One stop for fan base wishes


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
I have a dream of this thread being the place where everyone can look into their hearts, and make ONE post containing a reasonable opinion of what they think is absolutely necessary for fallout 3, and give some concessions where they think they are tolerable.

Okay, ill go first:

- I don´t have any problems with a free floating camera, as long as its not forced first person or locked chase, i think its acceptable - If they want to make an OPTIONAL 1st person cam for exploration to please THEIR fan base, i dont see any problems, as long as its kept in position as Secondary, and vision moves out to third person in combat.

- Turn based, non-First person combat is a must. Not much need for an hexgrid, i think any system can easily be adapted to measure actual distances instead of hexes travelled. (for a good example in this area id tell you to take a look at Silent storm, lovely combat in that game, very similar to fallout, but a little deeper and no hexgrid)

-PLEASE dont pull a fo:bos, try to remain as true to the original artistic vision as possible.

-Given the above, i dont see ANY reason not to use the special system.

-Also, the way dialog was structured in fallout was much better than bethesdas previous approach, and should be used, unless a better option is figured out.

Please people, lets try to keep to form and avoid much discussion and flaming here, thanks. And any suggestion for a new subject line would be appreciated.
Out from your post, I can't think of one thing I disagree with you one...Well said!

Just one small addition: I would really like to see the "Tell me about" feature of FO1 make a return, as long as it is well fleshed out (Small hopes for this one, though... :( )
I really think the game would work well if done like KOTOR. When I played through that one I kept wishing I could kill vendors or anyone else that pissed me off :). As long as the game is not in 1st person and allows for NPCs in your party it should work just fine. Since it is undoubtedly going to Xbox2 a fully turn based game just isn't going to work. Real time with pause is the best thing we can reasonably hope for. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see Van Buren, but I am expecting something much more console freindly.

A good, humorous story, a ton of freedom, the SPECIAL system, some sort of party system, are all that I really need to see in this game.
I really think the game would work well if done like KOTOR.

Seriously, though. Where's the freedom, where's the atmosphere, where's the good storyline, where's the turn-based combat (actual turn based, not pause & play), where's the actual evil path? In short: where the fuck is anything related to Fallout in KOTOR?
Real time with pause is the best thing we can reasonably hope for. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see Van Buren, but I am expecting something much more console freindly.
Why, exactly? "real time with pause is the best we can hope for."
Hah! Let me rephrase that for you: We won't go for anything less than turn based.
i agree. KOTOR is the only console RPG ever, that convinced me that RPG's can work on consoles. it really was a fun game, with nice graphics and a very well done story line. altough i still think that a console is more usable for 'quick-fun' type of games.

as for me, i would like FO3 to have the exact same s.p.e.c.i.a.l. system as FO 2 and 1, same type of interface (point and click is a must i say!), turn-based (real-time is fine, just as long as the TB option doesn't suffer), the same type of black humor (which is going to be hard, since humor is very group-culture related, and since the guys who worked on the previous titles won't work on this one...ahk!), 50's theme, involving story-line, pre- rendered talking-heads (in-game talking-heads wouldn't look convincing enough. it would look extremely cool to have them lip-sync the conversations), being ably to have a free camera...and i must have forgotten about something, but whatthehell.

if you take a look at my list, you'll notice that it would take alot of time to build this up out of nowhere (that's why they'll probably use a Morrowind-type engine. saves time and thus; money), so it'll never happen.
I'm more worried about Bethesda being able to uphold the style standard (retrofuture). That was something that made Fallout very unique. Gameplay elements are what makes the game fun so they're pretty important, sure, but if you mess up the style you might get a good game but it won't be Fallout.
Re: One stop for fan base wishes and concession

Macaco said:
I don´t have any problems with a free floating camera, as long as its not forced first person or locked chase, i think its acceptable - If they want to make an OPTIONAL 1st person cam for exploration to please THEIR fan base, i dont see any problems, as long as its kept in position as Secondary, and vision moves out to third person in combat.

I don't want a locked camera, nor do I want a locked chase cam. I want the cam that we had in the previous Fallouts, which let you explore are you a certain distance with the cam. I don't even want an Optional first person cam AT ALL. First person Fallout is not Fallout, pure and simple.

Also, its not THEIR fanbase that needs to be pleased at all. WE are the fanbase that needs to be pleased. WE are the FALLOUT fans. WE are not Morrowind fans. WE do NOT want this game to resemble any previous Bethesda game, whatsoever. WE want a FALLOUT game, not post-apoc Morrowind, which is what it will be if they have a first person cam. Fuck the Bethesda fanbase (does it even exist??). They don't get to be "pleased" with our game. We, as FALLOUT fans, want it the way it's SUPPOSED to be.
I think optional first-person perspective is okay. If the detail level is at least as high as it was in FO1/2, this can raise the level of immersion up a few notches. I was thinking more along the lines of Z-key in Vampire:Masquerade:Redemption.
If there is a 3D engine that could handle the level of detail that the original Fallouts had in a first person view... is another question. Basically, I don't have objections to a different camera perspective (though I detest first-person, I'd rather have a third person locked camera); I doubt they could make it look enough like the Fallout we know. So, that sends us back to an isometric camera.

