"Oh snap, I gave the wrong disc...." or distilled


"Oh snap, I gave the wrong disc...." or distilled

Read here for full story.

But instead of submitting the class work, Erickson allegedly handed in a disc that contained images of children as young as 7-years-old in sexually explicit situations. The disc, according to police reports, listed each youth by age, ranging from 7 to 14.

I guess this person deserves a special chocolate coated lead statue of "PURE OWNAGE".

Though seriously, who is so stupid not to know what he gives in?
Oh, so it was all just a mix up.. those things can happen! Oh boy, how awkward for that friend of his though


I guess he wont be needing that cd marker his mom got him for christmas then
You can't tell me that the professor didn't give it a thorough look-see before he thought, wait, I never got that assignment! He loved it :wink: