(OOC) My, what a happy bunch of people... *grins nervously*


Le Fromage Vieux oTO
Board Cop oTO
You're all crazy. :-)

I'm crazy, too.

That being said, I guess that the only logical thing would be for me to put on my tinfoil uniform and join the rest of the crazies in this roleplaying regiment.

The only problem is, I don't know the ropes. I've never roleplayed before, or even participated in a MUSH. Is there anything in particular I need to know?

Sorry for the dumb question, I guess I'm kinda simple. *Scratches at back of head intently*

RE: (OOC) My, what a happy bunch of people... *grins nervous

Hey Yamu welcome to my terriotry. Well as i told Slinky once when she E-mailed me all you have to do is invent a character from the fallout world and join one of these wonderful threads or make your own. Although i suggest you join one to start. Just act like a fallout character and don't get to advanced, uynrealistic or do anything stupid.

It'll be a pleasure playing with you, i suggest if you want to join everything you can be a prisoner in the vault in thge Battle. Although unfortunetly you may have to read the whole of souyth of the border first.



Fang's Web Pages

It's only cheating if you get caught
- Fang_Of_the_BOS@hotmail.com
RE: (OOC) My, what a happy bunch of people... *grins nervous

Hey Yamu welcome to my terriotry. Well as i told Slinky once when she E-mailed me all you have to do is invent a character from the fallout world and join one of these wonderful threads or make your own. Although i suggest you join one to start. Just act like a fallout character and don't get to advanced, uynrealistic or do anything stupid.

It'll be a pleasure playing with you, i suggest if you want to join everything you can be a prisoner in the vault in thge Battle. Although unfortunetly you may have to read the whole of souyth of the border first.



Fang's Web Pages

It's only cheating if you get caught
- Fang_Of_the_BOS@hotmail.com
I'd love RPing with you, Yamu.

Actually, the reason I left these boards in the first place was because the posts got kinda stupid. Like

*And than they goed thro the wastes and they met a raiders and than xxx picked up his superblaster and yyy picked up his bozar and zzz picked up his minigun and they shot the raiders to pieces and they moved on*

Okay, exaggerated, but I bet you won't do like that.

Basically it's like Fang said, you just make a character and join a post. I'll start a post right now.
Alternate boards to join

Well, if you want more examples of roleplaying you can go to these two websites too:


Fallout RPG run by Locke Taelos. It is in a more controlled environment for roleplaying, and generally the board is less combat oriented than the NMA one.


Interplay's active roleplaying has about the same people as this board. Generally, the posts are varied (ya, that sounds confusing). They vary from completely combat oriented movie style threads, to political intrigue with lots of combat threads.

Need more help? I can create a good angsty, angry character for you in a jiffy. Or, if you just need advice...

Just ask me!
E-mail: Miste_T@yahoo.com
RE: Alternate boards to join

Well I'm quite new here and here's my opinion....from the own mistakes I've made.....

Try not to make so many char....Messy:)
p.s I myself did make too much I think....maybe "certify" 1 or 2 later~~~

Not too powerful please....I'd regret making that RPK(see the battle and u know what I mean) so devestating....damn

And may anyone here provide me some information about the original Power Armor? (Shit I never had the chance to play FO1) I maybe writing a fanfic about history of power armor as homework....
RE: Alternate boards to join

Did someone ask for Fallout information? You're in luck, Fallout backstory happens to be my specialty. Here, I threw this together from my extensive (albeit poorly organized) archives.

Oh, btw, I hope you've been excersizing your eye muscles, 'cause I'm throwing this shit down Yamu style (that is to say, long and rambling)


The T-51b powered combat infantry armor, more commonly known as "Power Armor", is a suit of armor that was used by American infantry troops during the tense period of military conflict in and around 2077, commonly referred to as World War 3, that led to the nuclear immolation of modern society. This armor was extremely versatile, offering every combat amenity that you could ask for. It is still in common use today by the Brotherhood of Steel, who "inherited" it from the soldiers that founded their organization at the time of the war.

Features: T-51b "Power Armor" is "A self-contained suit of advanced technology armor. Powered by a micro-fusion reactor, with enough fuel to last a hundred years. It weighs 42 pounds." Still, despite it's weight, it is not the least bit cumbersome. The armor is finely constructed to excruciatingly exact specifications, and according to those lucky enough to posess it, the armor feels like an extension of their own bodies. It is cushioned inside, for comfort of the wearer. The armor also enhances the strength of the wearer, allowing them to lift approximately 100 pounds more than they would have the capability to support on their own. This strength increase is made possible by a standard servo-assist hydraulic mechanism, which uses hydraulic technology to bear the burden of moving the armor. Without it's hydraulic fluid, the armor is a useless shell.

The armor's movement capacity also depends on a key part, the systolic motivator. This is, most likely, the core of the servo-assist mechanism, and without it, the armor is dead weight.

In addition, the armor, if intact, is airtight, and renders the user impervious to all forms of biological warfare and airborne contaminants. It also prevents the user from being able to smell anything around him (/her) while wearing the helmet. The fact that the armor is airtight makes it likely that there are air filters incorporated into the helmet, or, less likely, that the armor has it's own air supply. (It is an obvious point, but one that I'll mention nonetheless, that if not wearing a the armor's helmet, the armor's contaminant seal WILL NOT WORK.)

On top of contaminant protection, the armor is made and coated in such a fashion that grants the wearer virtual immunity to the ill-effects of radiation.

Oh, and thanx all, for letting me know about the whole rp'ing thing. I'm working up a character now.

You know, Yamu...

...I advise you to go to the FalloutRPG site that Mister T mentioned. It's very good, and (atleast in my eyes) much more enjoyable than this board.

RUNE, the Arch-Norwegian

Bush is a chick
Albright's a guy
This poem is sick
And so am I
Yamu, that was great.

Since you are so good at backstory, I may need you for some fan fics I'm writing. Want to sign up as a beta reader? (Person who reads story before it goes public?)