his patrons when he can, and isn’t above a bit of criminal work, or so it has been rumored..
Attacks- Shotgun 12 Gauge 60% 4d6.
.357 50% Magnum 1d8 +1d4.
Boss Earl- Owner the Garage Tyrant-
Played by Keeper
Str 12 Con 13 Siz 15 Int 14 Pow 12 Dex 13 App 9 Edu 12 San 60 HP 14
Know 60 Idea 70 Luck 60
Skills- Accounting 85%, Bargain 70%, Credit Rating 65%, Drive Auto 85%, Drive Truck 60%, Electrical Repair 70%, Fast Talk 70%, Mechanical Repair 75%, Operate Heavy Machinery 70%, Persuade 45%, Sneak 65%.
Damage Bonus- 1d4
20 gauge shotgun 60% 2d6 damage
Earl is a co-owner of the Truck stop and runs both the garage and the junkyard. He’s a nasty old cuss who drinks too much and chews tobacco and doesn’t much like people.
He lives in a trailer outback.
Rita the Cashier-
Played by Keeper
St 11, Con 11 Siz 9 Int 11 Pow 10 Dex 13 App 11 Edu 12 San 65 -2 ( 63 ) Hp 11
Know 60%, Idea 55% Luck 50%
Skills- Accounting 80%, Bargain 35%, Credit Rating 30%, Drive Automobile, 40%, Fast Talk 15%, First Aid 35%, Library Use 30%, Psychology 10%, English 70%, Ride 25% Sneak 20% Swim 45%.
Rita is Boss Hammond’s eyes and takes care of the receipts for both the café and the garage. She will work the front of the Café while her husband Hammond, works the kitchen and her brother, Earl, works the garage. She is the link that holds the partnership together but doesn’t much care for either man. But she expects to outlive them both.
“Worthless. I saw worthless. My brother was born worthless, and what did I done do but married another of the worthless breed.”
Dave – guitarist and mechanic-
Player- SuAside
Str 12, Con 13, Siz 13, Int 12 Pow 10 Dex 13, App 12 Edu 12 San 50 Hp 13 -15 ( -2 )
Know 60, Idea 60 Luck 50
Damage bonus 1d4
Weapons Fist punch 50% 1d3 +db, Kick 45%, 1d6+db, Club 60% 1d6+db
Skills- Climb 50%, Electrical Repair 40%, Listen 50%, Mechanical Repair 50%, Operate Heavy Machinery 15%, Oratory 45%, Play Bass Guitar 75%, Psychology 45%, Sing 20%, Spot Hidden 40%, Throw 40%
Dave once had dreams of being a punk rocker. But when his van crapped out by the truck stop, he took to working at the garage as a mechanic. When he gets the money he’s getting out. If only the old man would pay better.
“The band. I need to get the band back together.”
Rosie the Waitress-
Str 11 Con 10 Siz 9 Int 11 Pow 10 Dex 13 App 13 Edu 11 San 45 +7 ( 52 ) Hp 10 -1 ( 9 ) +1 ( 10 )
Damage bonus -0
Fist punch 65%,1d3, Kick 45% 1d6, broken bottle 60% 1d6.
Skills- Bargain 75%, Charm Customer 80%, Listen 60% +7 ( 67 ), Pick pockets 25%, Psychology 50% +2 ( 52 ), Sneak 75% Strut Provacatively 80%.
Rosie is closing on 40 and doesn’t talk much about her past in Reno (prostitution), but she’s a favorite among the locals and the truckers for reasons of her varied charms.
“Why sugga, you’re so sweet. Perhaps we should talk about that date after I get off?”
Mitchell the Young Artist/ current mechanic
Str 14, Con 14, Siz 15% Dex 16 App 13 Int 16, Pow 13 Edu 14 San 65 +4 ( 69 ) -2 ( 67 ) -4 ( 63 ) -8 ( 55 ) Hp 15 -12 ( 3 )
Damage bonus 1d4
Fist punch 55%, damage 1d3 +1d4.
Baseball bat 75% 1d8 + 1d4
Dodge 55%
Skills – Accounting 30%, Botany 35%, Painting 57%, Debate 45%, Drive car 56% Electrical Repair 45%, History 65%, Make Maps 65%, Mechanical Repair 75% Occult 35%, Psychology 55%, Ride 35%, Spot Hidden 85%
Mitchell is a college educated guy who is into baseball, graphic art and trying to get his career going. In the meantime he’s working as a mechanic at the Truck stop.
“I came out here to paint landscapes and shit, but ran out of cash. This job pays shit but its better than starving.”
Charlie Moon- Indian line cook- hates white people-
Str 15, Con 15 Siz 12 Int 13 Pow 10 Dex 15% App 13 Edu 10 San 50% Hp 14 -14 ( 0 )
Know 50%, Idea 65%, Luck 50%
Skills- Cook 50% Hide 43%, Listen 67% Navigation (Land 47%) Ride 46% Sneak 48%, English 52%, Sioux Indian 48%
Attacks- Winchester Carbine M1894 64% 2d6 +4
Remington Sportsman 74 Rifles 66% 2d6+4.
Charlie, the over 40 cook, works from the morning till dinner, than goes home and gets drunk. He used to hunt and track, but he’s too tired. He’s been working at the Truck stop for a long time and no raise in salary for over two years. He blames it on white people, generally.
“Fuckin white people. They all look the same to me.”
Ashley the College Co-ed/ Waitress, rebellious daughter-
Str 7 Con 8 Dex 12 App 16 Int 10 Pow 11 Edu 12 San 55 -1 ( 54 ) Hp 8
Luck 55%, Int 50% Know 60%
Weapons- 22 automatic 40% ad6
Pocket knife- 1d 3
Skills- Astronomy 25%, Bargain 40%, Climb 30%, Credit Rating 0%, Debate 35%, Dodge 35%, Drive car 45%, Fast Talk 60%, First Aid 30%, Hide 40%, History 25%, Jump 25%, Law 30%, Listen 50%, Occult 30%, Photography 35%, Pick Pocket 30%, Pilot aircraft 40%, Psycho-analysis 50%, Psychology 50%, French 35%, Italian 35%, Ride 40% Sneak 35%, Spot Hidden 30% Swim 50%, Throw 30%.Waitress 25%.
Ashley is the daughter of a wealthy Texas real estate investor, a rebellious young girl who is not especially bright. She is currently working as a waitress at the truck stop and rents a room from the Motel 8 until she gets enough cash to go forward.
“Like wow. After I left by boyfriend to get to this shithole I saw some girl, like, eating her boyfriend. Gross. I don’t mean, like, oral sex.”
Lynne – Dumb but hot Waitress with criminal ambition
Str 10, Con 14, Siz 8 Int 9 Pow 9 Dex 13 App 17 Edu 10 San 45 -1 ( 44 ) +4 ( 48 ) -3 ( 45 ) Hp 11 -9 ( 2 ) +3+3 ( 8 )
Know 50,% Idea 45%, Luck 45%
Skills- Conceal 57%, Drive Motorcycle 73% Fast Talk 62% +6 ( 68 ), Hide 46%, Listen 61%, Locksmith 48% +3 ( 51 ), Pick Pockets 61% Sneak 44% Spot Hidden 67% +1 ( 68 ), Waitress 25%.
Lynne is actually half Indian/half Caucasion, high school educated local and is both the local hottie as well as a part-time thief. She and Ashley are best friends and room together. Both aspire to someplace else.
“Guy tend to give me stuff because I am hot and so they can sleep with me. It’s cool.”
Thomas - teenager- High School Dropout and Kitchen help - Deceased
Player- c0ldst33ltrs4u
Str 10, Con 10, Siz 10 Int 13 Pow 12 Dex 11 App 13 Edu 11 San 60 Hp 10
No DB bonus
Skills- Archeaology 16%, Chemistry 13%, Phsycis 20%, Mathematics 10%, Earth Science 29%, History 30% Drive Automobile 26% Sneak 39% Spot Hidden 44%.
English 55%
Thomas- works in the kitchen with Charlie Moon. A local high school drop out, this is the best he can do for a job. He wants to move out of his home and perhaps in with Ashley who has other plans.
“This job blows so bad. So Ashley, what are you doing later.”
Max the Mastiff
Player - Helbent4
Str 12, Con 2 Siz 10 Pow 7 Dex 9 San 35 -3 ( 32 ) +5 ( 37 ) -1 ( 36 ) -1 ( 35 ) HP 11
Luck 35%, Idea 10% Know -0
Damage bonus none-
Bite 50% 1d6
Skills Listen 80% +2 ( 82 ), Scent Something Interesting 96%, Spot Hidden 25 +8 ( 33 )
Max the dog is a usually wandering around the truck stop. Originally bought and trained to be a guard dog, Max has failed miserably to live up to that expectation. Friendly, loveable- we hope that zombies don’t eat dogs. Spends most of his time in the garage, sleeping.
“Grrrrrr Woof.”
Buddy the German Shepherd
Player- Steve
Str 12, Con 14 Siz 5 Dex 14 Pow 7 HP 12
Luck 35%
Spot Hidden 55%, Listen 90% Track by scent 85%.
Buddy is a leaner and tougher dog, but rather playful and affectionate. Spends most of his time looking for small animals to hunt in the fields behind the truckstop.
“Woof… Woof??? ”
At Motel 8
Ms. Foo- wife of Mr. Foo and co-owner of Motel 8 age 71
Mrs Foo in her younger days.
Str 8, Con 13 Siz 9 Int 14 Pow 11 Dex 6 App 12 Edu 11 San 55 +10 ( 65 ) HP 11
Luck 55%, Idea 70% Know 55%
Damage bonus- 0
Special attacks- 0
Skills- 15%, Bargain 35% Computer use 35%, Credit Rating 30%, Debate 25%, Library use 60%, Persuade 20%, Electrical Repair 35%, Mechanical Repair 25%. Chinese 80%, English 35%.
Ms. Foo is an old dotty Chinese woman who is very much in love with her husband and does most of the regular work at the Motel 8. That said, she’s becoming forgetful with age and is also growing deaf.
“What? What you say? I don’t understand. How many nights? Where you going? Credit Card? Mastercard? Visa? I have very nice room for you. You like very much. I know.”
Mr. Foo- Motel 8 owner with unusual past. Age 72
St 7, Con 7 Siz 14 Int 18 Pow 17 Dex 6 App 11 Edu 21 San 85 +9 ( 94 ) -1 ( 93 ) , Hp 11 -3 ( 8 ) +3 (11) -1 ( 10 ) +1 ( 11 )
Know 90%, Idea 90%, Luck 85%
Damage bonus 0
Attacks – HK P10 10 Mm 76% +5 ( 81 ) 1d10 +1
Fighting Sword- 64% 1d6 +1
Fist punch- 64% 1d3
Grapple 66%
Kick 61% 1d6
HP MP-5 53% +10 ( 63 ) 1d10
Skills- Air/Sea navigation 32%, Art 49%, Computer Use 41% +6 ( 47 ) , Conceal 59%, Credit Rating 57%, Occult 15% Demolitions 46%, Disguise 51%, Dodge 40% Drive Auto 76%, Electronic Repair 70%, Fast Talk 65% +10 ( 75 ), First Aid 64%, Hide 67%, Hypnosis 41%, Jump 48%, Library Use 72%, Listen 58%, Locksmith 51% +7 ( 58 ), Marital Arts 61%, Operate Heavy Equipment 41%, Pilot boat 42%, Pilot Helicopter 50%, Persuade 66% Psychology 82%, Psychoanalysis 1% +2 ( 3 ), Sneak 66%, Spot Hidden 76%, Swim 52%
Languages English 90%
Chinese 100%
The enigmatic Mr. Foo does not talk very much to anyone except his wife. Members of the Truck Stop will often seem him exercising near the hotel, running laps around, and it is well known that he keeps a room to himself. Nor do people really understand the large radar dish atop the Motel 8. This has not stopped the local staff from wondering what his past was, but so far Mr. Foo has kept it to himself.
“Shhh…. Be quiet. Do not speak. Chinese saying, ‘ A wise man is not the man who knows that he knows what he knows, but the one who knows that he does not know, what he does not know…. Or something… I can’t quite remember.”
Ellen Cody- House keeper- at Motel 8
Str 10, Con 11 Siz 11 Int 13 Pow 15 Dec 13 App 13 Ed 15 San 75 -3 ( 72 ) +2 ( 74 ) -2 ( 72 ) HP 11
Know 75, Idea 65, Luck 75
Skills – Accounting 55%, Bargain 30%, First Aid, 50%, Listen 40% +4+7 ( 51 ) , Psychology 30%, Ride 40%, Spot Hidden 25% +7 ( 32 ) ,Swim 50%.
Ellen works as the housekeeper for Motel 8 now that the Foos are getting older. Despite the name she’s actually an Indian and has been seeing Charlie Moon on a regular basis. She’s close friends with Mr. and Mrs. Foo and takes care of them, as they do likewise.
“I need a vacation.”
Sally the Traveling Nurse-
Str 14, Con 10, Siz 11, Dex 16, App 17 Int 16 Pow 17 Edu 12 San 85 +7 ( 92 ) Hp 11
Know 60%, Luck 85% Idea 80
Skills- Botany 15%, Chemistry 22%, Cooking 36%, Diagnose Disease 2%, Drive Car 28%, First Aid 65%, Listen 25% +8 ( 33 ), Medicine 55% +2 ( 57 ), Fishing 43%, Pharmacy 18% +6 ( 24 ), Psychoanalysis 33% +1 ( 34 ), Psychology 24%, Spot Hidden 25% +3 ( 28 ), Swim 25%, Treat Disease 29%
Weapons- Fist Punch 55% damage 1d3 +1d4
Grapple 35%
Handgun 45% +4+3 ( 52 )
A recent grad of Nursing school, Sally works at different hospitals for stints of 2-3 years before moving on to the next site. Mostly Sally wants to have fun. “It’s a great way to travel around the country and meet people, but let me tell you, Montgomery Alabama… sucks.”
Tony Lathan- Insurance Broker Husband- - Deceased
Str 13, Con 12 Siz 15 Int 14 Pow 12 Dex 08 App 12 Edu 16 San 60 HP 13
Know 80, Idea 70 Luck 60
Damage bonus 1d4
Fist punch 50% 1d3+db
Accounting 70%, Bargain 50%, Computer Use 45% Credit Rating 65%, Debate 50%, Drive Automobile 75%, Fast Talk 60% Law 40% Persuade 40%
Tony is married to Cathy and have elected to take there two kids to Yellowstone National Park. They woke up at the Motel 8 and decided to stop at the Truck stop before continuing on. Tony loves to sell insurance and does well at it. It’s also nice that he’s screwing his secretary on the side.
“Wow… well I wonder what kind of coverage you need to cover something like this, hunh?”
Cathy Lathan- Chemically dependent housewife. Deceased
Str 9, Con 11, Siz 12, Int 15, Pow 9 Dex 15 App 12 Edu 14 San 45, HP 11
Idea 75, Know 70 Luck 45
Skills- Accounting 40%, Chemistry 40%, Computer use 60%, Crdidt Rating 50%, Diagnose Disease 20%, Didge 50%, Drive Car 50%, First Aid 50%, Library Use 50%, Listen 60%, Medicine 75%, Sneak 40%
Cathy’s been having a bit too much fun with the valium and the anti-depressants lately. The main reason is that she knows her husband is fooling around. She is plotting a divorce and maybe restarting her career in medicine. Can she go back to being a doctor?
“Tony, how come you’re working late so many nights. Why does your shirt smell like the perfume of a French whore?”
Bobby Lathan Video Junkie child of - Deceased
Str 13 Con 12 Siz 19, Dex 9 App 13 Int 16 Pow 12 Edu 14 San 55 Hp 16
Know 70, Idea 80, Luck 60
Damage 1d4
Weapons- fist punch 45%, 1d3 plus db.
Skills accounting 45%, Anthropology 25%, Botany 55%, Drive car 21%, Drive motorcycle 35%, History 45%, Make Maps 35%, Occult 55%, Sing 7%, Computer Use 55%.
Bobby is a video junkie of awful movies. He fashions himself a martial artist, a music manager, a connoisseur of film (he isn’t). He is something of an expert on bad horror and marital arts films. He is gruff, imposing and generally an annoying little shit.
“Dude. What are you talking about? Ishi the Killer 2 was the shit.”
Scotty Lathan- Little brother- Deceased
Str 8 Con 12 Size 9 Dex 15 App 12 Int 14 Pow 13 Edu 6 San 65 Hp 10
Damage – 1d4
Fist 45% 1d3 – 1d4
Kick 35% 1d6-1d4
Baseball bat- 55%, 1d8 -1d4.
Skills Conceal 45%, Climb 50%, Dodge 55%, Fast Talk 45%, Hide 55%, History 35%, Mechanical Repair 40%, Psychology 45%, Sneak 55%, Spot Hidden 55%, Swim 35%, Throw 45%,
Scotty is 11. He knows there are family problems coming but prefers not to concentrate on them. He wishes he had more attention from his older brother but is coming to realize that Bobby is a jerk.
