Omega Project Announced


Night Watchman
Staff member
One talented Sean Donaldson dropped by at our forum to announce his project, the Omega Project, (mind you, not the Omega Syndrome, that's a different game) which will be a sci-fi RPG set in a gigantic city, where at least some levels and the surface might just follow the Post-Apocalyptic premise.<blockquote>The game will be for mature audiences only such as Fallout was. With a brand new engine developed by our head programmer and much better graphics to boot! The key point i think gamers will like this game is primaraly down to the story though, which has twists and turns and will keep you on your toes to the climatic ending!


If you think making another isometric top down perspective RPG would be a good idea then please register and leave a comment! Show us you want to see games like they used to be and it WILL get made!

We are also recruiting artistic talent! If your a 2D concept artist or 3D modeller then please leave a message in the recruitment section. Then if you get in, we will show you the hidden team only forum! :)

Here is the website! :
I hope you enjoy your stay and i hope this project will ultimately give to you as a gamer what you want!</blockquote>Link: Omega Project
You forgot to mention that TOP is inspired by Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Final Fantasy VII and other classic RPGs (sic!).
Are either of them like the old Omega Virus board game? I was always the red Marine, and I always attacked my capitalist rivals and stole their precious backpacks.
Graz'zt said:
You forgot to mention that TOP is inspired by Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Final Fantasy VII and other classic RPGs (sic!).

Yeah, Sean, I forgot to mention: More Fallout, less crap p-l-z.
Thanks for the anouncement!

Yeah dont worry, me and my team will try not to let you guys down. :)

and i agree, more fallout for definant.
I will let you guys know when the demo is available or at the least some screenshots of ingame footage.
First you would have to have a team to do anything, which you don't, and you would have to have a demo before you released it, which would require that you have enough of a game developed to make a demo of it, which you similarly don't. Hell, just a couple of months ago, you were trying to decide what viewpoint it should use, and were even trying to include Diablo and Deus Ex into the list of classic CRPGs. Maybe for a kid like you, but those are not classic by any means.

Since you've been trying to piece together a team, especially since last month, and think your project is worth advertising about with jack shit on the site, then you can appreciate the amount of public ridicule you are sure to get once RPGCodex gets wind of this.

In t-minus five, four...
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Eek. We should set up a betting pool on how long it will take until the forum gets hacked.
Silencer said:
Pity. It's such a pretty forum ;)

For those who are contraction-inept, I will translate:

Pity. It was such a pretty forum ;)


Oh, hey, SeanyD decided to give more info:

The combat will be different to Fallout though which im sure you might think is a bad idea, as it is reall time [sic]. Try not to let this bother you as the fighting still takes on a tactical aproach and is much more fun (we hope) for the player to take part in. (we will release the detales on the combat soon)

That means it ISN'T a classic RPG, moron! And let me guess, more "tactical" like the RTS of Baldur's Gate? There you go, you finally just lost whatever interest you might have once had in this project. Next time, don't name-drop Fallout and use terms you have not a single clue about, kid.
I hate to tell you this Sean but Fallout and Baulders Gate took dedicated professionals in full time jobs thousands of man hours to create.

Assuming you do stick with it (and don't give up when you realize the huge task your undertaking) you'll need to expand your team size significantly to get this game completed within the foreseeable future. The problem is that the people with the talent you'll need to complete this game will want paying for it.

If you do find a teams worth of talented people willing to work with you for free all the more power to you.
Good points, true. I am still wondering from where he is going to pull the writing, the scripting, and much more required to make a game besides a programmer, a couple of guys on sound, and a half a dozen artists.

I know Jeff Vogel and other indie developers do their work mostly by themselves, but there's a difference. They have development experience in the genre and the industry. A bit more than just one person with 9 years of programming experience and with a nebulous at best "programming team" coupled with a few artists with zero experience in development - one of said noobs is the "project leader". The indie developers started with something a bit more grounded, small, something the team could both learn how to develop and also learn how to work with each other. THEN they went to a real project - instead of something that looks like it will be given up on within a few more months when the game doesn't suddenly make itself for them, because nobody has any clue of how to even begin to manage and coordinate development of a project outside of recruiting for more people on as many forums as possible.

