Hello there. I apologize if this isn't the appropriate board to post this, I'm new here. The Fallout series has an amazing storyline, full of detail and great ideas and plots. And I am astonished by a board like this. Never before have I seen a game's playerbase so in tune with the story aspect of a computer game, and going as far as making a message board into a form of role-play. This is good, very good, and I commend all of you.
However, I must tell you of a far better method. I suggested it to the Robert Horne (the man who wrote the "Fallout Pen&Paper" article on the No Mutants allowed website) but he has yet to respond. I'm sure (at least I hope) some of you have heard of it. It's called a MUD. More specifically, a MUSH. A MUSH is a text based virtual reality program. The MUSH server is a
computer program that contains a database of players, objects, rooms and programs. Multiple players can connect through telnet and interact
with each other and programs running on the server. Players take on the roles of characters in the MUSH universe and roleplay, or simulate the
actions of their characters in the setting of the MUSH. (thanks to SW:Galaxy MUSH) So yeah. Think about that, and I'll check back here to see what the general public reaction is. PLEASE, please, respond. Thanks.
However, I must tell you of a far better method. I suggested it to the Robert Horne (the man who wrote the "Fallout Pen&Paper" article on the No Mutants allowed website) but he has yet to respond. I'm sure (at least I hope) some of you have heard of it. It's called a MUD. More specifically, a MUSH. A MUSH is a text based virtual reality program. The MUSH server is a
computer program that contains a database of players, objects, rooms and programs. Multiple players can connect through telnet and interact
with each other and programs running on the server. Players take on the roles of characters in the MUSH universe and roleplay, or simulate the
actions of their characters in the setting of the MUSH. (thanks to SW:Galaxy MUSH) So yeah. Think about that, and I'll check back here to see what the general public reaction is. PLEASE, please, respond. Thanks.