Ozrat and some cheese


Mildly Dipped
Well, quess who's having a birthday today. Ok, you don't have to quess, it's Ozrat :D .

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and look out for some presents. If you don't get one, well it's probably the mailman's fault :roll:
Happy birthday to Ozrat (chacha-cha), happy birthday to Ozrat (chacha-cha), happy birthday to Ozrat (chacha-cha), happy birthday to Ozrat (chacha-CHA!).

And many mooooore...

Thanks guys!

Yeppers, I'm on my 20th trip around the sun now. Wow, my third decade already! :shock:

Had some Mezeal this morning... Good stuff I tell ya!
NMA Front Page said:
Happy birthday Ozrat from the NMA team.
Wow... You mean I'm on the NMA team now?!?! :shock:

/me ignores that you meant that the cheers was from the admins.
Sorry, I had mezcal before. I guess mezeal is just spanish for it or something...

Tequila and Mezcal

The famous "worm" that is found in some bottles of Mezcal (con gusano -- "with worm") is actually the larva of one of two moths that live on the agave plant. The reason for adding the worm to the bottle of Mezcal is obscure. But one story, that at least has the appeal of logic to back it up, is that the worm serves as proof of high proof, which is to say that if the worm remains intact in the bottle, the percentage of alcohol in the spirit is high enough to preserve the pickled worm. Consuming the worm, which can be done without harm, has served as a rite of passage for generations of fraternity boys. As a rule, top-quality mezcals do not include a worm in the bottle.
My uncle said he's had one of these worms and it was like taking acid because of the powers within from the alcohol and the peyote plant juices. I'll have to check it out sometime...


Talking of Tequila and Mezcal.

Apart from being Polish and a major pain in the ass, I have also the privilege of being Mexican. (my dad was mexican, my mom's polish)

Anyways, the whole peyote eating worms in Mezcal is utter BS. Yes, ladies and gents, you heard it well.
The worms that float at the bottle of your mezcal bottle are Maguey worms, which are called like that because of the fact they live and feed on Maguey trees (sap). I lived in Mexico 10 years, I've seen the trees, I've seen the little buggers sucking the sap, I've drunk quite a lot of Mezcal.

Mezcal is derived from agaves, yes, but another type than Tequila. Tequila, traditionally, is brewed from blue agaves, which are nowadays very rare because of the tequila industry boom. Hence the second hand tequila like brews (double distillation) that give you a major hangover. Tequila doesn't, believe me. Anyways, even in Mexico Tequila is pretty expensive: 50 bucks a bottle.
The agaves that are used to produce Mezcal are far more common, they're smaller and there's tons of them in Oaxaca, the brewing/distilling process isn't as time consuming as tequila. Generally speaking, Mezcal is considered an "inferior" drink than tequila, it's your basic rotgut, booze.

Theres around 40% alcohol both in Tequila and Mezcal, there's practically no difference between the alcohol "dosage". The worm, also, is purely symbolic. It isn't little psychodelic, peyote-eating organic LSD. I've eaten the thing a couple of times (the worm not peyotl) the thing is full of alcohol so it gives you a special buzz. The effects of getting drunk with mezcal are pretty different from getting hammered with beer.
Anyways, the worm's there as a part of tradition, it means the mexican soil was fertile before the arrival of the Spanish.
Happy birthday Oz, sorry for being late with the gratulation.
Happy b'day ozrat...unless i've missed out on something and it was yesterday :P
DARN, I just now saw that it was yesterday you had your b'day...better late than never I guess...;)
Are you sure they don't make the mezcal out of peyote instead of algave cactus?

I mean, c'mon, this is Mexico. I'm sure SOMEBODY does it that way!

My aunt and uncle bought it in Mexico on their sabatical trip a few years back. They also know their alcohol quite well despite not being alcoholics. I'm taking their word for now...
Tequila is a Mezcal, just like rye or scotch are whiskys.

and Wooz is right about the manguey worm, if they did not cut the "root" of the plant, to check if it's infected bny the worm, tequila too would be full of worms.

more at : www.mezcal.com
Thanks for the clairification JJ86.

As for mescal and tequila, they are similar but not the same. Mescal is the potent and unrefined form, tequila is the superior form of mescal. Tequila is produced in only two designated regions of Mexico, around the city of Tequila and in the area of Tepatitlan and is only made from the blue agave plant. Mescal is produced all over Mexico and can be made from a wide variety of agaves. Mescal is available locally and can be purchased in liter coke bottles from vendors along the beach. Drink it at your own risk! It is an acquired taste and can be very potent.