P r o j e c t O f f s e t


First time out of the vault
OK so I like putting spaces between letters....

Under the circumstances from what I have seen of this underground game, I feel it is warranted.

Feast your eyes on this spectacle and the implications it has for not only this genre of game but the future of game visuals.


*not only a game but the engine behind it.


Prior to posting this rather shameless plug of a post. I already searched the forums to make sure I am not repeating someone elses fine work. Please don't shoot the messenger! Although feel free to spank in a mutually beneficial way - we will talk later.
The trailers speak volumes, also the engines ability to render everything* in one go is amazing.

Maybe the game itself is cliche but its potential is at the very least 'interesting'.

*Its written there, somewhere on the site.
We also have these fine fellows creating a "true Cinematic Games Playing experience" and the other fine fellows at Crytek doing their best to make a visually next-generation game out of Crysis; among seemingly countless other examples.

Of course, one can't help to wonder at the end result. How will these games look (and more importantly play, though you have to wonder about the priorities that studios set up) on the not-cutting-edge computer that you will inevitably end up playing them on. I have only distant interest in trailers displaying the graphical prowess of this engine or that. I am much more interested in the end result, which is a distant prospect in this case.
I want fallout 3 in that. Isometric view of course.

I have been keeping an eye on that one some time.

As the graphical engine for RPGs of course.
"I want fallout 3 in that. Isometric view of course. "

Why have a such powerful ( and expensive ? ) engine to display an isometric view ?
Eh? Why not? It's not like the graphical detail will suddenly not exist if you move the camera.
Exactly. Why the hell not?
What would be wrong in having RPGs, good hard core ones in that detail and fluidity. Certainly it would be maybe a too big transition for Fallout3 exactly, but if you had the same looking world and characters from isometric view, the design exact and true, same style same architecture, same feel.... looked above from some good 21 inch LCD....man i shudder....

And with that u get all that fancy effects, shaders, lightning....
You can build more believable world that does not have to consist of flat tiles, the nature or wasteland in this case can be made even more.... well....more. :)
All the enemies could look just better have more animation, even some AI, laser could fire real laser beams say....they all would not look as if they were moving across hex and so on...

really i have been waiting for something like that for...gosh...almost five years now.... and nobody is still making it?

-edit- you could have real sandstorms blowing over the screen, real rain, night and day... the concealing mist that you see swirling around you or your party at some night stalking,...the uses are realy numberless... mix it with newest havoc ....mama...
They are the same team who crafted Savage (hybrid FPS/RTS ). :shock:

Nice to see more contender challenge big-name developer like id and Epic. :D
zioburosky13 said:
They are the same team which crafted Savage (hybrid FPS/RTS ). :shock:

Savage was a game with a great idea but less than great execution, but I rather liked it. The fact that multiplay was free (as in, no monthly fees) and the RTS/FPS hybrid actually did work was nice. The only problem was that melee combat devolved to button mashing. Often, I found myself equipping a bow and just sniping from the other side of the battlefield instead of getting in the thick of things.

Anyways, this game looks interesting and the engine is insane. I remember seeing it demo-ed somewhere and there was an incredible amount of detail, even when zoomed in to what would normally be pixel-revealing levels. Of course, it could've been faked: the engine was just modeling a character, nothing more. But graphics aren't everything, as we all know.
Top marks for accurately describing the game with truthfulness without any "You are in fantasy and you can equip better armor and gear and can choose your own class...so it R RPG!!!!LOL!!" like Oblivion.

It also looks like they have some competent people on the team, with a good integration of both artists and programmers, instead of the problematic line between them with separate divisions and trying to work together like that. Which is a miracle in this industry.

With an engine like this, it would be entirely possible to use both the pulp style of Fallout with more conventional effects that suit the style and design of the game for isometric viewpoints.

While there are valid additions that could help the style, such as detailed shadow and filth shading, which no other 3d engine really does - they are too clean, we don't need the "kewl minigun particles for the sake of kewl minigun particles" bullshit of Feargus MacFuckwit.