One way to actually kill the children


First time out of the vault
Change two lines in your fallout.ini file to


Then target the children and type in console "Agerace 1"

This will make them teenagers.
Besides, what's the point if you don't get the child killer reputation, don't have bounty hunters on your ass and people don't dislike you?
frosty_theaussie said:
Can you age them into teens, kill them, then age them back to children postmortem? Hey, it'd be a workaround.

Apparently once they are dead they no longer have a race and are only ragdolls until revived... so no
But basically this says there's some flag in the race characteristics that makes them not take damage. If someone would tell me where race characteristics are stored in Oblivion I'd be happy to figure it out.
Black said:
Besides, what's the point if you don't get the child killer reputation, don't have bounty hunters on your ass and people don't dislike you?

I'm with black,

even if you can kill them, there's no ramifications... in Fallout 2, killing children meant having people open fire on you, getting a Child Killer perk, and dropping your karma drastically... and having bounties on your head is cool.

this unkillable NPC/kids bullshit needs a real mod, ini change is not much use

wouldnt it be much more moral-correct if you COULD kill the children, but would face a mighty penulty and everyone would hate you?
another missed feature

dumb bethesda :(
So, the workaround is simple:

* edit the ini file
* use console commands to turn child into teenager
* kill child, possibly by accident during a firefight or something, possibly out of rage or insanity, depending on your character...
* Locate corpse. Use console commands to convert dead child back into child
* use console commands to adjust personal karma as appropriate
* (advanced) use console commands to turn local townspeople hostile

It's worth the trouble to help ensure a truly immersive gameplay experience. :D
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
I'd like to see a Baby Back Ribs achievement for cannibalizing a kid.

HAA! thanks for a good laugh Phil.

Btw what are the achievements? I refuse to activate my pc copy.
It would be better to make a mod that does this for you, but it's better than nothing. At least now I can finally take out Lamplight.
it frightens me to what lengths people are willing to go to kill children in a game.
aenemic said:
it frightens me to what lengths people are willing to go to kill children in a game.

No worse than killing hundreds of other people throughout the game, really.
Fallout 1 and 2 gave you not just the option to kill children, but all the repercussions of doing so - hence the desire for a negative perk, lots of mercenaries and bounty hunters after your ass, as well as having most local towns get *very* angry with you. This is part of being an immersive RPG - it's supposed to let you be either a good guy, or a bad guy...