Oil half gone?


Ancient One
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Professor Goodstein discusses lowering oil reserves

TONY JONES: Now to tonight's guest - David Goodstein is professor of physics at the California Institute of Technology or Caltech.

In his latest book, 'Out of Gas' - the End of the Age of Oil', he explores the consequences of oil reserves getting lower and lower in the coming decades.

Professor Goodstein joined us from San Francisco.

David Goodstein, thanks for joining us.


TONY JONES: Your most alarming statement you make in your book is that civilisation as we know it will come to an end before the end of this century when we run out of fuel?

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: Yes, that is, it's meant to be alarming, it's meant to alarm people, to wake people up and help prevent that from happening.

TONY JONES: So, how long do you reckon we've got in reality?

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: Well, that's not an easy question to answer.

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: We will probably have an oil crisis reasonably soon.

It may have already begun.

We are much too close to the situation to know for sure.

The information we're given is much too undependable for us to know for sure.

It might not actually happen until later this decade or even in the next decade.

Those differences are very important to us because we would like to go on living the comfortable lives we lead.

But on the long scale of human history 10 or 20 years is absolutely negligible.

So we will have a oil crisis.

There are other fossil fuels that can be made a substitute for oil, at a price.

So we might be able to muddle on for a while , though a much more likely scenario is that we will have resource wars and other terrible things happening.

But it is possible we'll be able to muddle on for a while, even turning to coal, for example, which can be liquified and used as a substitute for oil and which is in very large supply.

But if we do all that, for one thing we will do an unpredictable amount of damage to our climate, and for another thing it's my guess that we would start running out of coal.

Let us say we would reach the point where we're depleting the resource faster than we can develop new sources probably in the this century.

TONY JONES: This is one of the interesting things because people tend to think that coal and natural gas are available in virtually infinite quantities.

If oil runs out you can turn to them.

What you're saying is all fossil fuels are finite?

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: All fossil fuels are finite.

We don't have a very clear idea of how much there is for the various resources.

The historical peak in oil discovery worldwide occurred around 1960, discoveries have been declining ever since.

The historic peak and natural gas discoveries occurred in the 1970s and so the maximum for natural gas production probably is only 10 years or so behind that for oil.

We seem to make hundreds to thousands of years estimates at the present rate of extraction but that's completely unrealistic because we use twice as much energy now from oil as we do for coal.

If you're going to mine coal to substitute for the oil you have to mine it much faster, the conversion process is inefficient, the world's population is increasing.

the poorer parts of the world want to be more like us and use more energy and finally, we will run out of, we will be in trouble with coal not when we mine the last tonne, but when we reach the peak production which is about the halfway point.

TONY JONES: We've just heard about Hubbard's peak and the speculation that we passed the point of no return.

How does anyone know for sure that we're actually past that point?

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: We can't know for sure.

I've always thought that we will know that the peak has occurred when Saudi Arabia maxes out, when it reaches its peak in production.

The Saudis claim they will be able to increase their production by a million barrels a day in a relatively short period of time.

That promise has not yet been kept.

We don't know whether it's true.

If you look at the history of what's called proved oil reserves.

The proved reserves of oil in the OPEC organisation of petroleum exporting countries, increased by 300 to 400 billion barrels in the late 1980s.

There were no important discoveries of oil during that period.

What happened instead was that OPEC changed its quota system how much oil each country could pump based on in part its claimed reserves and the claimed reserves just appeared out of nowhere by magic.

So half the world's proved reserves may be an illusion and the information we're given is so undependable we really just can't say.

TONY JONES: Do you believe oil companies have lied about this?

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: We know that Royal Dutch Shell did because they were audited by the SEC, by an external auditor an independent auditor forced to reduce their estimated reserves by 20 per cent.

That sent shock waves through the entire oil industry.

But 90 per cent of the proved reserves are held by countries, not by companies and nobody ordered the Saudi books.

TONY JONES: Have we really discovered all the remaining great oilfields though.

We know for example geologists claim there is a great lake of oil under Antarctica?

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: The people who would like to believe that the Hubbard's peak is further away than some of us fear, believe that we may make great discoveries in the deep oceans and the Antarctic, as you say, and central and northern Siberia and so on.

I think they're grasping at straws.

Two-thirds of the world's oil reserves are in the Middle East the Persian Gulf.

That's 10 times as much as a Africa, ten times as much as the Middle East, ten times as much as in the former Soviet Union.

