Original Fallout 2


First time out of the vault
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the origin boxed copy of Fallout 2. Since fallout is my favorite game series, I think it could be really cool to have.
I know that an original copy is really expensive.
It also doesn't matter that it's not sealed (would be too expensive too) but just that it's mostly intact.
And also international shipping, since I live in Denmark :)

I'm talking about this version :D
Your best bet is eBay, but some folks here on these boards do own them boxed games. I doubt many of them would like to part with those, though...
Yeah, tried ebay already, but could only find 1 expensive sealed version.
Isn't there some community that focuses on trading vintage video games?
Movie Trading Company usually has older games

Otherwise, every big city usually has a hole-in-the -wall vintage game store

Though I stand with the others in that Ebay or Amazon are the most likely places to produce.
dead_alewives said:
Aww man, I remember the days when PC games came in those big ass boxes. Those were the days..

The smaller boxes sure are easier to organize though.