Alex - Marine Reservists/ College student- Deceased
Player- Stompie
Str 17, Con 15 Siz 16 Dex 15 App 14 Int 16 Pow 15 Edu 14 San 75 Hp 16
Know 70, Idea 80, Luck 75
Damage bonus 1d6
Weapons- Fist 75% damage 1d3 +1d6
Kick 55% Damage 1d6+1d6
Grapple 75%
Staff 55% 1d8+1d6
Fighting Knife 65% damage 1d4+2
AR-15 Assault Rifle- 80% 2d8. (Semi-Automatic)
Skills- Accounting 45%, Camouflage 55%, Climb 65%, Computer Use 55% Dodge 45%, Drive Automobile 55%, Electric Repair 55%, First Aid 55%, Hide 65%, History 65%, Make Maps 85%, Marital Arts 65%, Mechanical Repair 55%, Operate Heavy Machinery 45%, Persuade 75%, Physics 55%, German 65%, Swim 55%, Treat Poison 55%.
Alex is a marine reservists and college student. He’s actually on his way to California for summer training. In addition he studies Kung fu. Remarkably intelligent and a good sense of humor, and he likes to take charge. The biggest problem is that he tends to use marine lingo as everyday speech.
“Hit the deck and give me 20. Hoo-rah!”
Jim- the runaway-
Str 15, Con 17 Dex 17 Siz 12 App 16 Int 15 Pow 15 Edu 14 San 75 -5 ( 70 ) +1 ( 71 ) HP 16 -2 ( 14 ) +2 ( 16 ) -10 ( 6 )
Know 70, Idea 75 Luck 75
Damage bonus 1d4
Pocket knife 65% +db
Club 50% damage 1d6 =ad4
Punch 60% damage 1d3 plus 1d4
Kick 55%, damage 1d6+1d4.
Shotgun 50% +3 ( 53 )
Skills – bargain 55%, Conceal 50%, Climb 75%, Dodge 70%, Fast Talk 45%, First Aid 40%, Hide 55%, Jump 50%, Listen 45%, Mechanical Repair 55%, Pick Pocket 50%, Psychology 35%, Sneak 50%, Spot Hidden 55% +5 ( 60 ) , Swin 5%, Throw 70%
Jim ran away from a foster house and has been heading cross country, hitching rides where he can on the way to Chicago. He has stopped at the Truck stop, where he has been able to take advantage of the lax controls around the showers and grab some food from the back. He’s hiding out in one of the junked cars and has already befriended both dogs. Some of the staff probably knows he’s there (The two mechanics do), so perhaps its time to move on. Still, those strange meteors last night. What a light show.
Wallace Red Crow- Former cop turned truck driver-
Player- Stompie
Str 12, Con 13 Siz 14 Int 13 Pow 13 Dex 14 App 11 Edu 17 San 65 +2 ( 67 ) -1 ( 66 ) -4 ( 62 ) -8 ( 54 ) -1 ( 53 ) Hp 14 -1 ( 13 )
Know 85, Idea 65 Luck 65
Skills- Drive truck 55%, Law 26%, Listen 49%, Navigate 41
Persuade 32% Psychology 53% Ride 51%, Rope 58% Spot Hidden 45% +7 ( 52 ), Throw 41% Track 47% +7 ( 54 )
Damage bonus 1d4
Attacks- .357 Magnum 64% +2 ( 66 ) 1d8 +1d6
Bowie Knife 41% 1d4 =2+1d4 db
Fist Punch 59% 1d3 +1d4
Grapple 40%
Kick 31% ad6 +db
Ruger Mini 14 Rifle 66% +4 ( 70 ) 2d8.
Wallace used to be a reservation cop but gave it up after he had to shoot a fellow member of the tribe for smuggling liquor onto the reservation. Since then he’s been driving a truck and been drinking beer when he’s off.
“I drink to make other people more interesting.”
Bo- Bored State Trooper-
Str 16 Con 15 Siz 16 Int 13 Pow 12 Dex 13 App 14 Edu 10 San 60 +1 ( 61 ) -6 ( 55 ) Hp 16 -5+1+3 ( 15 )
Know 50%, Idea 65%, Luck 60%
Damage bonus 1d4
Skills- Drive Auto 70%, Hide 43%, Law 38% Listen 47% +1 ( 48 ), Sneak 41%, Spot Hidden 56%, Track 39%
Attacks- Club 72% 1d6 +db
Fist Punch 74$ 1d3+db
Grapple 59%
Berretta M92 Auto 52% 1d10
Kick 42% 1d6 +db
Mossberg Model 500 TP8-Sp Shotgun 61% 4d6
Also Light Kevlar vest 5Hp.
Trooper Bo Richards with the Nebraska Highway Patrol has been on the force for ten years and hasn’t gotten tired of chasing down speeders late. He’s wandered into the Truck stop for typical morning breakfast on the way to work.
“This is going to screw up traffic I bet. What the hell? I can’t get command on the radio?”
Father Roger McCormick- Middle aged Priest
Str 12 Con 15 Siz 14 Dex 14 App 14 Int 17 Pow 18 Edu 19 San 90 HP 14
Know 95% Luck 90% Idea 85%
Weapon Bonus +1d4
Skills- Accounting 30%, Debate 40%, First Aid 65%, History 65%, Library use 75%, Listen 55%, Oratory 75%, Psychology 55%, Latin 55%.
Father McCormick is off to Sacramento from Chicago to join a new church. He’s getting on in years and not that happy to be leaving, but overall a dedicated priest.
“Religion isn’t what it used to be. Let me tell ya.”
Baldwin- the conspiracy theorist /Truck driver-
Str 11 Con 16 Siz 13 Int 13 Pow 10 Dex 13 App 18 Edu 15 San 50 -2 ( 48 ) +2 ( 50 ) -10 ( 40 ) -2 ( 38 ) -6 ( 32 ) Hp 15 -10 ( 5 )
Know 75 Luck 50 Idea 65
Attacks- Colt Viper Revolver 62% +2+6 ( 70 ) 1d10.
Club 25% +10 ( 35 )
Skills Accounting 62%, Bargain 66%, Computer Use 12%, Drive truck 58%, Fast Talk 72% Hide 29%, Law 32% +4 ( 36 ), Listen 53% Psychology 52%, Rifle 45% +5 ( 50 ), Sneak 26%, Spot Hidden 77%
Baldwin is an African American truck driver who’s rig has broken down at the truck stop. He’s in his late 30s and has a rather no-nonsense attitude.
“I keep the gun in case I run into the Klan in Indiana. Some body ought to kill them people.”
Randall the Law student/ Ex med student
Str 14 Con 14 Siz 15 Dex 13 App 14 Int 18 Pow 13 Edu 20 San 65 -2 ( 63 ) +6 ( 69 ) -1 ( 68 ) HP 15 -2 ( 13 ) +2 ( 15 )
Damage Bonus +1d4
Fist Punch 45% damage 1d3 + 1d4
Baseball bat 65% 1d 8 plus 1d4
Skills- Bargain 45%, Debate 55%, Drive Auto 60%, First Aid, 60% History 55% Law 55% Library Use 65%, Psychology 65%, Read speak Spanish 45%, Ride 75%, Rifle 55% +9 ( 64 ), Throw 45%, Treat Diseases 55%, Chemistry 65%, Biology 55%
Randall’s parents pushed him towards a career as a doctor. He quit in his second year and is now in his second year of law school. “I went to med school because I was good in chemistry and biology, but I discovered I didn’t care for the sight of blood. Besides, there is more money in law.”
David the horny Truck Driver-
Str 10, Con 11 Siz 10 Int 11 Pow 11 Dex 11 App 11 Edu 12 San 41 -3 ( 38 ) +9 ( 47 ) -3 ( 44 ) Hp 11 -3 ( 8 ) +3 ( 11 )
Damage bonus -0
Attacks Sig Sauer 220 9 mm auto 61% +3 ( 64 ) 1d10.
Skills- Accounting 12% Drive truck 55%, Electronics 39%, Fast Talk 31% +8 ( 39 ), Mechanical
Repairs 36% Persuade 30%, English 60%.
David is an ex-con who got a job driving trucks which he figured was better than selling drugs. Sometimes he still moves drugs, but mostly it’s groceries. He’s rather fond of Rosie.
“I met this hooker once in Reno who had a glass eye… no shit.”
Horst Jaegermeister- Aging Skinhead leader- Deceased
Played by Keeper
Str 16, Con 9 Siz 17 Int 16 Pow 17 Dex 13 App 10 Edu 16 San 59 HP 13
Know 80, Idea 80 Luck 85
Damage bonus 1d6
Skills- Chemistry 82%, Climb 53% Demolition 81%, Hide 41%, Jump 52% Navigate 54%, Parachute 34%, Sneak 42% Swim 36% Track 31%. German 22%
Attacks- Bayonet 45% 1d4 +2+db
Fist Punch 63%
Grapple 49%
Ruger P-85 9 mm 43% 1d10
M79 Grenade Launcher 39% 4d6 damager 4 yard radius
Kick 47%
Knife 50%
Ak-47 66%
Mac 10 9 Mm 56% 1d10
Horst is former US Army who got himself in trouble dealing drugs and spreading racist propaganda. He became a white supremist while in the army and in Leavenworth prison. Upon his release he’s formed the Prairie Militia Society which has a compound not far from the Truck stop where he and other members of his organization involve themselves in a variety of crimes, and the current gossip is that he's involved in a crytstal meth lab. Horst is a nut.
“This is happening because God hates the Niggas and the Jews.”
Flip- Skinhead scumbag associate of Horst-
Player- Stompie
Str 14 Con 14 Siz 15 Int 10 Pow 8 Dex 11 App 9 Ed 10 San 40 HP 15
Db 1d4
Skills Climb 54%, Dodge 29%, Drive Car 39% Hide 37% Listen 36% Lockpick 26% Sneak 37% Spot Hidden 37% Throw 63%
Attacks Club 73% 1d6+db
Fist/Punch 68% 1d3+db
Grapple 42%
Ruger P-85 9 mm 31% 1d10
Headbutt 44% 1d4+db
Kick 44% 1d6 +db
Switchblade Knife32% 1d4=db.
Flip is about as white as they come. A rather nasty boy who grew up in a suburban community he was recruited by some Neo-Nazi groups and found his way into Horsts Prairies Militia Society. Ideologically committed to the cause, he works as Horsts body guard.
“Hey Horst, look, we got a nigga and an Indian in this place. What the fuck is wrong with Hammond, man?”
Tisha the Reporter-
*warning- adult content!*
Str 12, Con 12 Siz 13, Dec 12 App 13, Int 13, Pow 11, Edu 14 San 55 Hp 13
Know 70, Idea 65 Luck 55
Weapons- Fist/Punch 60% Damage 1d3
Skills Bargain 15%, Debate 40%, Dodge 24% Drive Automobile 30%, Fast Talk 80%, Hide 15% History 30%, Law 50%, Library Use 40%, Listen 45% Occult 10% Oratory 65%, Photography 20%, Psychology 30% English 85% Spot Hidden 35%
Tisha is closing on her 30s and is having second thoughts about her career as a TV journalist. Tisha and her cameraman Willie are heading to Omaha to cover the ‘riots’ going on there.
“I mean… it’s fucking Nebraska? What the fuck kind of news happens here, ya know?”
Willie the Aging Camera man-
Str 13, Con 8 Siz 11, Int 10, Pow 11 Dex 11 App 12 Edu 16 San 55 -5-5 ( 45 ) +5 ( 50 ) -2 ( 48 ) -6 ( 42 ) -2 ( 40 ) Hp 13 -2 ( 11 ) +2 ( 13 ) -2 ( 11 ) -6 ( 5 )
Attacks- Punch 59% 1d3
Skills- Bargain 32%, Climb 29%, Computer Use 37% Conceal 47% Dodge 41% +8 ( 49 ) , Drive 30%, Electrical Repair 28%, Fast Talk 56% +1 ( 57 ), Hide 22%, Listen 35%, Navigate 37%, Rifle 45% +9 ( 54 ), Spot Hidden 43% +2 ( 45 ), Videography 57%
Willie has spent much of his 51 years traveling the world on news assignments, and has the war wounds to match. Tired of all the world travel, he has recently taken a job in Nebraska where he works with Tisha covering local news.
“Yeah… Sarajevo. I was there. They got a couple good bars. Angola? Pretty good sea food…. Afghanistan, well they do a mean mutton.. I even had dog once in Cambodia, not so bad really.”
Alice- the Wandering History Professor
Player- Steve
Str 8 Con 10, Size 14, Dec 9 App 13, Int 17, Pow 13, Edu 18, San 65 -10 ( 55 ) +3 ( 58 ) -10 ( 48 ) -1 ( 47 ) Hp 12 -1 ( 11 ) -12 ( -1 ) +2+1 ( 2 )
Know 90, Idea 75%, Luck 65%
Skills- Anthropology 45%, Archeology 14%, Bargain 20% +2 ( 22 ), Credit Rating 20%, Drama Acting 30%, Dodge 18% History 90% Law 30% Library Use 85%, Linguist 15%, Listen 25% +2 ( 27 ), Make Maps 35% +6 ( 41 ), Occult 65%, Persuade 50% +3 ( 53 ), Read/write Engish 90%, Spot Hidden 25% +2 ( 27 ), Arabic 75%, Throw 35%
For the past three years Alice has been going place to place in the US looking for a tenure track position, living the life of a gypsy academic. She’s tired of it but has little other choices in life.
“I thought I would get a great job teaching about the Middle East, but all those kids down in Lynchburg want to talk about is Jesus Christ and Christianity. What a bunch of Jesus freaks.”
Old Bud the Private Investigator-
Str 13, Con 11, Siz 14, Dex 12, App 12, Int 13, Pow 11, Edu 13, San 55 Hp 13
Know 65%, Idea 65% Luck 55%
Damage bonus 1d4
Weapons- 38 revolver 65% damage 1d10
Fist punch 70% 1d3 + 1d4 +brass knuckles (1d4)
Skills- Accounting 30%, Credit Rating 20%, Dodge 24%, Drive Automobile 45%, Fast Talk 50%, Hide 45%, Law 30%, Listen 45%, Photography 15%, English 65%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 55%.
Old Bud has been a PI since he left the police department. Now at 60 he’s of a mind to retire, but doesn’t have the cash. A consummate gambler, he’s still doing work as a PI. Mostly Divorce cases and missing husband. Don’t be fooled. Bud is getting old, but he’s a tough old buzzard.
“Who are you callin’ an old man, punk. Come here so I can treat you to a knuckle sandwich.”
Samantha the Zoologist-
Str 8, Con 10, Size 9 Dex 9 App 13 Int 14 Pow 10 Edu 18 San 50 -2 ( 48 ) +4 ( 52 ) -8 ( 44 ) HP 10 -5 ( 5 )
Know 90, Luck 50 Idea 70
Weapons- .30-06 rifle 40% 2d6+3, 12 Gauge shotgun 55% 4d6/ 2d6/1d6. 32 Automatic 50% 1d8 Hunting knife 50% 1d6
Skills- accounting 30% , Anthropology 40%, Bargain 35%, Botany 50%, Chemistry 20%, Credit Rating 60%, Diagnose disease 30%, Dodge 35% Drive car 25%, Fast Talk 35%, First Aid 50%, Geology 30%, Hide 40%, History 43%, Law 20%, Library Use 55%, Linguist 45%, Make Maps 35%, Photography 45%, Psychology 5% +9 ( 14 ), French 30%, Spanish 50%, Ride 35%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 40%, Swim 45%, Throw 35%, Track 60%, Treat Disease 35%, Treat Poison 30%, Zoology 70%.
Samantha has been hired to work out at Yosemite National Park, where she is suppose to monitor the movements of grizzly bears and wolves, as well as watch for poachers.
“I guess I always preferred animals to men.”
Luke the Hunter-
Player- Suaside
Hunting Expedition Organizer-
Str 12, Con 12, Siz 10, Dex 14 App 16, Int 9, Pow 18, Edu 9, San 90 +9 ( 99 ) Hp 11 -1 ( 10 ) +1 ( 11 )
Know 45%, Idea 45%, Luck 90%
Weapons 30.06 rifle 80% 2d6+3. 12 Gauge Shotgun, 50% +2+4 ( 56 ) damage 4d6, 2d6,1d6.
32 Revolver- 50% +8 ( 58 ) damage 1d8, Fighting Knife 55% damage 1d4+2 Fist/punch 45% damage 1d3+1
Skills- Anthropology 20%, Bargain 60%, Botany 25%, Camouflage 76%, Climb 45%, Dodge 60%, First Aid 55%, Hide 70%, Jump 45%, Linguist 50%, Listen 65%, Make Maps 40%, 30% Natural History, English 40%, Spanish 40%, Ride 65%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 55% +2 ( 57 ), Swim 35%, Throw 30%, 70% Track, Treat disease 35%, Treat poison 40%, Zoology 45%.
Luke is a big gamer hunter who usually works out west as a contractor for wealthy clients to arrange hunting expeditions. He works all over the US, Canada and Mexico. Lately he had been thinking of setting up his own big game reserve.
“Cause nothin’, and I mean nothin’ beats the feeling of putting the breaks on somethin’ livin’”
Jenny Cooper- Lab assistant-
Str 9, Con 12 Siz 11 Int 15 Pow 13, Dex 13 App 14 Edu 18, San 65 +9 ( 74 ) -1 ( 73 ) , Hp 12 -1 ( 11 ) +1 ( 12 )
Idea 75, Know 90, Luck 65
Weapons skills- none
