Odd Anime


Antediluvian as Feck
As I'm guessing there are zillions of anime fans here, I have to ask about a weird DVD I saw in a store once. It was a martial arts anime, about shootfighting. It was called shooto or something, about a kid that has to submit his father or a weird thing like that. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Apparently google doesn't.
The Man From Utopia said:
The kid had to submit to his father? [/incest]

Homosexual incest at that.

Do you have any more information to go on? Are you sure about the subject matter? Not that I have any initial knowledge on the genre, but I can't find anything either.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that was it fanatic. I googled shootfighter anime but didn't find anything relevant. Weird. Thanks!
I have a feeling this guy would be perfect in the AOF.

I also hate anime, at least most of it. Extremely violent anime is ok.
Hey, homosexual incest has been around for a looooooooong time. Who are we to diss it? Should at least test the water before you say it's too cold. Or hot.
citizenkhan said:
Should at least test the water before you say it's too hot or too cold.
And if you have lost already all of your fingers by doing this, remember to us your toes before you you use your p*nis. :oops: