old message board

Well, you can access the old boards by clicking on the green lettered words "Archived Boards" at the top of your page. From there, I suppose you can copy and paste but that would seem redundant unless your planning to add onto your story. It would be extremely annoying if everyone went back onto the old boards and pasted in their old posts willy-nilly (I *think* that's a word).
I wen't into the old forums just the other day and was looking over the first chapter of Lone Wanderes and decided to much on over to the Fan Fic board. There are some real classics in that place that allways seem good to read again. Anyways, i found my self in there for nearly an hour reading Fics.

Oh, which reminds me, Welsh...i found 2 PM messages that you sent to me in the old boards that are from, i think last year.
Sorry i never read them untill now....
i looked on my old computer and none of my word files are gone including my old fan fic i just wondered if i could still get to it
RoGuE HeX said:
I wen't into the old forums just the other day and was looking over the first chapter of Lone Wanderes and decided to much on over to the Fan Fic board. There are some real classics in that place that allways seem good to read again. Anyways, i found my self in there for nearly an hour reading Fics.

Oh, which reminds me, Welsh...i found 2 PM messages that you sent to me in the old boards that are from, i think last year.
Sorry i never read them untill now....


Lol so you can also find old PM messages on the old board :p would be handy to look there after a long vacation...

Grtz, Fire Sprite