Skills Astronomy 65%, Chemistry 30% Computer Use 55%, Dodge 40$ Drive Automobile 35% History 30% Library use 50%, Listen 45% +6 ( 51 ) , Persuade 40% +6 ( 46 ), Photography 35%, Physics 50%, Psychology 45% +7 ( 52 ), Ride 45% Spot Hidden 35% +1 ( 36 )
Jenny is 25, just finished grad school in Astronomy and thinking about doing a Ph.D, but on her way to a new observatory in Wyoming. She’s an attractive but socially awkward and shy. Last night she pulled over to watch the strange meteor shower. Very unexpected this time of year. Today she hopes to get a look at one. Could the strange news have something to do with the meteors?
Gary the Maintenance man-
Str 13, Con 15, Siz 15 Int 13 Pow 12 Dex 13 Ap 12 Edu 13 San 60 +9 ( 69 ) -2 ( 67 ) HP 15 -10 ( 5 )
Know 65, Idea 65 Luck 60
Fist 75%, 1d3 +1d4 damage bonus Grapple 60%, Club 60% 1d6 of 1d8, .22-250 bolt action rifle, 60% 2d6
Skills- Climb 60%, Computer use 15%, Drive Car 50%, Electrical Repair 70%, Electronics 40%, English 65%, Mechanical Repair 80% +3 ( 83 ) , Spot Hidden 50% +3 ( 53 )
Gary is 47 and has been divorced for the third time and has recently lost a job with GE. He’s heading to California to find a new job and swears he will never marry again.
Kimberly the Pharmacist looking for a job.-
Str 9 Com 13 Siz 10 Int 16 Pow 15 Dec 18 App 15 Edu 17 San 75 -8 ( 67 ) -6 ( 61 ) +3+3 ( 67 ) Hp 12 -4 ( 8 ) +3+1 ( 12 ) -4-4 ( 4 )
Know 85% Idea 80 Luck 75 Db +0
Drive Automobile 61%, Fast Talk 52%, First Aid 45% Hide 26%, Law 33%, Listen 57% +7 ( 64 ), Pharmacy 85% +5 ( 90 ), Ride 55%, Sneak 48%, Spot Hidden 52%,
English 88%, Spanish 73%
Ruger P-85 9 mm Auto 62% 1d10
Liugi Franchi SPAS-12 Shotgun 57% +3 ( 60 ) 4d6 shells or 1d10+6 slugs.
Kimberly has recently been interviewing with a pharmacy in Kimball for a new position and is staying at Mr Foo’s Motel 8 for the week to look around and find a place. She’s a regular at the Café for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
“So what’s there to do around these parts for fun?”
Michael Walters British Psychologist on vacation-
Str 11 Con 11 Siz 16 Int 15 Pow 10 Dex 14 App 6 Edu 19 San 50 -8 ( 42 ) +2 ( 44 ) Hp 14
Know- 95%, Idea 75% Luck 50%
Db- 1d4
Skills- Astronomy 55%, Climb 40% +1 ( 41 ), Computer Use 45%, Fast Talk 45%, Persuade 50%, Pilot Helicopter 60%, Psychoanalysis 85%, Psychology 65%, Spot Hidden 65% +3 ( 68 )
Languages English 95%
Attacks Glock Model 17 9 mm 65% 1d10.
Michael is on vacation in the US and has been traveling between the Rocky Mountains and Chicago, traveling through Nebraska, Montana and the Dakotas. Last night he was up late watching the meteor shower through his telescope (“The sky here is amazing!”) and taking notes. He’s currently sleeping at the hotel after being up late last night. He’s been there for two nights now.
"Funny about those meteor... You haven't seen any other strange lights in the sky, by chance, have you?"
Felice Piccone
Player Zoe-
Str 14 Con 13 Siz 12 Int 14 Pow 11 Dex 16 Ap 17 Edu 17 San 55 Hp 13
Know 85, Idea 70 Luck 55% db 1d4
Skills Archeology 20% Art 80% Credit Rating 40% Law 35% Locksmith 50% Drive Auto 50% Forgery 50% History 40% Library Use 5%, Photography 30% Spot Hidden 50%.
Languages Italy 85% English 45% Latin 15%
Martial Arts 35%
Sig Sauer 45% P-226 9mm 1d10 in bags
Also Assault Rifle 45% (in Italy)
Felice is an art dealer and has been driving from San Francisco to Chicago for business. Having a few extra days she wanted to see some of the country and recently left the Grand Tetons where she vacationed for two days. She drives a Porsche 911 classic.
"Yes it's true, people often mistake me for Monica Bellucci. I don't know why."
Azadeh Samimi- Engineer on the Road-
Player- Muff
Str 12 Con 18 Siz 12 Int 16 Pow 13 Dec 14 App 16 Edu 20 San 65 +9 ( 74 ) -1 ( 73 ) -1 ( 72 ) Hp 15 -15+2+1-2 ( 1 )
Know 90, Idea 80 Luck 65 db bonus 0
Skills- Architecture 45% Demolitions 62%, Computer Use 50% Drive Car 35% Electrical Repair 50% Fast Tak 57% Hide 58% Locksmith 45%, Mechanical Repair 65%, Persuade 52% Psychology 52% Sneak 67% Spot Hidden 43%
Language Farsi 80%, English 90%
Attacks- Sig Sauer P230 75% +2 ( 77 ) .22 long rifle- 1d6+1 +2
Rifle 80% +9 ( 89 )
Azadeh is 28 year old Engineer traveling to a job in Omaha from Sacramento where she anticipates she will be working for most of the summer. Previously she has been working in the mining industry in various states in the Southwest.
"Ah this reminds me of when my family had to escape for Iran...."
Duke- Friend of Robert
Player- Stompie
Str 14 Con 17 Siz 14 Int 14 Pow 13 Dex 15 App 13 Edu 15 San 65% +2 ( 67 ) -1 ( 66 ) Hp 16 -1 ( 15 )
Know 75 Idea 70 Luck 70 db 1d4
Skills- Anthropology 50%, Astronomy 25%, Biology 55% Climb 60%, Dodge 35%, Drive Car 35%, Fast Talk 45%, First Aid 50% +2 ( 52 ), Hide 25%, Jump 30%, Listen 35% +5+6 ( 46 ) , Natural History25%, Psychology 35% Spot Hidden 30%,
Attacks Bat 50% 1d8 +1d4
Rifle 45% +5+5 ( 55 ) (but currently unarmed).
Duke is a freind of Robert, a grad student in Biology and a guy who enjoys the great outdoors. Talkative and friendly, he has a sense of adventure.
Erica Spears
State Trooper Helicopter Pilot/Medevac Pilot
Player - Helbent4
Str 12 Con 12, Siz 13, Int 13, Pow 14, Dex 15. App 16, Edu 15 San 70 +10 ( 80 ) HP 12
Know- 75, Idea 65, Luck 70
Db- +1d4
BA Military Science
Skills- Drive Automobile 55%, Electrical Repair 37%, Electronics 33%. Fast Talk 5% +8 ( 13 ), Listen 38% Mechanical Repair 46%, Navigation (air) 66%, Pilot Civil Prop Plane 73%, Pilot Helicopter 77%, Rifle 30% +2 ( 32 ), Spot Hidden 68% +8 ( 76 )
English 75
Attacks Berretta M92 73% 1d10.
Fist punch 73% 1d3 +db.
Erica Spears has been flying since childhood and went into the US Army to fly helicopters. After graduation she joined the Nebraska State Police where she quickly took to the air. In addition to providing helicopter patrols for the State Police, she also often flies medevacs for the frequent car accidents along Nebraska’s highways. When not at work she spends her free time on her family farm near Chadron. She enjoys speed.
“I like it fast, hard and powerful.”
Helicopter group -
Dr. Brigetta Hausman MD- Lost member of Center for Disease Control and Prevention-
Player- Muff
Str 13 Con 13 Siz 10 Int 16 Pow 11 Dex 10 App 14 Edu 18 San 55 -7 ( 48 ) +3 ( 51 ) Hp 12 -9+2 ( 5 ) +2 ( 7 )
Know 90, Idea 80 Luck 55
Education MD and PH.D. Virology
Skills Biology 92%, Chemistry 54%, Computer use 33%, Credit Rating 46%, First Aid 71%, Handgun 50% +7 ( 57 ), Library Use 44%, Medicine 77% +9 ( 86 ), Natural History 73%, Pharmacy 72%, Spot Hidden 25% +10 ( 35 ), Languages German 95%, English 63%.
Brigetta has been working for the CDC for the past 4 years and has been investigating the outbreak of various diseases among livestock for its risks to human infection. At the outbreak of the zombie infestation she was enroute from Cheyenne to Omaha via helicopter when the helicopter broke down and had to land at the truck stop.
“You don’t understand. I need to get to Omaha right away..”
Stephanie Bridges- Environmental Protection Agency- co-worker with Dr. Hausmann
Str 9, Con 11, Siz 13, Int 15 Pow 18 Dex 12, App 11 Edu 18 San 90 +9 ( 99 ) Hp 12
Know 90, Idea 75% Luck 90%
Skills Biology 77%, Chemistry 63% +9 ( 72 ), Computer Use 63%, Credit Rating 29%, First Aid 61%, Library Use 72%, Natural History 62%, Persuade 44% +8 ( 52 ), Pharmacy 41%, Physics 66%, Spot Hidden 66%
Stephanie has been working with Dr. Hausmann looking at the environmental affects of possible pathogens related to livestock that might infect wild animals. When Dr. Hausmann got the call, Stephanie joined for the ride at Dr. Hausmann’s request.
“The ‘people eating people’ disease? Nope, never heard of that one.”
Sean Blank- National Parks Service-
Str 15, Con 18, Siz14 Int 11 Pow 10 Sex 11 App 17 Edu 16 San 50 Hp 16
Know 80, Luck 50 Idea 55%
Skills- Climb 91%, First Aid 56%, Listen 53%, Natural History 53%, Navigate 71%, Ride 32% Sneak 36%, Spot Hidden 39%, Swim 41% Track 57%
Survival Knife- 53% 1d4 +2+ 1d4
.444 Marlin Rifle- 60% 2d8+4
Sean Blank was in Cheyenne for a conference with Dr. Hausman and Ms. Bridges when they received the emergency call. Sean is romantically interested in Ms. Hausmann and offered to help out.
“Attacked by a man eating man? Nope. Never happened. Got attacked by a man eating bear once….Damn thing only stopped coming after me after I punched it in the nose.”
Jim Kerr- US Fish and Wildlife Service-
Player- Steve
Str 13, Con 16, Siz 12, Int 13 Pow 17 Dex 15 App 10 Edu 16 San 85 +2 ( 87 ) -3 ( 84 ) -1 ( 83 ) Hp 14 -2 ( 12 ) +2 ( 14 ) -1 ( 13 ) +1 ( 14 ) -1 ( 13 )
Know 80, Idea 65 Luck 85%
Damage Bonus 1d4
Skills- Drive Motorcycle- 71%, Fast Talk 44% +8+2 ( 54 ), First Aid 30% +9 ( 39 ), Law 42%, Listen 58%, Marital Arts 57%, Natural History 46%, Psychology 34%, Spot Hidden 56% +6 ( 62 )
.44 Magnum Revolver 62% +7 ( 69 ) 1d10,, _1d4 +2
Fist punch 56%
Head Butt 12%
Kick 57% +2 ( 59 )
Nun-chucks- 66% 1d8 +1d4
Jim is Sean’s buddy and had joined him Cheyenne to hang out, drink and have fun. When the call came in, Jim volunteered to tag along.
“Bear attack? Shit. I bet no Bear could take Jackie Chan.”
Bob Larkin- Helicopter Pilot National Parks Service
Player- SuAside
Str 17 Con 16 Siz 16 Int 13 Pow 14 Dec 13 App 13 Edu 18 San 70 +2 ( 72 ) Hp 16 -8 ( 8 ) -3+2+3+3 (13)
Know 90, Idea 65 Luck 70
Damage bonus 1d6
Berretta M92 Auto 45% +3 ( 48 ) 1d10
Skills- Dodge 26% +5 ( 31 ), Electrical Repair 71%, Library Use 33%, Listen 52%, Martial Arts 51% Mechanical Repair 67% +10 ( 77 ), Navigation Air 62%, Occult 44% +2 ( 46 ), Parachute 42%, Persuade 15% +1 ( 16 ) Pilot Civilian prop airplane 82%, Pilot helicopter 73% Spot Hidden 70%
Bob Larkin is a former US Navy helicopter pilot who has be working for the National Parks Service for the past 10 years. He received the late night call to fly Hausmann and company to Omaha, but the helicopter broke down on and he was lucky to land it. When not flying he likes to use free weights.
“Those assholes in Cheyenne have no understand of fuel pumps. When I get back, I swear I’m gonna have to talk to them guys.”
Keeper's characters-
Beth- Survivor
Played by Keeper
Str 12 Con 15 Siz 11 Int 17 Pow 16 Dec 17 App 16 Edu 13 San 80% -2 ( 78 ) +4 ( 82 ) -3 ( 79 ) -1 ( 78 ) Hp 13
Know 65%, Idea 85% Luck 80 db 0
Bargain 45%, Climb 60%, Conceal 50%, Dodge 50%, Drive Auto 40%, Fast talk 50% +6 ( 56 ), First Aid 50%, Jump 50%, Listen 75%, Navigate 40%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 50% +2 ( 52 )
Attacks- Handgun 50%
Rifle 50% (unarmed)
Axe 40 % (unarmed
Robert- Survivor
Played by Keeper
Str 13 Con 16 Siz 12 Int 17 Pow 18 Dec 15 App 14 Edu 17 San 90 +4 ( 94 ) Hp 14
Know 85%, Idea 85 Luck 90
Skills- Bargain 30, Climb 60, Dodge 50%, Drive Auto 50%, Firefighting 15%, First Aid 40%, Jump 50%, Law 25%, Listen 50% +8 ( 58 ), Navigate 50%, Persuade 70%, Psychology 65%, Ride 25%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 50% +4 ( 54 )
English 85%
Attacks Large Club 1d8 +db 50%
Rifle 65% (unarmed)
Handgun 60% +9 ( 69 ) (unarmed)
more new characters
State Trooper- Joe Barring-
Player - Fearlessfred
Str. 16 Con 15 Siz 16 Int 15 Pow 13, Dex 14 App 13 Edu 14 San 65 +1 ( 66 ) -2 ( 64 ) -8 ( 56 ) Hp 16
Know 70 Idea 75 Luck 70
DB 1d4
Skills- Dodge 28% +7 ( 35 ), Drive Auto 62%, Fast Talk 27%, Hide 43%, Law 38%, Listen 47%, Psychology 46% Sneak 41%, Spot Hidden 56%, Track 39%,
Attacks Fist Punch 74% 1d3+db
Grapple 59%
Ruger P-85 Auto 61% 1d10
Mossberg Model 590 Mariner Shotgun 61% +4 ( 65 ) 4d6
Big Tough Joe comes from a family of law men. But today has been exceptionally bad.
Str 11 Con 13 Siz 11 Int 15 Pow 11 Dex 15 App 14 Edu 15 San 38 +1 ( 39 ) HP 12
Idea- 75, Know 75 Luck 55
Damage bonus +0
Skills- Climb 74%, Computer Use 42%, Credit Rating 30%, Dodge 51% Drive Car 32% Fast Talk 45% First Aid 42% Jump 70%, Law 38%, Library Use 75%, Listen 43%, Persuade 60%, Psychology 38%, Psycho-Analysis 47%, Shotgun 30% +10 ( 40 ), Sociology 77%, Spot Hidden 50% +3 ( 53 ), Swim 41%, Throw 48%
Kerry is the young woman that Robert, Duke, Lynne, and the dogs rescued from the facility beneath the T-Bone. At the start of Chapter 2 she is temporarily insane.
The Group of characters are currently at the T-Bone Garage and Café truck stop. The truck stop is not much. A few gas pumps, a few garages, spaces for trucks to stop for the night, a bathroom and shower for men and women, a number of telephones to call loved ones, a convenience store. The T-Bone café serves basic diner fare. Nothing special but it is hearty cooking and filling.
Behind the T-Bone is a junkyard of vehicles left stranded along the highway. Next door is Mr. and Mrs. Foo’s Motel 8 with nearly 40 rooms, of which no more than 10 are ever fully occupied.
Neither the truck stop nor the motel get much attention. Both are on the side of the highway, on an off ramp that leads to a road that leads only to two places- the compound of the Prairie Militia Society (a small compound of a skin head neo-Nazi group) some ranches and that’s about it. There are also the old missile bases, but the nearest one is quite a distance away. Most folks pass it by on the way to Kimball. It lies between Brownson and Potter two small towns between Sidney and Kimball.
The most recent excitement was the helicopter that came down near the truck stop. The helicopter suddenly lost fuel in mid-air and had to land to do repairs. Otherwise most of the guests are people who spent the night in the Motel 8 and are coming in for breakfast, or those who slept out and are stopping by for gas or food. They have been watching the news which suggests something very strange is happening across the planet.
Does this have anything to do with that meteor shower last night?
Staff at the Truck Stop-
Boss Hammond- Owner Café Tyrant

