Other PnPs inspired by Fallout

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First time out of the vault
I've been looking around the web and found these other PnP (or conversion for existing) RPGs based on Fallout. I'm just sharing it in case anyone else is interested. (I'm assuming everyone is already familiar with Jason Mical's PnP, as well as JE Sawyer's plus there's link to them in a sticky.)

Fallout Tactics PnP by William H.

Badlands by Charles R. Capko Jr. (based on Wastelands)

Fallout conversion for the Cinematic Unisystem by Quintin Stone
dl link can be found on this thread: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=283154

Anyone knows of any other PnPs in the same vein?
I forgot to mention the fan-made d20 conversion that used to be around. I think it has since been removed in deference to the upcoming release of the Official D20 by Glutton Creeper Games.

There was also that Fallout Warfare tabletop game that came with Tactics. (not exactly a PnP rpg)

And going thru the boards, I think there were plans to make new PnPs (by Atoga and FalloutDude) whatever happened to those?
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