Ol' Bitmap Bros games to be reworked?


Night Watchman
Staff member
I found that a redux of SpeedBall 2 is in the works (which is said to be vaguely based off PA Salute of the Jugger movie, but whatever), but also, the Frogster Interactive company secured the rights to Chaos Engine, which might mean we're in for another steampunk based game sooner or later.

Damn, I do start feeling old when they remake classics :P
god The Chaos Engine, that take me back... Please people don't confuse this with the illegal fraudulent company "Chaos Game Engine"
An off-topic question for you Silencer,

I recognized your avatar and banner as GameBoy Advance game I have. Is Wings also a PC game that may have been ported to the Advance?

Wings is a fun game, It has some similarity to Wings of Glory that I really liked from the old 486PC days.
Wau The Chaos Engine aint that blast from past. Oh the fun times I had with that game around 1997.
only one i played was Z .. it was fantastic .. it doesnt lack anything .. people should really play it if they havent