Played by Keeper
Str 10 Con 9 Siz 11 Int 16 Pow 14 Dec 14 App 8 Edu 12 San 65 Hp 14
Know 60, Idea 80 Luck 70
Skills- Accounting 45%, Bargain 60%, Conceal 45% Debate 25%, Dodge 40% Law 35%, Credit Rating 70%, Fast Talk 65% Listen 70%, Chemistry 70%, Cooking 50% Psychology 55% Sneak 30%, Spot Hidden 50%
Boss Hammond runs the Truck stop. He’s a money grubbing tyrant who doesn’t pay well and who squeezes his patrons when he can, and isn’t above a bit of criminal work, or so it has been rumored..
Attacks- Shotgun 12 Gauge 60% 4d6.
.357 50% Magnum 1d8 +1d4.
Boss Earl- Owner the Garage Tyrant-

Played by Keeper
Str 12 Con 13 Siz 15 Int 14 Pow 12 Dex 13 App 9 Edu 12 San 60 HP 14
Know 60 Idea 70 Luck 60
Skills- Accounting 85%, Bargain 70%, Credit Rating 65%, Drive Auto 85%, Drive Truck 60%, Electrical Repair 70%, Fast Talk 70%, Mechanical Repair 75%, Operate Heavy Machinery 70%, Persuade 45%, Sneak 65%.
Damage Bonus- 1d4
20 gauge shotgun 60% 2d6 damage
Earl is a co-owner of the Truck stop and runs both the garage and the junkyard. He’s a nasty old cuss who drinks too much and chews tobacco and doesn’t much like people.
He lives in a trailer outback.
Rita the Cashier-
Played by Keeper
St 11, Con 11 Siz 9 Int 11 Pow 10 Dex 13 App 11 Edu 12 San 65 -2 ( 63 ) Hp 11
Know 60%, Idea 55% Luck 50%
Skills- Accounting 80%, Bargain 35%, Credit Rating 30%, Drive Automobile, 40%, Fast Talk 15%, First Aid 35%, Library Use 30%, Psychology 10%, English 70%, Ride 25% Sneak 20% Swim 45%.
Rita is Boss Hammond’s eyes and takes care of the receipts for both the café and the garage. She will work the front of the Café while her husband Hammond, works the kitchen and her brother, Earl, works the garage. She is the link that holds the partnership together but doesn’t much care for either man. But she expects to outlive them both.
“Worthless. I saw worthless. My brother was born worthless, and what did I done do but married another of the worthless breed.”
Dave – guitarist and mechanic-

