*OOC* Fallout MUSH?

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Hello there. I apologize if this isn't the appropriate board to post this, I'm new here. The Fallout series has an amazing storyline, full of detail and great ideas and plots. And I am astonished by a board like this. Never before have I seen a game's playerbase so in tune with the story aspect of a computer game, and going as far as making a message board into a form of role-play. This is good, very good, and I commend all of you.

However, I must tell you of a far better method. I suggested it to the Robert Horne (the man who wrote the "Fallout Pen&Paper" article on the No Mutants allowed website) but he has yet to respond. I'm sure (at least I hope) some of you have heard of it. It's called a MUD. More specifically, a MUSH. A MUSH is a text based virtual reality program. The MUSH server is a
computer program that contains a database of players, objects, rooms and programs. Multiple players can connect through telnet and interact
with each other and programs running on the server. Players take on the roles of characters in the MUSH universe and roleplay, or simulate the
actions of their characters in the setting of the MUSH. (thanks to SW:Galaxy MUSH) So yeah. Think about that, and I'll check back here to see what the general public reaction is. PLEASE, please, respond. Thanks.
RE: Sounds cool

There was talk about one on this board when I first joined but noone ever answered the question I left there. But yea I know about muds and mushes, I play alot of em, they are fun.
RE: Sounds cool

Hey Detjen, do by any chance play as Detjin on any MUSHs? Namely, SW1? Or did you formerly?
RE: Fallout MUSH

I know this thread is a bit old... But, it seemed very, very uncanny. Myself and a few others at Star Wars: A New Threat MUSH were thinking about making a Fallout MUSH, provided we could secure some server space. Dyar, if you're still reading this board, I'd appreciate if you'd send me an email to see if we could help each other out. Fallout has such a large and loyal fanbase that a MUSH set in that universe would definitely be successful. Thanks.

RE: Fallout MUSH


Just when I'd given up hope, what do you know...

I'd email you, but for some reason I can't use the 'email user' service this board provides. (Something about a server error or somesuch.

In any case, I'm very, very pleased to hear your reply, and offer you my own email: alusztyk@home.com.

Drop me a line whenever you like. I look forward to hearing from you.
RE: Fallout MUSH

Ah yes, nice to see this topic float back up.

I have no experience whatsoever using MUDs or MUSHs but they both sound very interesting. However, my computer of choice is a Macintosh, and I fear that I will be unable to partake in any of this because of my choice. Can someone confirm or alay my fears?
RE: Fallout MUSH

I'm fairly positive there are MU* clients for the Macintosh out there, so don't worry. If you can't find one, you can always resort to raw telnet... Which I wouldn't really recommend. :) Just do a search for 'MU' or 'MUD' clients using a search engine and you'll be fine. I use SimpleMU, but I'm fairly positive there are better ones out there... And, if you're looking for a list of MU*s, go to www.mudconnector.com, which has a fairly thorough list of many of the MUDs, MUSHes, MUXs, MOOs, etc. out there. I'd like to note that there -is- a Fallout MUD, but it has nothing to do with the Fallout games, except for the post apocalyptic setting. Personally, I prefer to RP rather than have a graphics-only videogame, but some people enjoy that kind of thing.
OOC: Hi there...pretty new here. I've been visiting this site for almost 8 months now, and it's the first time i've noticed this site. Cool.
Fallout is probably a genre by itself, a great piece of work i hope they'll continue to work on.
In the meantime, I just wanted to add that Fallout is remarkably similar to a MUSH, Cybersphere. Look it up. It's incredibly realistic, and its set in an almost similar setting. Very cool. Fallout MUSH should probably take a leaf out of its book.

Just my 2 cents.
this is a great idea, i was jsut about to post a message about this when i saw this topic. It would be really fun to finally be able to play a multiplayer fallout2 with others, and i think alot of people would sign up. Someone, try to make it!!!
I can't code for beans (god forgive me for using that phrase), and I know you guys will probably want to right the definitions for areas-but if you ever need any help, count me in.

So, where would it take place? The wasteland? Most MU's I know of don't have scores of areas, and again I know nothing about coding MU's so if this is a choice of simplicity or whatnot tell me...and MAYBE this is a little far-fetched, but perhaps we could get The Mod Squad to help us out? Maybe even make a MUD client? Although that's probably craploads of work. ah, forget it all.