P-80 shooting stars in Rivet city


Antediluvian as Feck
Didn't find anything in search, sorry if this has been posted before. Feel free to merge/vat.

Has anyone reacted to the carrier/rivet city having P-80 shooting stars on the landing deck? Why would the US Air force still have a over 100 year old aircraft in its service in 2077 when the war broke out?

Maybe I'm missing out on something. Please, no spoilers, I'm really starting to like this game.
Fallout take place in alternative reality.

it's retro stylized. You can find plasma rifle and oldsmobile car in the same place.
That's the way I wrote it off as well, also the "pre war" style you get in your house is very fiftiesish. I took it all as Beth attempting to stay true to the retro feel of Fallout.
Yeah, I guess. Maybe they're more advanced, but just based on the P-80 frame.