There are no other important players in the game.

We recently saw a spike because there were a couple of storms in the Gulf of Mexico.

Just think of what's going to happen when the Saudi regime collapses.

TONY JONES: As we know, many scientists are convinced that global warming is happening so fast that if we don't stop burning fossil feel fuels the earth will reach within 30 years a catastrophic tipping point.

Are you saying that effectively we're going to run out of fossil fuels before we destroy the environment?

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: There are some people who see that as the silver lining in the cloud.

We'll reach Hubbard's peak and have to reduce our burning of fossil fuels and that will keep us from damaging doing irreversible damage to the planet.

It seems to me that's like hoping that the patient will have a fatal heart attack to save him from dying of cancer.

It's not the way I think we ought to do things.

TONY JONES: Professor James Lovelock who's called by many the father of the environmental movement says "the industry world must now embrace nuclear power as the only viable alternative to oil and other fossil fuels".

What do you say to that argument?

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: It depends on what kind of nuclear power you mean.

If you mean the kind of conventional power that we use for power in the United States, burning uranium 235, which is a rare isotope of uranium, there are a couple of problems.

One of them is you would have to build 10,000 of the largest power plants that are feasible by engineering standards in order to replace the 10 terrawatts of fossil fuel we're burning today.

10,000 nuclear plants of the largest kind possible - that's a staggering amount and if you did that, the known reserves of uranium would last for 10 to 20 years at that burn rate.

So, it's at best a bridging technology.

If you're talking about nuclear fusion, then in the long range the fuel is almost limitless but it's been 25 years away for the past 50 years and it's still 25 years away.

It has been said of nuclear fusion and also shell oil which is one of the possible fossil fuels that they are the energy sources of the future and always will be.

TONY JONES: So, with nuclear power, even if we could build those 10,000 nuclear power plants presumably right around the world it would only be a temporary thing?

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: It would only be a temporary fix.

You can use the rest of the uranium to breed plutonium 239 then we'd have at least 100 times as much fuel to use.

But that means you're making plutonium, which is an extremely dangerous thing to do in the dangerous world that we live in.

TONY JONES: So, what do you say then to the arguments of the Professor Lovelock and others, who say that nuclear power is the only alternative to avoid reaching the fatal tipping point?


I think that we must make use of all possible alternatives to fossil fuels, nuclear power included.

I'm just trying to stress that it's not the magic bullet that will by itself save us from our problems, but I certainly think we have to use it.

TONY JONES: There is one other alternative we should be talking about and that is hydrogen as fuel for future motor cars.

What do you think of the hydrogen alternative?

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: Hydrogen is made from fossil fuel.

It is not a substitute for fossil fuels.

It's just a way of conveying energy.

It is not a source of energy.

The economics today are if you make hydrogen by burning fossil fuel to generate electricity and then electrolyse water to make the hydrogen, it will require somewhere between three and six gallons of gasoline to make enough hydrogen to replace one gallon of gasoline.

So, a hydrogen economy doesn't solve anything really.

In the long-term future if you had plenty of fusion power available, stationary power, and the only problem was to make it mobile to serve for transportation then making hydrogen might make sense.

TONY JONES: So, what you're saying is that right now, making hydrogen could actually create more global warming than we're seeing at the moment?

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: Yes, unless you make it from renewable sources such as solar energy or atomic energy.

TONY JONES: You were pointing out, and I think this is one of your major points - there is no magic bullet.

So, presumably we have to combine our efforts using what we have - solar power, wind power, tidal power in combinations unlike anything we have seen before.

Is that feasible though, would any politicians agree to make such great changes?

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: Well, we went through a presidential election in the US in which neither party mentioned anything having to do with this problem, which I think is the most important problem of our era.

Politicians do not want to touch this subject.

Any politician who tells Americans that they'll have to give up their SUVs has committed political suicide.

But it does seem to me that a courageous and visionary politician could say to us, "by burning fossil fuels we're putting ourselves at the mercy of some very nasty and unstable parts of the world and we're also endangering the climate of our planet.

For the sake of our children and grandchildren we simply must learn to kick the fossil fuel habit."

If that kind of challenge were given to our scientists and engineers I think we could do it.

TONY JONES: But as you say, the vision our political leaders is usually constricted to the three or four years of their electoral cycles.

How long would be it be before the crisis reaches the point where great powers have no choice but to a make radical decisions?

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: It's impossible to guess.