Player- SuAside
Str 12, Con 13, Siz 13, Int 12 Pow 10 Dex 13, App 12 Edu 12 San 50 Hp 13 -15 ( -2 )
Know 60, Idea 60 Luck 50
Damage bonus 1d4
Weapons Fist punch 50% 1d3 +db, Kick 45%, 1d6+db, Club 60% 1d6+db
Skills- Climb 50%, Electrical Repair 40%, Listen 50%, Mechanical Repair 50%, Operate Heavy Machinery 15%, Oratory 45%, Play Bass Guitar 75%, Psychology 45%, Sing 20%, Spot Hidden 40%, Throw 40%
Dave once had dreams of being a punk rocker. But when his van crapped out by the truck stop, he took to working at the garage as a mechanic. When he gets the money he’s getting out. If only the old man would pay better.
“The band. I need to get the band back together.”
Rosie the Waitress-

Str 11 Con 10 Siz 9 Int 11 Pow 10 Dex 13 App 13 Edu 11 San 45 +7 ( 52 ) Hp 10 -1 ( 9 ) +1 ( 10 )
Damage bonus -0
Fist punch 65%,1d3, Kick 45% 1d6, broken bottle 60% 1d6.
Skills- Bargain 75%, Charm Customer 80%, Listen 60% +7 ( 67 ), Pick pockets 25%, Psychology 50% +2 ( 52 ), Sneak 75% Strut Provacatively 80%.
Rosie is closing on 40 and doesn’t talk much about her past in Reno (prostitution), but she’s a favorite among the locals and the truckers for reasons of her varied charms.
“Why sugga, you’re so sweet. Perhaps we should talk about that date after I get off?”
Mitchell the Young Artist/ current mechanic
Str 14, Con 14, Siz 15% Dex 16 App 13 Int 16, Pow 13 Edu 14 San 65 +4 ( 69 ) -2 ( 67 ) -4 ( 63 ) -8 ( 55 ) Hp 15 -12 ( 3 )
Damage bonus 1d4
Fist punch 55%, damage 1d3 +1d4.
Baseball bat 75% 1d8 + 1d4
Dodge 55%
Skills – Accounting 30%, Botany 35%, Painting 57%, Debate 45%, Drive car 56% Electrical Repair 45%, History 65%, Make Maps 65%, Mechanical Repair 75% Occult 35%, Psychology 55%, Ride 35%, Spot Hidden 85%
Mitchell is a college educated guy who is into baseball, graphic art and trying to get his career going. In the meantime he’s working as a mechanic at the Truck stop.
“I came out here to paint landscapes and shit, but ran out of cash. This job pays shit but its better than starving.”
Charlie Moon- Indian line cook- hates white people-

Str 15, Con 15 Siz 12 Int 13 Pow 10 Dex 15% App 13 Edu 10 San 50% Hp 14 -14 ( 0 )
Know 50%, Idea 65%, Luck 50%
Skills- Cook 50% Hide 43%, Listen 67% Navigation (Land 47%) Ride 46% Sneak 48%, English 52%, Sioux Indian 48%
Attacks- Winchester Carbine M1894 64% 2d6 +4
Remington Sportsman 74 Rifles 66% 2d6+4.
Charlie, the over 40 cook, works from the morning till dinner, than goes home and gets drunk. He used to hunt and track, but he’s too tired. He’s been working at the Truck stop for a long time and no raise in salary for over two years. He blames it on white people, generally.
“Fuckin white people. They all look the same to me.”
Ashley the College Co-ed/ Waitress, rebellious daughter-

Str 7 Con 8 Dex 12 App 16 Int 10 Pow 11 Edu 12 San 55 -1 ( 54 ) Hp 8
Luck 55%, Int 50% Know 60%
Weapons- 22 automatic 40% ad6
Pocket knife- 1d 3
Skills- Astronomy 25%, Bargain 40%, Climb 30%, Credit Rating 0%, Debate 35%, Dodge 35%, Drive car 45%, Fast Talk 60%, First Aid 30%, Hide 40%, History 25%, Jump 25%, Law 30%, Listen 50%, Occult 30%, Photography 35%, Pick Pocket 30%, Pilot aircraft 40%, Psycho-analysis 50%, Psychology 50%, French 35%, Italian 35%, Ride 40% Sneak 35%, Spot Hidden 30% Swim 50%, Throw 30%.Waitress 25%.
Ashley is the daughter of a wealthy Texas real estate investor, a rebellious young girl who is not especially bright. She is currently working as a waitress at the truck stop and rents a room from the Motel 8 until she gets enough cash to go forward.
“Like wow. After I left by boyfriend to get to this shithole I saw some girl, like, eating her boyfriend. Gross. I don’t mean, like, oral sex.”
Lynne – Dumb but hot Waitress with criminal ambition

Str 10, Con 14, Siz 8 Int 9 Pow 9 Dex 13 App 17 Edu 10 San 45 -1 ( 44 ) +4 ( 48 ) -3 ( 45 ) Hp 11 -9 ( 2 ) +3+3 ( 8 )
Know 50,% Idea 45%, Luck 45%
Skills- Conceal 57%, Drive Motorcycle 73% Fast Talk 62% +6 ( 68 ), Hide 46%, Listen 61%, Locksmith 48% +3 ( 51 ), Pick Pockets 61% Sneak 44% Spot Hidden 67% +1 ( 68 ), Waitress 25%.
Lynne is actually half Indian/half Caucasion, high school educated local and is both the local hottie as well as a part-time thief. She and Ashley are best friends and room together. Both aspire to someplace else.
“Guy tend to give me stuff because I am hot and so they can sleep with me. It’s cool.”
Thomas - teenager- High School Dropout and Kitchen help - Deceased
Player- c0ldst33ltrs4u

Str 10, Con 10, Siz 10 Int 13 Pow 12 Dex 11 App 13 Edu 11 San 60 Hp 10
No DB bonus
Skills- Archeaology 16%, Chemistry 13%, Phsycis 20%, Mathematics 10%, Earth Science 29%, History 30% Drive Automobile 26% Sneak 39% Spot Hidden 44%.
English 55%
Thomas- works in the kitchen with Charlie Moon. A local high school drop out, this is the best he can do for a job. He wants to move out of his home and perhaps in with Ashley who has other plans.
“This job blows so bad. So Ashley, what are you doing later.”
Max the Mastiff

Player - Helbent4
Str 12, Con 2 Siz 10 Pow 7 Dex 9 San 35 -3 ( 32 ) +5 ( 37 ) -1 ( 36 ) -1 ( 35 ) HP 11
Luck 35%, Idea 10% Know -0
Damage bonus none-
Bite 50% 1d6
Skills Listen 80% +2 ( 82 ), Scent Something Interesting 96%, Spot Hidden 25 +8 ( 33 )
Max the dog is a usually wandering around the truck stop. Originally bought and trained to be a guard dog, Max has failed miserably to live up to that expectation. Friendly, loveable- we hope that zombies don’t eat dogs. Spends most of his time in the garage, sleeping.
“Grrrrrr Woof.”
Buddy the German Shepherd
Player- Steve

Str 12, Con 14 Siz 5 Dex 14 Pow 7 HP 12
Luck 35%
Spot Hidden 55%, Listen 90% Track by scent 85%.
Buddy is a leaner and tougher dog, but rather playful and affectionate. Spends most of his time looking for small animals to hunt in the fields behind the truckstop.
“Woof… Woof??? ”
At Motel 8
Ms. Foo- wife of Mr. Foo and co-owner of Motel 8 age 71

Mrs Foo in her younger days.
Str 8, Con 13 Siz 9 Int 14 Pow 11 Dex 6 App 12 Edu 11 San 55 +10 ( 65 ) HP 11
Luck 55%, Idea 70% Know 55%
Damage bonus- 0
Special attacks- 0
Skills- 15%, Bargain 35% Computer use 35%, Credit Rating 30%, Debate 25%, Library use 60%, Persuade 20%, Electrical Repair 35%, Mechanical Repair 25%. Chinese 80%, English 35%.
Ms. Foo is an old dotty Chinese woman who is very much in love with her husband and does most of the regular work at the Motel 8. That said, she’s becoming forgetful with age and is also growing deaf.
“What? What you say? I don’t understand. How many nights? Where you going? Credit Card? Mastercard? Visa? I have very nice room for you. You like very much. I know.”
Mr. Foo- Motel 8 owner with unusual past. Age 72

St 7, Con 7 Siz 14 Int 18 Pow 17 Dex 6 App 11 Edu 21 San 85 +9 ( 94 ) -1 ( 93 ) , Hp 11 -3 ( 8 ) +3 (11) -1 ( 10 ) +1 ( 11 )
Know 90%, Idea 90%, Luck 85%
Damage bonus 0
Attacks – HK P10 10 Mm 76% +5 ( 81 ) 1d10 +1
Fighting Sword- 64% 1d6 +1
Fist punch- 64% 1d3
Grapple 66%
Kick 61% 1d6
HP MP-5 53% +10 ( 63 ) 1d10
Skills- Air/Sea navigation 32%, Art 49%, Computer Use 41% +6 ( 47 ) , Conceal 59%, Credit Rating 57%, Occult 15% Demolitions 46%, Disguise 51%, Dodge 40% Drive Auto 76%, Electronic Repair 70%, Fast Talk 65% +10 ( 75 ), First Aid 64%, Hide 67%, Hypnosis 41%, Jump 48%, Library Use 72%, Listen 58%, Locksmith 51% +7 ( 58 ), Marital Arts 61%, Operate Heavy Equipment 41%, Pilot boat 42%, Pilot Helicopter 50%, Persuade 66% Psychology 82%, Psychoanalysis 1% +2 ( 3 ), Sneak 66%, Spot Hidden 76%, Swim 52%
Languages English 90%
Chinese 100%
The enigmatic Mr. Foo does not talk very much to anyone except his wife. Members of the Truck Stop will often seem him exercising near the hotel, running laps around, and it is well known that he keeps a room to himself. Nor do people really understand the large radar dish atop the Motel 8. This has not stopped the local staff from wondering what his past was, but so far Mr. Foo has kept it to himself.
“Shhh…. Be quiet. Do not speak. Chinese saying, ‘ A wise man is not the man who knows that he knows what he knows, but the one who knows that he does not know, what he does not know…. Or something… I can’t quite remember.”
Ellen Cody- House keeper- at Motel 8