A noob team trying to create a classic RPG from scratch and try to compare it to Fallout...with half of a team comprised of free talent scraped from anyone who replies to recruitment spam threads that name-drop Fallout and other games....that still cracks me up. :D
Ok Roshambo i get your point, you think the game wont make it. End of story. Give it a rest.

The best thing to do is just wait and see, maybe your right, maybe your wrong. Its better to try and do something then not at all. ;)

Sean Donaldson
When will you UKers learn to write in English, no offense to Big T, Mikey and Requiem :P
SeanyD said:
Ok Roshambo i get your point, you think the game wont make it. End of story. Give it a rest.

Funny, how does this differ from your incessant advertising about it, with little or nothing to show other than name-dropping a few other games in some idiocy that proves you don't know what a classic CRPG entails, and some bad fan-fic? Really, you have NOTHING to entice people to this project other than the ability to join, as it seems to be a challenge for you to discuss simple fucking game concepts, even when you have had MONTHs to work on that. No real mention of setting, no other mention of mechanics except to prop up another game as a weak example and a concept of a hive city. A big Ben Stein "wow" there. Or are you going to poll for each element, including the ever-so-important one of how much artistic detail to include for the character, over more important development points?

The best thing to do is just wait and see, maybe your right, maybe your wrong.

When you have a dev team and something that could accurately describe the game than the otherwise erroneous terms you use, then I will consider the above statement to even BEGIN to have any merit.

Its better to try and do something then not at all. ;)

WRONG, kid. It will lead to people to learn bad mistakes in development, resentment, and a lot more grief as it lingers on, until nobody on the team wants to deal with it any more. I know it's easy for the Shining Happy People to believe that anything is possible from nothing, and that it is okay to abuse the hard work of others for a probable failure of a title. It is okay for the title to be a failure, because it just means people are still...happy...wait, I don't see how anyone could be happy about the loss of whatever hard work they have done as the project lead aims high with little to no supporting talent at what makes classic CRPGs in-depth - multiple writers, scripters, designers. Which, it appears you don't have in any noticeable capacity. Frankly, your own writing ability sucks ass, even after the months of working on it. Your art, on the other hand, is decent. I have yet to see any other possible development ability from you, especially in regards to working with someone who may see something differently than yourself, which is an important thing for a project lead to be capable of to direct the team. So in essence, you will get third-rate work, late, when the team feels like it, because it will take a lower priority on their personal schedule than something that will see the light of day. They aren't going to be happy about being expected to do most of the work for you.

Oh, wait, you didn't think about it that way. You also forgot to note that experienced people do not willingly work for those who have no clue, unless they work at EA.

And that is why you are an absolutely poor project manager. You can't even take a look at where you might be going wrong, only that Captain Happy Clueless is at the wheel behind an idea, and he apparently doesn't care about anyone else but himself and his dream. Just like every other vaporware title out there. I always find it amusing when some clueless kid tries to sneer at what people who have actually worked in the industry know from experience. So here is some similar advice.

On the Omega Project forums, there is now yet another poll to help them write the rest of the claimed "finished design document". (Damn, how many lies does that make?) This time, it is about how many endings it should have, and they have decided to use "2 endings for definant, then if we have time and think its a necessaty we will include a neutral ending and maybe a fallout type ending to go along with it. " and "Well, we are going to do an evil and good ending, with the possibility of a neutral ending, But were also thinking of having a location ending that much like fallout to add on there too. We will see how it goes i guess."

Funny, I don't recall many classic CRPGs to be about Good and Evil paths, not even Ultima, which had several moral aspects that might come into conflict with each other, but that is the task of the Avatar to overcome.

Not even Wizardry, Fallout, or others who deserve the title of classic style RPG, used cliche paths for good and evil. It was all about a means to an end, and what you are willing to do to get to the end. Given that understanding of CRPG development, I am frankly scared to see what kind of "paths" are going to be written into the game.

The Good and Evil kind of cliche belongs safely contained within KoTOR's dreary writing style and in select console titles, because it is inherently cliche crap. I will point out for SeanyD's benefit that they aren't classic CRPGs in any means, either.