Everything we read about in the papers every day suggests that the worldwide system for production and distribution of oil is stretched to the breaking point.

That certainly is a symptom one would expect if we have already reached the peak.

But the fact we have a symptom doesn't mean we have already reached the peak, it's just an indication.

As I say, we are too close to the situation.

The information we get is far too undependable for us to say.

I can not predict how soon it will happen.

But it will happen and when it happens there will be a huge price shock in the cost of gasoline at the pump, in the cost of everything that has to be transported and not insignificantly, in the cost of all petrochemicals.

There are 6.4 billion people living on the planet today.

Most of them reasonably well-fed as a result of what was called the 'green revolution' in the second half of the 20th Century.

That consisted in a very large part of fertilising land using that using petrochemical-based fertilisers.

So, that stuff is pretty valuable.

I don't think we can sustain the population we have today, much less what we'll have in 20 or 50 years without petrochemical fertilisers.

TONY JONES: Just looking around the world, do you see any political leaders who appears to understand the full extent of this crisis?

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: If there is one I have not met him or her yet.

TONY JONES: All right.

Let's try, if we can, to end on a positive note.

Are you confident that human ingenuity, scientific ingenuity will in the end find a way out of this problem?

PROFESSOR DAVID GOODSTEIN: I'm hopeful, not confident.

TONY JONES: Professor David Goodstein, let's hope we have better news for our children and grandchildren than you're predicting.

We thank you though, for joining us.


So it seems like its all downhill from here.

I didn't know that food production was so reliant on petrochemicals. As well as pharmaceuticals, plastics, tar, petrol and solvents among other things.

It looks like we have a dark future, with not enough food and water coupled with climate change. Many Middle Eastern countries will be left with practically nothing but sand and millions of people. I would guess that the rich will leave with a large proportion of the scraps, leaving an even more volatile situation that could only lead to starvation and war.

The longer-term alternative to fossil fuels is to look for sustainable, renewable energy sources, and drastically cut down our wasteful standard of living. Australia has large reserves of fossil fuels, and the government is considering burying carbon dioxide to try to reduce climate change. This is because although we have constant sun and a huge area, gas is just so much cheaper in the short term. Again the problem is that people only care about the short term.

We can hope that we can work out fusion power and heat conversion systems, but this is unlikely. We will have to do something ourselves, and not just look up expectantly at Ivory towers without the willingness to chip in financially. Research needs serious government funding and selfless, international cooperation, which is very difficult to gain. If oil companies developed new technologies with their huge capital and thus retained their monopoly, it would be very beneficial. But it is more likely that they would hinder competing systems as it is too hard to maintain control of changing technologies, as opposed to directly exploiting resources.

My own foolish dream is that we can also develop energy biotechnology in the future, New organisms such as power 'plants' that are parasitized by transformers. However, this sort of thing is far beyond our current capabilities, and we are more likely to copy natural systems than create cybernetic organisms. An example of this is the Gratzel photocell, being developed further here in Australia, which copies photosynthesis to produce power. The researchers are struggling on here to get them mass produced, and more support would likely increase the rate of change exponentially.

So what do you think we should do? Nothing, live like Trappist Monks, start the eco-revolution or something in between?
probably why you are seeing the interest in alternative fuel sources, fuel cells, hydrogen and electric cars.

Add the current hoopla over global warming- the artic ice sheets breaking up, glaciers melting in the Himalayas, antarctica warming up, etc, one might expect seas to rise and new areas to become desert.

People often don't realize it but the Sahara used to be a grassland not unlike the US midwest.

A shame if our children could not share the world in which we have or if our inheritence was a hot, dry world.

But in the meantime, stock up on canned food and shotguns.
welsh said:
probably why you are seeing the interest in alternative fuel sources, fuel cells, hydrogen and electric cars.

Add the current hoopla over global warming- the artic ice sheets breaking up, glaciers melting in the Himalayas, antarctica warming up, etc, one might expect seas to rise and new areas to become desert.

People often don't realize it but the Sahara used to be a grassland not unlike the US midwest.

A shame if our children could not share the world in which we have or if our inheritence was a hot, dry world.

But in the meantime, stock up on canned food and shotguns.

:lol: the guns from fallout have to come from somewhere right. interesting, armageddon could indeed happen well within my lifetime. we will not be easily be rid of fossil fuel, i believe we have the capabilities but oil companies have a stranglehold on the world.
the thing is though, is that we have no effective means to get rid of waste produced by nuclear power plants. so even if we could build the 10,000 huge nuclear power plants we would all die of radiation exposure before we could even think of handling that much waste. and just stowing it away underground might "solve" the immediate problem just to present another later when 50 years down the road half the population cant reproduce.
What in the world are you rambling about?