Str 10, Con 11 Siz 11 Int 13 Pow 15 Dec 13 App 13 Ed 15 San 75 -3 ( 72 ) +2 ( 74 ) -2 ( 72 ) HP 11
Know 75, Idea 65, Luck 75
Skills – Accounting 55%, Bargain 30%, First Aid, 50%, Listen 40% +4+7 ( 51 ) , Psychology 30%, Ride 40%, Spot Hidden 25% +7 ( 32 ) ,Swim 50%.
Ellen works as the housekeeper for Motel 8 now that the Foos are getting older. Despite the name she’s actually an Indian and has been seeing Charlie Moon on a regular basis. She’s close friends with Mr. and Mrs. Foo and takes care of them, as they do likewise.
“I need a vacation.”
Sally the Traveling Nurse-

Str 14, Con 10, Siz 11, Dex 16, App 17 Int 16 Pow 17 Edu 12 San 85 +7 ( 92 ) Hp 11
Know 60%, Luck 85% Idea 80
Skills- Botany 15%, Chemistry 22%, Cooking 36%, Diagnose Disease 2%, Drive Car 28%, First Aid 65%, Listen 25% +8 ( 33 ), Medicine 55% +2 ( 57 ), Fishing 43%, Pharmacy 18% +6 ( 24 ), Psychoanalysis 33% +1 ( 34 ), Psychology 24%, Spot Hidden 25% +3 ( 28 ), Swim 25%, Treat Disease 29%
Weapons- Fist Punch 55% damage 1d3 +1d4
Grapple 35%
Handgun 45% +4+3 ( 52 )
A recent grad of Nursing school, Sally works at different hospitals for stints of 2-3 years before moving on to the next site. Mostly Sally wants to have fun. “It’s a great way to travel around the country and meet people, but let me tell you, Montgomery Alabama… sucks.”
Tony Lathan- Insurance Broker Husband- - Deceased
Str 13, Con 12 Siz 15 Int 14 Pow 12 Dex 08 App 12 Edu 16 San 60 HP 13
Know 80, Idea 70 Luck 60
Damage bonus 1d4
Fist punch 50% 1d3+db
Accounting 70%, Bargain 50%, Computer Use 45% Credit Rating 65%, Debate 50%, Drive Automobile 75%, Fast Talk 60% Law 40% Persuade 40%
Tony is married to Cathy and have elected to take there two kids to Yellowstone National Park. They woke up at the Motel 8 and decided to stop at the Truck stop before continuing on. Tony loves to sell insurance and does well at it. It’s also nice that he’s screwing his secretary on the side.
“Wow… well I wonder what kind of coverage you need to cover something like this, hunh?”
Cathy Lathan- Chemically dependent housewife. Deceased

Str 9, Con 11, Siz 12, Int 15, Pow 9 Dex 15 App 12 Edu 14 San 45, HP 11
Idea 75, Know 70 Luck 45
Skills- Accounting 40%, Chemistry 40%, Computer use 60%, Crdidt Rating 50%, Diagnose Disease 20%, Didge 50%, Drive Car 50%, First Aid 50%, Library Use 50%, Listen 60%, Medicine 75%, Sneak 40%
Cathy’s been having a bit too much fun with the valium and the anti-depressants lately. The main reason is that she knows her husband is fooling around. She is plotting a divorce and maybe restarting her career in medicine. Can she go back to being a doctor?
“Tony, how come you’re working late so many nights. Why does your shirt smell like the perfume of a French whore?”
Bobby Lathan Video Junkie child of - Deceased
Str 13 Con 12 Siz 19, Dex 9 App 13 Int 16 Pow 12 Edu 14 San 55 Hp 16
Know 70, Idea 80, Luck 60
Damage 1d4
Weapons- fist punch 45%, 1d3 plus db.
Skills accounting 45%, Anthropology 25%, Botany 55%, Drive car 21%, Drive motorcycle 35%, History 45%, Make Maps 35%, Occult 55%, Sing 7%, Computer Use 55%.
Bobby is a video junkie of awful movies. He fashions himself a martial artist, a music manager, a connoisseur of film (he isn’t). He is something of an expert on bad horror and marital arts films. He is gruff, imposing and generally an annoying little shit.
“Dude. What are you talking about? Ishi the Killer 2 was the shit.”
Scotty Lathan- Little brother- Deceased
Str 8 Con 12 Size 9 Dex 15 App 12 Int 14 Pow 13 Edu 6 San 65 Hp 10
Damage – 1d4
Fist 45% 1d3 – 1d4
Kick 35% 1d6-1d4
Baseball bat- 55%, 1d8 -1d4.
Skills Conceal 45%, Climb 50%, Dodge 55%, Fast Talk 45%, Hide 55%, History 35%, Mechanical Repair 40%, Psychology 45%, Sneak 55%, Spot Hidden 55%, Swim 35%, Throw 45%,
Scotty is 11. He knows there are family problems coming but prefers not to concentrate on them. He wishes he had more attention from his older brother but is coming to realize that Bobby is a jerk.
Alex - Marine Reservists/ College student- Deceased
Player- Stompie
Str 17, Con 15 Siz 16 Dex 15 App 14 Int 16 Pow 15 Edu 14 San 75 Hp 16
Know 70, Idea 80, Luck 75
Damage bonus 1d6
Weapons- Fist 75% damage 1d3 +1d6
Kick 55% Damage 1d6+1d6
Grapple 75%
Staff 55% 1d8+1d6
Fighting Knife 65% damage 1d4+2
AR-15 Assault Rifle- 80% 2d8. (Semi-Automatic)
Skills- Accounting 45%, Camouflage 55%, Climb 65%, Computer Use 55% Dodge 45%, Drive Automobile 55%, Electric Repair 55%, First Aid 55%, Hide 65%, History 65%, Make Maps 85%, Marital Arts 65%, Mechanical Repair 55%, Operate Heavy Machinery 45%, Persuade 75%, Physics 55%, German 65%, Swim 55%, Treat Poison 55%.
Alex is a marine reservists and college student. He’s actually on his way to California for summer training. In addition he studies Kung fu. Remarkably intelligent and a good sense of humor, and he likes to take charge. The biggest problem is that he tends to use marine lingo as everyday speech.
“Hit the deck and give me 20. Hoo-rah!”
Jim- the runaway-

Str 15, Con 17 Dex 17 Siz 12 App 16 Int 15 Pow 15 Edu 14 San 75 -5 ( 70 ) +1 ( 71 ) HP 16 -2 ( 14 ) +2 ( 16 ) -10 ( 6 )
Know 70, Idea 75 Luck 75
Damage bonus 1d4
Pocket knife 65% +db
Club 50% damage 1d6 =ad4
Punch 60% damage 1d3 plus 1d4
Kick 55%, damage 1d6+1d4.
Shotgun 50% +3 ( 53 )
Skills – bargain 55%, Conceal 50%, Climb 75%, Dodge 70%, Fast Talk 45%, First Aid 40%, Hide 55%, Jump 50%, Listen 45%, Mechanical Repair 55%, Pick Pocket 50%, Psychology 35%, Sneak 50%, Spot Hidden 55% +5 ( 60 ) , Swin 5%, Throw 70%
Jim ran away from a foster house and has been heading cross country, hitching rides where he can on the way to Chicago. He has stopped at the Truck stop, where he has been able to take advantage of the lax controls around the showers and grab some food from the back. He’s hiding out in one of the junked cars and has already befriended both dogs. Some of the staff probably knows he’s there (The two mechanics do), so perhaps its time to move on. Still, those strange meteors last night. What a light show.
Wallace Red Crow- Former cop turned truck driver-
Player- Stompie
Str 12, Con 13 Siz 14 Int 13 Pow 13 Dex 14 App 11 Edu 17 San 65 +2 ( 67 ) -1 ( 66 ) -4 ( 62 ) -8 ( 54 ) -1 ( 53 ) Hp 14 -1 ( 13 )
Know 85, Idea 65 Luck 65
Skills- Drive truck 55%, Law 26%, Listen 49%, Navigate 41
Persuade 32% Psychology 53% Ride 51%, Rope 58% Spot Hidden 45% +7 ( 52 ), Throw 41% Track 47% +7 ( 54 )
Damage bonus 1d4
Attacks- .357 Magnum 64% +2 ( 66 ) 1d8 +1d6
Bowie Knife 41% 1d4 =2+1d4 db
Fist Punch 59% 1d3 +1d4
Grapple 40%
Kick 31% ad6 +db
Ruger Mini 14 Rifle 66% +4 ( 70 ) 2d8.
Wallace used to be a reservation cop but gave it up after he had to shoot a fellow member of the tribe for smuggling liquor onto the reservation. Since then he’s been driving a truck and been drinking beer when he’s off.
“I drink to make other people more interesting.”
Bo- Bored State Trooper-
Str 16 Con 15 Siz 16 Int 13 Pow 12 Dex 13 App 14 Edu 10 San 60 +1 ( 61 ) -6 ( 55 ) Hp 16 -5+1+3 ( 15 )
Know 50%, Idea 65%, Luck 60%
Damage bonus 1d4
Skills- Drive Auto 70%, Hide 43%, Law 38% Listen 47% +1 ( 48 ), Sneak 41%, Spot Hidden 56%, Track 39%
Attacks- Club 72% 1d6 +db
Fist Punch 74$ 1d3+db
Grapple 59%
Berretta M92 Auto 52% 1d10
Kick 42% 1d6 +db
Mossberg Model 500 TP8-Sp Shotgun 61% 4d6
Also Light Kevlar vest 5Hp.
Trooper Bo Richards with the Nebraska Highway Patrol has been on the force for ten years and hasn’t gotten tired of chasing down speeders late. He’s wandered into the Truck stop for typical morning breakfast on the way to work.
“This is going to screw up traffic I bet. What the hell? I can’t get command on the radio?”
Father Roger McCormick- Middle aged Priest

Str 12 Con 15 Siz 14 Dex 14 App 14 Int 17 Pow 18 Edu 19 San 90 HP 14
Know 95% Luck 90% Idea 85%
Weapon Bonus +1d4
Skills- Accounting 30%, Debate 40%, First Aid 65%, History 65%, Library use 75%, Listen 55%, Oratory 75%, Psychology 55%, Latin 55%.
Father McCormick is off to Sacramento from Chicago to join a new church. He’s getting on in years and not that happy to be leaving, but overall a dedicated priest.
“Religion isn’t what it used to be. Let me tell ya.”
Baldwin- the conspiracy theorist /Truck driver-

Str 11 Con 16 Siz 13 Int 13 Pow 10 Dex 13 App 18 Edu 15 San 50 -2 ( 48 ) +2 ( 50 ) -10 ( 40 ) -2 ( 38 ) -6 ( 32 ) Hp 15 -10 ( 5 )
Know 75 Luck 50 Idea 65
Attacks- Colt Viper Revolver 62% +2+6 ( 70 ) 1d10.
Club 25% +10 ( 35 )
Skills Accounting 62%, Bargain 66%, Computer Use 12%, Drive truck 58%, Fast Talk 72% Hide 29%, Law 32% +4 ( 36 ), Listen 53% Psychology 52%, Rifle 45% +5 ( 50 ), Sneak 26%, Spot Hidden 77%
Baldwin is an African American truck driver who’s rig has broken down at the truck stop. He’s in his late 30s and has a rather no-nonsense attitude.
“I keep the gun in case I run into the Klan in Indiana. Some body ought to kill them people.”
Randall the Law student/ Ex med student
Str 14 Con 14 Siz 15 Dex 13 App 14 Int 18 Pow 13 Edu 20 San 65 -2 ( 63 ) +6 ( 69 ) -1 ( 68 ) HP 15 -2 ( 13 ) +2 ( 15 )
Damage Bonus +1d4
Fist Punch 45% damage 1d3 + 1d4
Baseball bat 65% 1d 8 plus 1d4
Skills- Bargain 45%, Debate 55%, Drive Auto 60%, First Aid, 60% History 55% Law 55% Library Use 65%, Psychology 65%, Read speak Spanish 45%, Ride 75%, Rifle 55% +9 ( 64 ), Throw 45%, Treat Diseases 55%, Chemistry 65%, Biology 55%
Randall’s parents pushed him towards a career as a doctor. He quit in his second year and is now in his second year of law school. “I went to med school because I was good in chemistry and biology, but I discovered I didn’t care for the sight of blood. Besides, there is more money in law.”
David the horny Truck Driver-

