OS/Linux Q


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Who here is running an OS over Linux kernal? I'm thinking about getting a free machine from someone (asked my boss, said he'll take a look and see if he has any p2 350s laying around) to play with Linux.

I was thinking of installing Debian, since my friends who have tried Linux have much success with it.

Any tips or anything? I haven't installed or ran Linux ever.... I saw my friend's play-PC last week, though.
MadDog -[TO said:
-]Any tips or anything? I haven't installed or ran Linux ever.... I saw my friend's play-PC last week, though.

Get your friends to help you install and get the hang of it. I ran redhat briefly a year or two ago, and had a friend help me out. It was still a bit too complicated for me to bother tp keep it, though.
MadDog -[TO said:
-]Who here is running an OS over Linux kernal? I'm thinking about getting a free machine from someone (asked my boss, said he'll take a look and see if he has any p2 350s laying around) to play with Linux.

I was thinking of installing Debian, since my friends who have tried Linux have much success with it.

Any tips or anything? I haven't installed or ran Linux ever.... I saw my friend's play-PC last week, though.
If you need to ask questions like this, the answer is: don't install Linux. :wink:
Pfft. Anyone starting out with anything should ask questions like this.

What about your first time driving a car? Your friends giveyou tips and stuff. Your first time riding a motorcycle - people you know show you how with good tips.
MadDog -[TO said:
-]Pfft. Anyone starting out with anything should ask questions like this.

What about your first time driving a car? Your friends giveyou tips and stuff. Your first time riding a motorcycle - people you know show you how with good tips.
True. When I started sleeping with women, I did my sister first.
Actually, I'm kind of in the same situation. I have a couple of Compaqs lying around (both 100MHz) and I was wondering what the best version of Linux is to network with the rest of my windows machines.

Granted, I can't USE either of these Compaq’s until I get CD-ROMS they'll recognize, but when I do I'm going to use one of them to experiment with Linux.
100MHz? Might be slow, but you can run RedHat, probably run Debian ...
100 MHz should be able to run anything that doesn't have a graphical environment. (Note:graphical environments are completely voluntary under Linux. The standard, especially under Debian, is still command-line. However, graphical environments are often includedas options in distributions (one of the main perks of Linux distros being that you can select what you want, completely and totally)).

Red Hat is dead, by the way, they turned their free distribution into Fedora Core (3, by now), and made Red Hat subscribe only. If you want an install-and-run environment, Fedora Core 3 is probably a good go, but I had some annoying problems with it, since they threw away support for a few core things (like MP3s in XMMS), and I didn't manage to get a few things running on it because of architectural differences with other Linux distro's.

I am now running Debian on my laptop, but I still have to go configure it. I'm too lazy.

However, Debian is not a good choice if you don't want to work on your OS, because it requires more fiddling around and adjusing than Fedora Core, for instane, does.
But.... I want to fiddle around... that's the main point to installing linux. I wanna play with a new toy.
I tried a distro of SuSE that came with a software magazine and didn't like it (I think I just didn't like KDE and SuSE seemed a bit too "user-friendly" (in the MacOS sense) to me). I still got a commercial Debian distro in my shelf, tho, and once I can finally get myself together and install it I might stick to it.

One thing I did like about my first experience with Linux tho, was that the CLI is much cleaner and clearer than with Windows (especially NT), but maybe I just like slashes better than backslashes.
Yeah, get Mandrake. Just make sure you use the Mozilla browser instead of Konqueror, Konqueror shows black text on black background on NMA forum.

Also, Mandrake gets along with my vintage scanner much better than Windows XP ;)
Yeah, get Mandrake. Just make sure you use the Mozilla browser instead of Konqueror, Konqueror shows black text on black background on NMA forum.
You do realise that Firefox also exists for Linux, don't you?

Besides, I disagree with you all, Mandrake may be the most 'user-friendly' OS around, but Linux isn't about 'user-friendly', it's about fiddling around with your PC. The fun that comes from Linux is getting stuff to work yourself, and discovering there's more than Windows around. In that respect, Debian is probably the best choice. No, wait, Slackware is, if you've got the time and will to do everything yourself.

In fact, I am typing this stuff from Debian (running Firefox). Finally configured it properly, now for the wireless. That should be fun, I never really got it to work 100% under Fedora Core.

EDIT: I prefer GNOME to KDE, don't really know why. Maybe it's all of the annoying 'K's they put in every goddamn word.
I've had some excellent experiences with Lindows and XandrOS....Easy to set up, easy to install new things..Just all around decent and fast.

I got bored with all the damned command lines and such, so I went back to Win2k on my old machine which actually runs a fuck-load faster.
Sander said:
I prefer GNOME to KDE, don't really know why. Maybe it's all of the annoying 'K's they put in every goddamn word.

Or maybe because it loads way quicker ;)
You probably installed some distribution by now MadDog. Hope you'll have more perseverance then me. I had the Aurox distribution (a Polish distribution), but only had it for 4 days. Realised I couldn't configure it on my own and I needed the hard drive space for games, so I uninstalled it.
I wish you luck, I have a feeling you're gonna need it.
My Linux system walked out on me today, making me lose the ending of a New Arroyo dialogue.

For the second time. LAst time MS Word screwed me over.

I'm in mourning (and probably on my way to a ban for spamming)

Wooz, don't you be posting the kitty pic.

Anyway, Linux rocks, even if it makes you lose your work at three o'clock in the night this one time.
I run SuSE 9.1 on a laptop and it works pretty good. Though I can't get it to recognize the modem or the floppy drive. I ordered a copy of Ubuntu to play around with but it hasn't arrived yet.
I'm still waiting on my boss. I reminded him last week, and asked his wife to remind him. She said "he said he has to clean some stuff off, so you'll get it by next week". Well... hopefully I get it by friday.

And I'm going to install Ubunu. I played around the the Live CD and liked it a lot.