The effective methods are well known. Radioactive waste can be reprocessed via breeder reactors. Or it can be stored underground where it will never irradiate you, me, or generations 1000s of years from now. The earth that is between the radioactive components and anything biological is so much that the rays would never penetrate.

The only real problem is getting the waste from the reactors to the underground storage depots.
PsychoSniper said:
We could always turn Australia into a giant radioactive wastes dump!

Stop acting like an asshat PS, that's the sort of attitude that has earned your people so many admirers in the world.
Corpse said:
Stop acting like an asshat PS, that's the sort of attitude that has earned your people so many admirers in the world.

Well, he is from a Red State. I for one can't blame him for being a backward hick when his own state supreme court wanted to put a copy of the Ten Commanments in the court house.
Murdoch said:
Or it can be stored underground where it will never irradiate you, me, or generations 1000s of years from now. The earth that is between the radioactive components and anything biological is so much that the rays would never penetrate.

Debatable. As far as I know almost no country in the world has proper storage for large amount of nuclear waste in the form of underground depots, especially not for 1000s of years.

Only recently has a process been made viable for the glassification of nuclear waste and only theoretically has a lifetime of over 1000 years. Most of the time waste seems to be stored in reinforced concrete which has a reliable lifetime of barely 200 years.

Above all the have been numerous incidents around the world where nuclear waste has simply not been stored properly, casks haven't been maintained, and proper safety precautions haven't been followed, ending in the result of nuclear waste leaking away, sometimes into used groundwater.
The only safe way to deal with radioactive waste is to not make it in the first place. More money needs to be spent on research for fusion power so we can finally get signifigantly past the break-even point.
Can you give me an example of how nuclear fusion can create power, without creating radioactive waste?
Can you give me an example of how nuclear fusion can create power, without creating radioactive waste?
That's the point of nuclear fusion, which would be one of the most effective and environment-friendly ways of producing energy if we could actually let it last longer than fractions of a second. From what I recall from my physics lessons fusion works because of the energy that is released when 2 atoms are fused into one. The resulting product is energy, and a new (non-radioactive) atom. I may be wrong, though, because my memory is a bit fuzzy on this subject.

For those who don't know: nuclear power plants use nuclear fission, not nuclear fusion.
Dove said:
Can you give me an example of how nuclear fusion can create power, without creating radioactive waste?

Sander' had it pretty much spot on, but here's a small highly simplified crash course.

Take the nuclei from two atoms, for sake of argument let's take hydrogen. The two nuclei are forced together, the nuclei will repel each other so a lot of energy is required for this procedure, most of the time it takes place in a super hot plasma. The two nuclei fuse together, as they do so some of the mass of the neutrons and protons now creating the new nucleus is lost, converted into energy which is released. So from the two hydrogen nuclei a helium nucleus is produced, and that's pretty much all, simple harmless (relatively) helium.

The amouint of energy produced from the matter is governed by E=mC^2 m being the mass and C being the speed of light.

The conversion of around 1Kg of mass into energy supplies around 25000000000 Kwh.
I thought antimatter was the new "hope for the future" scientific discovery these days? What happened to that idea?


Unless someone has more current knowledge, it costs too much energy than one produces to do a controlled fusion reaction.

"Peacefully" useable fusion has been stuck "in time" for 30 years.

So if someone had a working design today, if it's on the same industrial scale as a fission reactor, it might be 10 years or more before your local electric monoply might have that fusion-electric generator on line.

If the answer is to come from sub atomic discoveries, then we may have to wait for the Chinese to build a super collider. The U.S. Congress decided it wasn't necessary during the budget balancing frenzy of the 1990's.

Most of the energy in the world is generated by burning oil and fossil combustibles like coal.

The little oil left is the one we have knowledge from. But there is more than we know of in unexplored areas in the oceans. Like in Argentinian territorial waters, in the South Atlantic. The chinese are going to invest millions in argentinian enterprises and researchs so they can buy argentinian petrol extracted from sea platform oil rigs.

I'll make a more detailed thread about all the chinese investments in south america if you guys are interested.
The news about the low oil reserves are old. This thing it is known for quite some time. :roll:
I wonder what are the specialists working at!