Though, there is a large Bethesda (or perhaps more accurately: Morrowind) fanbase. It's one of the advantages of having a highly modable game, some people stick around to create things and other people stick around to play those things. Not to mention you don't win all number of "Best RPG of the Year" awards without a substantial fanbase (that is for Fan Awards though). Even though Gothic II deserved the title more, just flew under the radar due to Atari's retardation.
Silent Storm is a good example for me, this is what I want out of the new Fallout. That engine is great!

Right now we will not get the same detail as a 2D engine, but I've started to warm to the idea of a 3D engine..
Although Bethesda has mostly done medieval settings, I would think that switching to the so called 'Retrofuture' theme would not be too difficult for people of imagination. Like any good writer, it doesn't matter if you ask them to do a sci-fi or a fantasy, they'd be able to make something acceptable. Let's hope Bethesda can be a good writer.

What I think will be the biggest shock is the interface. If all you want is NgInE's 'everything must be the same!' crap, you'll be in for a nasty surprise. They intend to stay with their development tools and style, and they intend to start over (not continuing Van Buren). So this means that in all probability, their engine will be that of a FPS. If you've ever played Deus Ex, you will know that even FPS's can be intellectual. Deus Ex would have been even better if you had a 'SPECIAL' system (not just Skills) that determined what you could do. A 'SPECIAL' system allows you to play the way you want to (although one could argue that it locks you into a certain style of play).

I feel that whatever they create will be acceptable, just as long as there is a PC version. If they drop the PC in favor of consoles, then I'd be very upset. But they wouldn't do that, in all probability, now would they?
No they wouldn't drop the PC version. THEY WOULD JUST MAKE IT A GODDAMN MOTHER FUCKING SHIT FEST. Goddamn, I hate you people who think that Fallout 3 will be teh 133t u1tr4 R0xor as a First Person game.

Fallout 3 will suck if: it is anything but third person isometric, turnbased combat, and the SPECIAL system.

Anyone who thinks otherwise does not deserve to live.
DataSpot said:
So this means that in all probability, their engine will be that of a FPS. If you've ever played Deus Ex, you will know that even FPS's can be intellectual.

Well, i won´t argue that deus ex wasn't a great game, a post apocalyptic game along those lines could be pretty good too, just don't call it fallout, call it stalker or something like that...
I want full destructability

If I were to sit in on a developers meeting, and be granted one item to be included in F3, it would be ability to cause all out destruction. I want to make doors wherever I deem they should be. Need to get past those two guys guarding the entrance? Make a new one with a handy pack of C4. Annoyed by the Hubologists church being smack dab in the middle of your favorite community? turn it into a parking lot with a couple pounds of dynamite. Need to get a few friends out of the local lockup? Bash the wall in with super-sledge.

Maybe I simply lived too close to Missouri and had way to much money to spend on fireworks and army men. hmmmm.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

yeah, but remember, it's an RPG, not an action game...still, it might be a an other game, it would definatly be hilarius...hahaha
Blowing things up

I guess what really left me wanting in the original game was not just the option to be bad, but to be really really bad. I wanted the citizens of New Reno and the Den to shudder when the mention of my characters name was mentioned. To run in fear that I may not simply kill a few good/bad guys, but obliterate them from the map. Wa ha ha ha (Very evil laugh). :twisted: And I want to do it turn based so that I can draw out the moment of my guilty pleasure.
Sorry, I just got news again from my wife in Iraq and feeling a bit , well, impotent. So my gaming as of late has been pretty dark sided. I still think it would be a nice feature to add a little bit more destructability.
A large part of total immersion is sceneric items etc so why souldnt an RPG have destructable scenery where it will be most use.
Also it would make many unused skills worthwhile.
Also I think that a really good Idea would be to have more dense environments make it as small as fallout 1 but with as many things to do (non comedy related) as fallout 2 possibly more allowing you to influence towns more. This would also be helped by the facet that the game will be using meaning that the game could easily be influenced phisically in game not just dialogue. Also on the subject the most important thing to keep are the talking heads of which many more should be done because they are unbelievably good also add bck in the tell about function and even a way to piss people off with actions ala fable.
Also we gotta keep the description window and immersive/ funny dialogue. It just wouldnt be the same if they werent there.