online pnp games


First time out of the vault
Yo so i'm sure most of us know about the PnP fallout game. Now i'm not the biggest d20 nerd in the world but i've played some games and i love fallout. I was curious if anybody has like an online pnp game going on or would know anything about creating one. Im not talking about FOnline, i'm thinking like a DnD game just over the internet. Like create a facebook group for it and we can all make our character sheets and have set meeting times to just get on and roleplay that ish out! just a thought of mine that i think would be really cool to start up
We could do something similar to how the roleplaying forum works. except go further with it. There are programs like gametable which creates a real time dnd table with little jpeg miniatures. we could make use of ventrilo or teamspeak and make it feel like a real sit down PnP.
I've played a lot of online pnp rpg before and even ran a fallout d20 game. For programs to run it with, I recommend OpenRPG(free) or Maptools(free) with Skype(free). D20 system doesn't really go with Fallout unless you house rule it(I can send you my classless d20 rules if you want), and make sure to get the d20 post apocalyptic book(don't remember the name). But the real Fallout PnP rules would work best. If you want a PbP(Play by Post/Forum) game, I was thinking about running one, D20 or Fallout PnP.
im running a PbP called dust devil but nobody seems to be taking interest :(..and id like to know why..can any of u guys check it out and give me some pointers?