Str 10, Con 11 Siz 10 Int 11 Pow 11 Dex 11 App 11 Edu 12 San 41 -3 ( 38 ) +9 ( 47 ) -3 ( 44 ) Hp 11 -3 ( 8 ) +3 ( 11 )
Damage bonus -0
Attacks Sig Sauer 220 9 mm auto 61% +3 ( 64 ) 1d10.
Skills- Accounting 12% Drive truck 55%, Electronics 39%, Fast Talk 31% +8 ( 39 ), Mechanical
Repairs 36% Persuade 30%, English 60%.
David is an ex-con who got a job driving trucks which he figured was better than selling drugs. Sometimes he still moves drugs, but mostly it’s groceries. He’s rather fond of Rosie.
“I met this hooker once in Reno who had a glass eye… no shit.”
Horst Jaegermeister- Aging Skinhead leader- Deceased

Played by Keeper
Str 16, Con 9 Siz 17 Int 16 Pow 17 Dex 13 App 10 Edu 16 San 59 HP 13
Know 80, Idea 80 Luck 85
Damage bonus 1d6
Skills- Chemistry 82%, Climb 53% Demolition 81%, Hide 41%, Jump 52% Navigate 54%, Parachute 34%, Sneak 42% Swim 36% Track 31%. German 22%
Attacks- Bayonet 45% 1d4 +2+db
Fist Punch 63%
Grapple 49%
Ruger P-85 9 mm 43% 1d10
M79 Grenade Launcher 39% 4d6 damager 4 yard radius
Kick 47%
Knife 50%
Ak-47 66%
Mac 10 9 Mm 56% 1d10
Horst is former US Army who got himself in trouble dealing drugs and spreading racist propaganda. He became a white supremist while in the army and in Leavenworth prison. Upon his release he’s formed the Prairie Militia Society which has a compound not far from the Truck stop where he and other members of his organization involve themselves in a variety of crimes, and the current gossip is that he's involved in a crytstal meth lab. Horst is a nut.
“This is happening because God hates the Niggas and the Jews.”
Flip- Skinhead scumbag associate of Horst-

Player- Stompie
Str 14 Con 14 Siz 15 Int 10 Pow 8 Dex 11 App 9 Ed 10 San 40 HP 15
Db 1d4
Skills Climb 54%, Dodge 29%, Drive Car 39% Hide 37% Listen 36% Lockpick 26% Sneak 37% Spot Hidden 37% Throw 63%
Attacks Club 73% 1d6+db
Fist/Punch 68% 1d3+db
Grapple 42%
Ruger P-85 9 mm 31% 1d10
Headbutt 44% 1d4+db
Kick 44% 1d6 +db
Switchblade Knife32% 1d4=db.
Flip is about as white as they come. A rather nasty boy who grew up in a suburban community he was recruited by some Neo-Nazi groups and found his way into Horsts Prairies Militia Society. Ideologically committed to the cause, he works as Horsts body guard.
“Hey Horst, look, we got a nigga and an Indian in this place. What the fuck is wrong with Hammond, man?”
Tisha the Reporter-
*warning- adult content!*
Str 12, Con 12 Siz 13, Dec 12 App 13, Int 13, Pow 11, Edu 14 San 55 Hp 13
Know 70, Idea 65 Luck 55
Weapons- Fist/Punch 60% Damage 1d3
Skills Bargain 15%, Debate 40%, Dodge 24% Drive Automobile 30%, Fast Talk 80%, Hide 15% History 30%, Law 50%, Library Use 40%, Listen 45% Occult 10% Oratory 65%, Photography 20%, Psychology 30% English 85% Spot Hidden 35%
Tisha is closing on her 30s and is having second thoughts about her career as a TV journalist. Tisha and her cameraman Willie are heading to Omaha to cover the ‘riots’ going on there.
“I mean… it’s fucking Nebraska? What the fuck kind of news happens here, ya know?”
Willie the Aging Camera man-

Str 13, Con 8 Siz 11, Int 10, Pow 11 Dex 11 App 12 Edu 16 San 55 -5-5 ( 45 ) +5 ( 50 ) -2 ( 48 ) -6 ( 42 ) -2 ( 40 ) Hp 13 -2 ( 11 ) +2 ( 13 ) -2 ( 11 ) -6 ( 5 )
Attacks- Punch 59% 1d3
Skills- Bargain 32%, Climb 29%, Computer Use 37% Conceal 47% Dodge 41% +8 ( 49 ) , Drive 30%, Electrical Repair 28%, Fast Talk 56% +1 ( 57 ), Hide 22%, Listen 35%, Navigate 37%, Rifle 45% +9 ( 54 ), Spot Hidden 43% +2 ( 45 ), Videography 57%
Willie has spent much of his 51 years traveling the world on news assignments, and has the war wounds to match. Tired of all the world travel, he has recently taken a job in Nebraska where he works with Tisha covering local news.
“Yeah… Sarajevo. I was there. They got a couple good bars. Angola? Pretty good sea food…. Afghanistan, well they do a mean mutton.. I even had dog once in Cambodia, not so bad really.”
Alice- the Wandering History Professor

Player- Steve
Str 8 Con 10, Size 14, Dec 9 App 13, Int 17, Pow 13, Edu 18, San 65 -10 ( 55 ) +3 ( 58 ) -10 ( 48 ) -1 ( 47 ) Hp 12 -1 ( 11 ) -12 ( -1 ) +2+1 ( 2 )
Know 90, Idea 75%, Luck 65%
Skills- Anthropology 45%, Archeology 14%, Bargain 20% +2 ( 22 ), Credit Rating 20%, Drama Acting 30%, Dodge 18% History 90% Law 30% Library Use 85%, Linguist 15%, Listen 25% +2 ( 27 ), Make Maps 35% +6 ( 41 ), Occult 65%, Persuade 50% +3 ( 53 ), Read/write Engish 90%, Spot Hidden 25% +2 ( 27 ), Arabic 75%, Throw 35%
For the past three years Alice has been going place to place in the US looking for a tenure track position, living the life of a gypsy academic. She’s tired of it but has little other choices in life.
“I thought I would get a great job teaching about the Middle East, but all those kids down in Lynchburg want to talk about is Jesus Christ and Christianity. What a bunch of Jesus freaks.”
Old Bud the Private Investigator-
Str 13, Con 11, Siz 14, Dex 12, App 12, Int 13, Pow 11, Edu 13, San 55 Hp 13
Know 65%, Idea 65% Luck 55%
Damage bonus 1d4
Weapons- 38 revolver 65% damage 1d10
Fist punch 70% 1d3 + 1d4 +brass knuckles (1d4)
Skills- Accounting 30%, Credit Rating 20%, Dodge 24%, Drive Automobile 45%, Fast Talk 50%, Hide 45%, Law 30%, Listen 45%, Photography 15%, English 65%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 55%.
Old Bud has been a PI since he left the police department. Now at 60 he’s of a mind to retire, but doesn’t have the cash. A consummate gambler, he’s still doing work as a PI. Mostly Divorce cases and missing husband. Don’t be fooled. Bud is getting old, but he’s a tough old buzzard.
“Who are you callin’ an old man, punk. Come here so I can treat you to a knuckle sandwich.”
Samantha the Zoologist-

Str 8, Con 10, Size 9 Dex 9 App 13 Int 14 Pow 10 Edu 18 San 50 -2 ( 48 ) +4 ( 52 ) -8 ( 44 ) HP 10 -5 ( 5 )
Know 90, Luck 50 Idea 70
Weapons- .30-06 rifle 40% 2d6+3, 12 Gauge shotgun 55% 4d6/ 2d6/1d6. 32 Automatic 50% 1d8 Hunting knife 50% 1d6
Skills- accounting 30% , Anthropology 40%, Bargain 35%, Botany 50%, Chemistry 20%, Credit Rating 60%, Diagnose disease 30%, Dodge 35% Drive car 25%, Fast Talk 35%, First Aid 50%, Geology 30%, Hide 40%, History 43%, Law 20%, Library Use 55%, Linguist 45%, Make Maps 35%, Photography 45%, Psychology 5% +9 ( 14 ), French 30%, Spanish 50%, Ride 35%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 40%, Swim 45%, Throw 35%, Track 60%, Treat Disease 35%, Treat Poison 30%, Zoology 70%.
Samantha has been hired to work out at Yosemite National Park, where she is suppose to monitor the movements of grizzly bears and wolves, as well as watch for poachers.
“I guess I always preferred animals to men.”
Luke the Hunter-

Player- Suaside
Hunting Expedition Organizer-
Str 12, Con 12, Siz 10, Dex 14 App 16, Int 9, Pow 18, Edu 9, San 90 +9 ( 99 ) Hp 11 -1 ( 10 ) +1 ( 11 )
Know 45%, Idea 45%, Luck 90%
Weapons 30.06 rifle 80% 2d6+3. 12 Gauge Shotgun, 50% +2+4 ( 56 ) damage 4d6, 2d6,1d6.
32 Revolver- 50% +8 ( 58 ) damage 1d8, Fighting Knife 55% damage 1d4+2 Fist/punch 45% damage 1d3+1
Skills- Anthropology 20%, Bargain 60%, Botany 25%, Camouflage 76%, Climb 45%, Dodge 60%, First Aid 55%, Hide 70%, Jump 45%, Linguist 50%, Listen 65%, Make Maps 40%, 30% Natural History, English 40%, Spanish 40%, Ride 65%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 55% +2 ( 57 ), Swim 35%, Throw 30%, 70% Track, Treat disease 35%, Treat poison 40%, Zoology 45%.
Luke is a big gamer hunter who usually works out west as a contractor for wealthy clients to arrange hunting expeditions. He works all over the US, Canada and Mexico. Lately he had been thinking of setting up his own big game reserve.
“Cause nothin’, and I mean nothin’ beats the feeling of putting the breaks on somethin’ livin’”
Jenny Cooper- Lab assistant-

Str 9, Con 12 Siz 11 Int 15 Pow 13, Dex 13 App 14 Edu 18, San 65 +9 ( 74 ) -1 ( 73 ) , Hp 12 -1 ( 11 ) +1 ( 12 )
Idea 75, Know 90, Luck 65
Weapons skills- none
Skills Astronomy 65%, Chemistry 30% Computer Use 55%, Dodge 40$ Drive Automobile 35% History 30% Library use 50%, Listen 45% +6 ( 51 ) , Persuade 40% +6 ( 46 ), Photography 35%, Physics 50%, Psychology 45% +7 ( 52 ), Ride 45% Spot Hidden 35% +1 ( 36 )
Jenny is 25, just finished grad school in Astronomy and thinking about doing a Ph.D, but on her way to a new observatory in Wyoming. She’s an attractive but socially awkward and shy. Last night she pulled over to watch the strange meteor shower. Very unexpected this time of year. Today she hopes to get a look at one. Could the strange news have something to do with the meteors?
Gary the Maintenance man-

Str 13, Con 15, Siz 15 Int 13 Pow 12 Dex 13 Ap 12 Edu 13 San 60 +9 ( 69 ) -2 ( 67 ) HP 15 -10 ( 5 )
Know 65, Idea 65 Luck 60
Fist 75%, 1d3 +1d4 damage bonus Grapple 60%, Club 60% 1d6 of 1d8, .22-250 bolt action rifle, 60% 2d6
Skills- Climb 60%, Computer use 15%, Drive Car 50%, Electrical Repair 70%, Electronics 40%, English 65%, Mechanical Repair 80% +3 ( 83 ) , Spot Hidden 50% +3 ( 53 )
Gary is 47 and has been divorced for the third time and has recently lost a job with GE. He’s heading to California to find a new job and swears he will never marry again.
Kimberly the Pharmacist looking for a job.-

Str 9 Com 13 Siz 10 Int 16 Pow 15 Dec 18 App 15 Edu 17 San 75 -8 ( 67 ) -6 ( 61 ) +3+3 ( 67 ) Hp 12 -4 ( 8 ) +3+1 ( 12 ) -4-4 ( 4 )
Know 85% Idea 80 Luck 75 Db +0
Drive Automobile 61%, Fast Talk 52%, First Aid 45% Hide 26%, Law 33%, Listen 57% +7 ( 64 ), Pharmacy 85% +5 ( 90 ), Ride 55%, Sneak 48%, Spot Hidden 52%,
English 88%, Spanish 73%
Ruger P-85 9 mm Auto 62% 1d10
Liugi Franchi SPAS-12 Shotgun 57% +3 ( 60 ) 4d6 shells or 1d10+6 slugs.
Kimberly has recently been interviewing with a pharmacy in Kimball for a new position and is staying at Mr Foo’s Motel 8 for the week to look around and find a place. She’s a regular at the Café for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
“So what’s there to do around these parts for fun?”
Michael Walters British Psychologist on vacation-

