One thing about F2 critters.lst


First time out of the vault
I saw an answer at this forum:


aa - [here was some text about target image *na.frm]
b - if 1 then critter can use run animation when attacking.
B is OK.
but A - not. The target image is in each critter FRMset as NAMEna.frm. This 2 digits selects the targeting window descriptions (head, leg, etc.). Look at combat.msg (or combat_"some_text".msg, don't remeber.) Strings are numbered (if I remeber) 1000 + aa*10 + [0-9]. It's easy to find.

It was really funny, when in some critter pack a robot has gecko descriptions.

PS. Did someone have a decompiled scripts from v.1.05 unofficial? When I tried do decompile dcVic using Noid's decompiler, there was some assembler stuff in one of the functions, and I can't recompile it.

PS2. In Fallout Bible you can read, that ZAX comes from VAX.
I have VAX 3100/98. Look: I recommend reading about models 8800, 8978 and 10000.
Some of larger servers uses 380V...

The AA means ... if this critter doesn't have the required death animation, default to using the animation on line number AA. Note that the first line in critters.lst (reserv) doesn't count as a line.

Example, the hmjpms critter is on line 11. Its AA value is 11, so it doesn't default to any other critter's death animation. You'll see that many others default to 11, so for example if the critter is harobe, and it needs a death animation that it doesn't have, it will use the AA (11 or hmjmps) animation.

Example, the mamtnt critter is on line 21. Its AA value is set to 21, so it doesn't default to any other death animation. The line above is mamtnt2, its AA value is 21, so if if it needs a death animation it doesn't have, it will use the other mutant (mamtnt) death animation. Notice how the power armored critters also default 21, I presume this is because they are big like mutants.

I assume they did this so that they don't have to have all of the death animations for similar critters, thus saving space.

The bit about the NA (called shot) pic was a bit misleading. If an NA frame exists for the critter, it will be used for the called shot pic. If it doesn't exist it will use the NA frame specified as the AA number. If you look in the \art\critters directory, you'll see that there is only one human called shot (NA) file, that is the hmjmps.

EDIT ...

WRKQ said:
It was really funny, when in some critter pack a robot has gecko descriptions.

The descripion is specified in pro_crit.msg, but it can be overridden in a the critter's script description_p_proc and look_at_p_proc procedures. The critical hit messages are specified in combat.msg. So for new critters (critter pack), new entries need to be added, example:

# Cyborg
{2141}{}{missile hand}
{2142}{}{blade hand}
I checked it. It is not a death animation.
It is a text for a targeting window.
Look at combat.msg {1000} and next.
Large amount of critters use the 11 ({1110} - {1119}) messages.
Turrets have 90 ({1900} - {1909}).
WRKQ said:
I checked it. It is not a death animation.
It is a text for a targeting window.
Look at combat.msg {1000} and next.
Large amount of critters use the 11 ({1110} - {1119}) messages.
Turrets have 90 ({1900} - {1909}).

You checked what? As I said, there are two things here, one is death animation, the other is targeting. Did you check death anim? The HFJMPS has NO charred body (BE), electrify (BH), burned to nothing (BJ), electrified to nothing (BK), or fire dance (BN). The AA number in critters.lst tells hfjmps to use the hmjmps (11) for these.

Regarding the combat.msg numbers, yes they are based on the AA number. Take the first number in critters.lst after the prefix string, multiply it by 10 and add 1000, and you have the number in combat.msg.

Those numbers in critters.lst have more than one purpose.

EDIT: Damn, seems I was wrong. What the numbers in critter.lst really mean is what I would call "general type". That general type determines which called shot pick to use, which body parts are assigned to those called shots, and what the critical hit messages will be (combat.msg). It does not determine which death animation is used. I tried deleting all the death animations for the critter pack wolf and changing its number to the brahmin number. The called shot looked like a brahmin. Killing the wolf did no animation at all, it just stood there even though it was dead. So I humbly apologize for speaking like a know-it-all. It is in fact directly tied to "kill type" or "general type" and has nothing to do with animation code (although it does dictate which *NA.FRM file will be used.

One other note, the "kill type" specified in critter proto also factors into this, for the critter kill counts for sure, and I'm not sure if it also affects critical hit messages. We initially were getting crazy critical messages (wrong critter names) but fixed MOST of them, I think a few are still broken and we don't know why. There may be some nasty hardcoded engine stuff related to this.
hehehe, yes it would seem I didnt fully understand what the numbers did when I made the critter pack ;)

I did at one stage figure it out but I have since forgotten again. All the new critters should have there own targeting image from memory, you just need to change the number to what line they are on.