Older game recognition


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
I played a bit of an old game a few weeks ago and can't remember it's name. All I remember was it was isometric, pretty dated graphics(maybe 91-94, supernintendo-ish sprites), and possibly cyberpunk themed. It starts with some guy in a drawer in a morgue, some doctors are talking about how his brain was fried by some gang. Then the drawer dude sits up, says something, and the doctors freak. That's all I remember. There was heavy use of unique slang, and my whole experience sits in my mind as clockwork orange mixed with fallout.

Anyone have any clue what it was, and if it is free/abandonware?
Shadowrun for SNES?

Ah, that's it! Thanks. So that's why I felt like I was playing an snes game. I'll probably go down to the vintage game shop today and see if they have it.

What;'s the game like? I don't want to go on websites to learn about it because just 30 seconds on wikipedia ruined something about
[spoiler:bc00631163]how he's on some kind of mission and needs to finish it[/spoiler:bc00631163]and I want this experience to be as pure and awesome as possible.
Is my memory of the game right? It reminds of ACO because of the dystopian future society and weird slang, and had deadpan humor similar to fallout.
I agree, the snes version was clunky as all shit.

Plus the combat was asstastic.

I loved the design of the orcs though
Shadowrun for the Genesis is defiantly the best true cyberpunk game to be made, ever. It has all of the elements defined by the genre starting with the novel Neuromancer, except for the ummm....fantasy elements (gags in mouth). The Syndicate series would be second, followed by the original System Shock. SS2 could be mentioned, being the best of all the games mentioned so far, but didn't quite execute the feel or idea of cyberpunk as the former listed games. The next one to list would be Deus Ex, and it shifts more into transhumanism than cyberpunk. In my opinions atleast.

This is the SNES version




Here's a link to the game download. Requires a paid subscription