Str 11 Con 11 Siz 16 Int 15 Pow 10 Dex 14 App 6 Edu 19 San 50 -8 ( 42 ) +2 ( 44 ) Hp 14
Know- 95%, Idea 75% Luck 50%
Db- 1d4
Skills- Astronomy 55%, Climb 40% +1 ( 41 ), Computer Use 45%, Fast Talk 45%, Persuade 50%, Pilot Helicopter 60%, Psychoanalysis 85%, Psychology 65%, Spot Hidden 65% +3 ( 68 )
Languages English 95%
Attacks Glock Model 17 9 mm 65% 1d10.
Michael is on vacation in the US and has been traveling between the Rocky Mountains and Chicago, traveling through Nebraska, Montana and the Dakotas. Last night he was up late watching the meteor shower through his telescope (“The sky here is amazing!”) and taking notes. He’s currently sleeping at the hotel after being up late last night. He’s been there for two nights now.
"Funny about those meteor... You haven't seen any other strange lights in the sky, by chance, have you?"
Felice Piccone
Player Zoe-

Str 14 Con 13 Siz 12 Int 14 Pow 11 Dex 16 Ap 17 Edu 17 San 55 Hp 13
Know 85, Idea 70 Luck 55% db 1d4
Skills Archeology 20% Art 80% Credit Rating 40% Law 35% Locksmith 50% Drive Auto 50% Forgery 50% History 40% Library Use 5%, Photography 30% Spot Hidden 50%.
Languages Italy 85% English 45% Latin 15%
Martial Arts 35%
Sig Sauer 45% P-226 9mm 1d10 in bags
Also Assault Rifle 45% (in Italy)
Felice is an art dealer and has been driving from San Francisco to Chicago for business. Having a few extra days she wanted to see some of the country and recently left the Grand Tetons where she vacationed for two days. She drives a Porsche 911 classic.
"Yes it's true, people often mistake me for Monica Bellucci. I don't know why."
Azadeh Samimi- Engineer on the Road-
Player- Muff

Str 12 Con 18 Siz 12 Int 16 Pow 13 Dec 14 App 16 Edu 20 San 65 +9 ( 74 ) -1 ( 73 ) -1 ( 72 ) Hp 15 -15+2+1-2 ( 1 )
Know 90, Idea 80 Luck 65 db bonus 0
Skills- Architecture 45% Demolitions 62%, Computer Use 50% Drive Car 35% Electrical Repair 50% Fast Tak 57% Hide 58% Locksmith 45%, Mechanical Repair 65%, Persuade 52% Psychology 52% Sneak 67% Spot Hidden 43%
Language Farsi 80%, English 90%
Attacks- Sig Sauer P230 75% +2 ( 77 ) .22 long rifle- 1d6+1 +2
Rifle 80% +9 ( 89 )
Azadeh is 28 year old Engineer traveling to a job in Omaha from Sacramento where she anticipates she will be working for most of the summer. Previously she has been working in the mining industry in various states in the Southwest.
"Ah this reminds me of when my family had to escape for Iran...."
Duke- Friend of Robert
Player- Stompie
Str 14 Con 17 Siz 14 Int 14 Pow 13 Dex 15 App 13 Edu 15 San 65% +2 ( 67 ) -1 ( 66 ) Hp 16 -1 ( 15 )
Know 75 Idea 70 Luck 70 db 1d4
Skills- Anthropology 50%, Astronomy 25%, Biology 55% Climb 60%, Dodge 35%, Drive Car 35%, Fast Talk 45%, First Aid 50% +2 ( 52 ), Hide 25%, Jump 30%, Listen 35% +5+6 ( 46 ) , Natural History25%, Psychology 35% Spot Hidden 30%,
Attacks Bat 50% 1d8 +1d4
Rifle 45% +5+5 ( 55 ) (but currently unarmed).
Duke is a freind of Robert, a grad student in Biology and a guy who enjoys the great outdoors. Talkative and friendly, he has a sense of adventure.
Erica Spears
State Trooper Helicopter Pilot/Medevac Pilot
Player - Helbent4
Str 12 Con 12, Siz 13, Int 13, Pow 14, Dex 15. App 16, Edu 15 San 70 +10 ( 80 ) HP 12
Know- 75, Idea 65, Luck 70
Db- +1d4
BA Military Science
Skills- Drive Automobile 55%, Electrical Repair 37%, Electronics 33%. Fast Talk 5% +8 ( 13 ), Listen 38% Mechanical Repair 46%, Navigation (air) 66%, Pilot Civil Prop Plane 73%, Pilot Helicopter 77%, Rifle 30% +2 ( 32 ), Spot Hidden 68% +8 ( 76 )
English 75
Attacks Berretta M92 73% 1d10.
Fist punch 73% 1d3 +db.
Erica Spears has been flying since childhood and went into the US Army to fly helicopters. After graduation she joined the Nebraska State Police where she quickly took to the air. In addition to providing helicopter patrols for the State Police, she also often flies medevacs for the frequent car accidents along Nebraska’s highways. When not at work she spends her free time on her family farm near Chadron. She enjoys speed.
“I like it fast, hard and powerful.”
Helicopter group -
Dr. Brigetta Hausman MD- Lost member of Center for Disease Control and Prevention-
Player- Muff

Str 13 Con 13 Siz 10 Int 16 Pow 11 Dex 10 App 14 Edu 18 San 55 -7 ( 48 ) +3 ( 51 ) Hp 12 -9+2 ( 5 ) +2 ( 7 )
Know 90, Idea 80 Luck 55
Education MD and PH.D. Virology
Skills Biology 92%, Chemistry 54%, Computer use 33%, Credit Rating 46%, First Aid 71%, Handgun 50% +7 ( 57 ), Library Use 44%, Medicine 77% +9 ( 86 ), Natural History 73%, Pharmacy 72%, Spot Hidden 25% +10 ( 35 ), Languages German 95%, English 63%.
Brigetta has been working for the CDC for the past 4 years and has been investigating the outbreak of various diseases among livestock for its risks to human infection. At the outbreak of the zombie infestation she was enroute from Cheyenne to Omaha via helicopter when the helicopter broke down and had to land at the truck stop.
“You don’t understand. I need to get to Omaha right away..”
Stephanie Bridges- Environmental Protection Agency- co-worker with Dr. Hausmann

Str 9, Con 11, Siz 13, Int 15 Pow 18 Dex 12, App 11 Edu 18 San 90 +9 ( 99 ) Hp 12
Know 90, Idea 75% Luck 90%
Skills Biology 77%, Chemistry 63% +9 ( 72 ), Computer Use 63%, Credit Rating 29%, First Aid 61%, Library Use 72%, Natural History 62%, Persuade 44% +8 ( 52 ), Pharmacy 41%, Physics 66%, Spot Hidden 66%
Stephanie has been working with Dr. Hausmann looking at the environmental affects of possible pathogens related to livestock that might infect wild animals. When Dr. Hausmann got the call, Stephanie joined for the ride at Dr. Hausmann’s request.
“The ‘people eating people’ disease? Nope, never heard of that one.”
Sean Blank- National Parks Service-
Str 15, Con 18, Siz14 Int 11 Pow 10 Sex 11 App 17 Edu 16 San 50 Hp 16
Know 80, Luck 50 Idea 55%
Skills- Climb 91%, First Aid 56%, Listen 53%, Natural History 53%, Navigate 71%, Ride 32% Sneak 36%, Spot Hidden 39%, Swim 41% Track 57%
Survival Knife- 53% 1d4 +2+ 1d4
.444 Marlin Rifle- 60% 2d8+4
Sean Blank was in Cheyenne for a conference with Dr. Hausman and Ms. Bridges when they received the emergency call. Sean is romantically interested in Ms. Hausmann and offered to help out.
“Attacked by a man eating man? Nope. Never happened. Got attacked by a man eating bear once….Damn thing only stopped coming after me after I punched it in the nose.”
Jim Kerr- US Fish and Wildlife Service-
Player- Steve

Str 13, Con 16, Siz 12, Int 13 Pow 17 Dex 15 App 10 Edu 16 San 85 +2 ( 87 ) -3 ( 84 ) -1 ( 83 ) Hp 14 -2 ( 12 ) +2 ( 14 ) -1 ( 13 ) +1 ( 14 ) -1 ( 13 )
Know 80, Idea 65 Luck 85%
Damage Bonus 1d4
Skills- Drive Motorcycle- 71%, Fast Talk 44% +8+2 ( 54 ), First Aid 30% +9 ( 39 ), Law 42%, Listen 58%, Marital Arts 57%, Natural History 46%, Psychology 34%, Spot Hidden 56% +6 ( 62 )
.44 Magnum Revolver 62% +7 ( 69 ) 1d10,, _1d4 +2
Fist punch 56%
Head Butt 12%
Kick 57% +2 ( 59 )
Nun-chucks- 66% 1d8 +1d4
Jim is Sean’s buddy and had joined him Cheyenne to hang out, drink and have fun. When the call came in, Jim volunteered to tag along.
“Bear attack? Shit. I bet no Bear could take Jackie Chan.”
Bob Larkin- Helicopter Pilot National Parks Service
Player- SuAside

Str 17 Con 16 Siz 16 Int 13 Pow 14 Dec 13 App 13 Edu 18 San 70 +2 ( 72 ) Hp 16 -8 ( 8 ) -3+2+3+3 (13)
Know 90, Idea 65 Luck 70
Damage bonus 1d6
Berretta M92 Auto 45% +3 ( 48 ) 1d10
Skills- Dodge 26% +5 ( 31 ), Electrical Repair 71%, Library Use 33%, Listen 52%, Martial Arts 51% Mechanical Repair 67% +10 ( 77 ), Navigation Air 62%, Occult 44% +2 ( 46 ), Parachute 42%, Persuade 15% +1 ( 16 ) Pilot Civilian prop airplane 82%, Pilot helicopter 73% Spot Hidden 70%
Bob Larkin is a former US Navy helicopter pilot who has be working for the National Parks Service for the past 10 years. He received the late night call to fly Hausmann and company to Omaha, but the helicopter broke down on and he was lucky to land it. When not flying he likes to use free weights.
“Those assholes in Cheyenne have no understand of fuel pumps. When I get back, I swear I’m gonna have to talk to them guys.”
Keeper's characters-
Beth- Survivor
Played by Keeper
Str 12 Con 15 Siz 11 Int 17 Pow 16 Dec 17 App 16 Edu 13 San 80% -2 ( 78 ) +4 ( 82 ) -3 ( 79 ) -1 ( 78 ) Hp 13
Know 65%, Idea 85% Luck 80 db 0
Bargain 45%, Climb 60%, Conceal 50%, Dodge 50%, Drive Auto 40%, Fast talk 50% +6 ( 56 ), First Aid 50%, Jump 50%, Listen 75%, Navigate 40%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 50% +2 ( 52 )
Attacks- Handgun 50%
Rifle 50% (unarmed)
Axe 40 % (unarmed
Robert- Survivor
Played by Keeper
Str 13 Con 16 Siz 12 Int 17 Pow 18 Dec 15 App 14 Edu 17 San 90 +4 ( 94 ) Hp 14
Know 85%, Idea 85 Luck 90
Skills- Bargain 30, Climb 60, Dodge 50%, Drive Auto 50%, Firefighting 15%, First Aid 40%, Jump 50%, Law 25%, Listen 50% +8 ( 58 ), Navigate 50%, Persuade 70%, Psychology 65%, Ride 25%, Sneak 40%, Spot Hidden 50% +4 ( 54 )
English 85%
Attacks Large Club 1d8 +db 50%
Rifle 65% (unarmed)
Handgun 60% +9 ( 69 ) (unarmed)
more new characters
State Trooper- Joe Barring-
Player - Fearlessfred

Str. 16 Con 15 Siz 16 Int 15 Pow 13, Dex 14 App 13 Edu 14 San 65 +1 ( 66 ) -2 ( 64 ) -8 ( 56 ) Hp 16
Know 70 Idea 75 Luck 70
DB 1d4
Skills- Dodge 28% +7 ( 35 ), Drive Auto 62%, Fast Talk 27%, Hide 43%, Law 38%, Listen 47%, Psychology 46% Sneak 41%, Spot Hidden 56%, Track 39%,
Attacks Fist Punch 74% 1d3+db
Grapple 59%
Ruger P-85 Auto 61% 1d10
Mossberg Model 590 Mariner Shotgun 61% +4 ( 65 ) 4d6
Big Tough Joe comes from a family of law men. But today has been exceptionally bad.

Str 11 Con 13 Siz 11 Int 15 Pow 11 Dex 15 App 14 Edu 15 San 38 +1 ( 39 ) HP 12
Idea- 75, Know 75 Luck 55
Damage bonus +0
Skills- Climb 74%, Computer Use 42%, Credit Rating 30%, Dodge 51% Drive Car 32% Fast Talk 45% First Aid 42% Jump 70%, Law 38%, Library Use 75%, Listen 43%, Persuade 60%, Psychology 38%, Psycho-Analysis 47%, Shotgun 30% +10 ( 40 ), Sociology 77%, Spot Hidden 50% +3 ( 53 ), Swim 41%, Throw 48%
Kerry is the young woman that Robert, Duke, Lynne, and the dogs rescued from the facility beneath the T-Bone. At the start of Chapter 2 she is temporarily insane.